okay fuck it i love this neville/amell/stardust/barrett feud
THE COSMIC KING and THE PRINCE OF DARK MATTER, suuuuuuuuch a comic book story and i'm totally in
RIPyou can't be mean to me on my birthday
What the hell got him got?
That's how I feel about nxt on Saturday.Summerslam can't get here quick enough :|
Has anybody got that gif where Paul Heyman raises the newly crowned ECW Champion Big Show and gets a cup of soda thrown at his face?
I imagine he wanted him as a manager for Neville instead? That's where I thought they would go with it.That's us trying to shake Vinny Mac's hand.
Also, Triple H seriously didn't want Amell wrestling at Summerslam??? Is he jealous because he's actually a good actor? I thought Triple H would be all over this because it's a great cross-over from a fairly popular mainstream actor/character.
This one?
Any of you guys super excited for MGS V? I can't remember if any of you still follow and love the series. This may be the last game I'm ever giddily excited for...
I'm hoping for all kinds of swerves. Mostly I hope for a satisfying conclusion to the series.I've played and finished every MGS game in a single weekend after I got it so far. I literally play all day and night. So yeah, I'm pretty hyped.
However, I'm not as hyped as I was for the other games, solely because of Hayter not doing Snake's voice. It just irks me too much that they're changing such an iconic voice for no reason other than "big name actor". I also give no shits about 24, so that helps.
Still hoping Kiefer plays a clone or Solid Snake shows up midway through the story and is voiced by Hayter. Come on Kojima, swerve me.
Did you enjoy them? And duuude, Snake Eater is incredible.
But yeah, I'll probably talk about Metal Gear in here a lot over the next few weeks, as I'm terrified of entering any MGS threads...
I would have said I have no interest in MGS5 had Ground Zeroes not been excellent. I'm back on board.
MGS4 is garbage, and people who like Raiden from there or Revengeance really need to go fuck themselves.
But he's so cool now! He's a cyborg ninja badass!!!! IM 12 YEARS OLD!
I guess that's what I meant. It came out wrong.Way too hostile sounding.
you're really missing out on a great game if you stop yourself because of that, Revengance is incredible
MGS 4 was also good idgaf
MGS 4 was good for what it was...a tech demo to test out the PS3 engine. It had so many good moments, but looking back at the game it felt like somebody was pushing me like a toddler to a classroom.
the "good moments" are whenever you're allowed to play the game instead of watching four feature-length films with shitty acting and a terrrrrible story.
When I was allowed to play the game is was dope. But then diarrhea all over whenever they'd show you a movie.
you're blinded by nostalgia then... I played all of MGS 2, 3 and 4 for the first time this year, they're all equally dumb and poorly acted, but that's 100% what makes the charm of these games... Kojima is batshit insane
the "good moments" are whenever you're allowed to play the game instead of watching four feature-length films with shitty acting and a terrrrrible story.
When I was allowed to play the game is was dope. But then diarrhea all over whenever they'd show you a movie.
I think we can all agree that Peace Walker is the weakest Metal Gear game right?
MGS4 is garbage, and people who like Raiden from there or Revengeance really need to go fuck themselves.
I think we can all agree that Peace Walker is the weakest Metal Gear game right?
You're just salty your pandering animu girly Raiden from MGS2 didn't go over