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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer


Owens/Cena did big move after big move because they were afraid they weren't gonna pop the crowd...

Which they shouln't have done. I thought it was a good series of matches, especially the first one, but the big move after big move that could probably be a finish in any other match up screamed of insecurity.


The Ultimate Warrior book looks good: https://youtu.be/QR9uC21cnyA

It really is amazing that HHH was able to heal things with Warrior.

If there is anyone on the planet who legitimatly had a reason to hate that man and despise him its HHH.

Sure HHH has the money, power, and political influence in wrestling now but what Warrior did to HHH at Mania 12 was fucking disgusting for somebody up and coming.


Honestly I think it shaped some of the kilqish shit that he has done like the Booker T mania match, CM Punk Summerslam, and not wanting to job to Lesnar so the Big Gold Belt was brought back.
Owens/Cena did big move after big move because they were afraid they weren't gonna pop the crowd...

Which they shouln't have done. I thought it was a good series of matches, especially the first one, but the big move after big move that could probably be a finish in any other match up screamed of insecurity.

Remember Orton/Cena at Royal Rumble 2014? Same situation.

Vampiro admit to any more crimes?

Some insinuations. The highlight was how he broke his back in Mexico.
The last show I went to had the culmination of a 600+ day storyline that was as nuanced as any I've seen in wrestling. But someone took a DVD through a chair and it wasn't the finish, so fuck it.

The 700+ fans in attendance were loud and vocal throughout the show, winding up the bad guys and cheering on their heroes. Everyone lost their minds for the finish and it was one of the best atmospheres I've experienced in wrestling. But at one point someone chanted something funny and everyone laughed, so fuck it.
The last show I went to had the culmination of a 600+ day storyline that was as nuanced as any I've seen in wrestling. But someone took a DVD through a chair and it wasn't the finish, so fuck it.

The 700+ fans in attendance were loud and vocal throughout the show, winding up the bad guys and cheering on their heroes. Everyone lost their minds for the finish and it was one of the best atmospheres I've experienced in wrestling. But at one point someone chanted something funny and everyone laughed, so fuck it.

See, now you're getting it.


They do it in both WWE and NJPW, where all matches need to end by the designated finisher, no matter what it is. They really need to have more non-finisher moves end matches since it's hurting near falls.

Like as unpleasant as Tanahashi's dragon suplex looks, you know it's not ending until he hits the high fly flow (several times probably). Or how half the moves Cena and Owens were doing to each other all looked a lot more devastating than the fireman's carry that Cena won with.

I really noticed it in the Junior Heavyweight tag title match at the G1 finals; I know those are the "lots of big moves nonstop" matches, but half the double team moves they hit in the match looked more devastating than Chasing the Dragon did, but were always nearfalls because you have to win with the finisher.

I remember one of the Bryan/Punk matches ended with a super back suplex through a table, rather than a GTS. Granted there's something to be said for a finisher built as a total match ender like the Styles Clash is right now, once it's hit, you know the match is over and the drama is in avoiding it instead of kicking out of it.


I can't help but think that the rebellious nature that wrestling fans have has to do with 3 things

  • Wrestling often gets a bad rep so fans become more insular on the product
  • For many WWE is the only company if only for the availability, production values, English commentary, and history so when Vince gets these stupid things with no backing many fans have no options
  • WWE encourages it with things like the this is awesome chant, promoting the usage of signs and highlighting it as something unique to arena events and televised entertainment.

Watching older shows from MSG or even early WCW shit has made me pine for some of the things crowds didn't do like chant "botchamania" or "you fucked up" in a fantastic match.

I honestly think if WWE creative fixed the stupid little things that don't have any justification it would fix most of the shit (Over use of corporatized and focus group tested vocabulary on commentary, heel authority figures in 2015 while also promoting Steph as a leader in business for women, embarrassing gimmicks, embarrassing naming decisions(Like wanting to call Bryan Danielson ro Lloyd Boner, Steve Auston to Baron McFrost, or Adrian Neville to just Neville).
It would also be nice if the standard WWE match wasn't

  • face comes in with a load of steam
  • heel hits one move that takes down the face
  • rags on the face for a few minutes
  • face has an adrenaline comeback
  • face hits their outtanowhere finisher

remove step 5 if the heel is winning.


It would also be nice if the standard WWE match wasn't

  • face comes in with a load of steam
  • heel hits one move that takes down the face
  • rags on the face for a few minutes
  • face has an adrenaline comeback
  • face hits their outtanowhere finisher

remove step 5 if the heel is winning.

Maybe that just is the effective wrestling match for a crowd and the overexposure of it with 3 hour raws, 1 hour main event, 1 hour superstars, and 2 hours of smackdown every week.

Best thing NXT has going for it is that every week you see different guys and even if you do see Sasha vs Becky 4 matches in a row that might be over 4 months.


So what do you guys think will steal the show on Sunday

It may not be the 'best' match, but I think the Amell/Stardust face-off has a chance of being a genuinely solid quarter-hour of entertainment that's got the least potential to be ruined by the background motions of WWE politics.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Owens/Cena did big move after big move because they were afraid they weren't gonna pop the crowd...

Which they shouln't have done. I thought it was a good series of matches, especially the first one, but the big move after big move that could probably be a finish in any other match up screamed of insecurity.

Putting on that style of match was the right thing to do for the feud and both guys involved. Even if it got tiring and couldn't keep going like that.
It really is amazing that HHH was able to heal things with Warrior.

If there is anyone on the planet who legitimatly had a reason to hate that man and despise him its HHH.

Sure HHH has the money, power, and political influence in wrestling now but what Warrior did to HHH at Mania 12 was fucking disgusting for somebody up and coming.


Honestly I think it shaped some of the kilqish shit that he has done like the Booker T mania match, CM Punk Summerslam, and not wanting to job to Lesnar so the Big Gold Belt was brought back.

Nah, Warrior's comeback was (short lived) hot shit at the time and Helmsley was in the dog house. Warrior was known for moving down opponents after winning the IC belt from Honky - it was a good way to reintroduce him. Plus, after weeks of boring Helmsley matches on Raw it was a welcome sight. It was best for business, ironically.

Plus, he got more offence in at Mania than against Taker at Survivor Series 95 but nobody ever mentions that.
There was a time that the world didn't know Warrior was a homophobic nutjob - I for one just assumed he was a roidy nutjob.

Also, I'd imagine it's much easier for Hunter's kids to google the Warrior and find videos of the utter shit that fell out of his mouth at his lectures than it would be for them to watch a Chyna porno.
For SummerSlam's 30th anniversary they should get Triple H vs. Jesse Ventura in a battle to see who is the best special guest ref in the event's history, then have the winner ref the main event.


Watched day 5 of G1 climax , and this was easily the best day so far

Bad Luck Fale vs Doc Gallows : Alright - worst match of the night

Yano vs Tenzan : Alright - You could tell Tezan was hurt but Yano antics made this match watchable, Also dat that headbutt spot brutal.

Shibata vs Makabe: Great -great strong style match felt brutal.

Aj vs Ibushi and Naito Vs Tanahashi


Aj vs Ibushi might be my match of the year so far, and Naito might be my wrestler of the year.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The first 5 seconds of this match I watched featured someone going through a glass sheet. The first 5 seconds.

I'm not even surprised anymore.


i'm telling you guys right now, new day is going to be the most over thing at summerslam/post summerslam raw

those smarks are going to show mad love

and the orton/sheamus match is going to be the perfect opportunity for stupid ass chants that have nothing to do with the match
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