The Ultimate Warrior book looks good:
By the way, listen to the second part of the vampiro interview on the Steve Austin show, some great stories.
The Ultimate Warrior book looks good:
Owens/Cena did big move after big move because they were afraid they weren't gonna pop the crowd...
Which they shouln't have done. I thought it was a good series of matches, especially the first one, but the big move after big move that could probably be a finish in any other match up screamed of insecurity.
Vampiro admit to any more crimes?
Huh, this is actually pretty great.
Which is why he needs to just accept it.
Just accept it right now?
The last show I went to had the culmination of a 600+ day storyline that was as nuanced as any I've seen in wrestling. But someone took a DVD through a chair and it wasn't the finish, so fuck it.
The 700+ fans in attendance were loud and vocal throughout the show, winding up the bad guys and cheering on their heroes. Everyone lost their minds for the finish and it was one of the best atmospheres I've experienced in wrestling. But at one point someone chanted something funny and everyone laughed, so fuck it.
Ordered oneThe Ultimate Warrior book looks good:
It would also be nice if the standard WWE match wasn't
- face comes in with a load of steam
- heel hits one move that takes down the face
- rags on the face for a few minutes
- face has an adrenaline comeback
- face hits their outtanowhere finisher
remove step 5 if the heel is winning.
So what do you guys think will steal the show on Sunday
A seth rollins promo be like
Owens/Cena did big move after big move because they were afraid they weren't gonna pop the crowd...
Which they shouln't have done. I thought it was a good series of matches, especially the first one, but the big move after big move that could probably be a finish in any other match up screamed of insecurity.
Yoooooooo I posted that yesterday!!
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Anyone remember Kizarny?
Weeks of promos then one match and he was toast
It really is amazing that HHH was able to heal things with Warrior.
If there is anyone on the planet who legitimatly had a reason to hate that man and despise him its HHH.
Sure HHH has the money, power, and political influence in wrestling now but what Warrior did to HHH at Mania 12 was fucking disgusting for somebody up and coming.
Honestly I think it shaped some of the kilqish shit that he has done like the Booker T mania match, CM Punk Summerslam, and not wanting to job to Lesnar so the Big Gold Belt was brought back.
I do not enjoy this new found lionization of Ultimate Warrior
keeping the belts off the new day would be a mistake
Samoen cenas strike again*New Day wins Tag Titles
*Loses to Usos at Night of Champions
100% convinced HHH is helping Rollins win this Sunday. Some solid subtle acting on HHH part now that ive just watched Monday recap
The first 5 seconds of this match I watched featured someone going through a glass sheet. The first 5 seconds.
I'm not even surprised anymore.
you're watchin' C Z W...