Jimmy King
Any SummerSlam pool people here? Just typing up a list to hand out tomorrow night to guests for making their picks but other then the logo on top it's gonna be lame. Any good ones floating around or suggestions? Like to keep it to 1 page.
"Best Pure Striker"
That Brock vs. Punk match was fucking awesome. Brock as God King is the best use of him, but fuck, I also love that he'll bump like a mad man for a guy half his size and make him look like a million bucks.
Was a well-booked feud, too. Punk as the lifelong, self-made, but unathletic and weaker one, Brock as the hyper-athletic freak of nature with fighting cred outside the WWE but with too much arrogance and not enough discipline.
I want Brock to have more competitive matches too, especially with smaller guys, but Punk is so nonathletic and has sloppy offense that it was a bit much to see Lesnar give him anything at all. Still a dope match.