Hidden One
When the hell did WWE network start doing ads -_-?
HOLY SHIT they acknowledged Kana!??
HOLY SHIT they acknowledged Kana!??
That's not an acknowledgement, that's her deliberately being put there.
Was she the one that did the tryout in Japan? Wonder if she will do a match with Bayley or since the next special is so close a rematch with Sasha.
HOLY SHIT they acknowledged Kana!??
Fun. It was a simple opener, but Liger looked great for 50 out there.How was liger/ breeze
As far as I know she has been on a hiatus from wrestling since earlier in the summer.
As far as I know she has been on a hiatus from wrestling since earlier in the summer.
Having a awesome women's match and then doing a 9 person cluster seems like a backwards was move.
I watched Takeover with some casuals. I always love these scenarios because I like seeing what people think of the product without knowing anything. Some notes:
Laughed at Balor's ab paint, that he clearly doesn't need
Unimpressed with Balor's entrance
Asked why Owens has all this fight stuff when it was obvious he was never in MMA
Bayley/Sasha went too long
Baron Corbin was a huge hit, a couple teenagers were watching and conveyed this to the max
Apollo Crews is a buff Kevin Hart
That's about it
The story itself was really excellent. And the payoff was right on.Great match between Sasha & Bayley, but I'm seeing some crazy hyperbole about it already. I think it's a good example of a match where the story and emotion heading into the match help cover the flaws, not that there were terribly many.
This was a direct rib on his height, pal. and they're both black.First Lashley and now Kevin Hart. Didn't know Crews looked like so many black people.
I'd imagine it's a reaction to pressure in social media that's set up to fail so that they can say it will never work. Though given how awful the entirety of the product has been over the past year or so it's also possible that they've got no idea what they're doing.
Kana didn't even have to tryout accord ing to enuhito. Signed weeks ago
Kana didn't even have to tryout accord ing to enuhito. Signed weeks ago
Gedo was backstage at the NXT show and was not at the ROH show. Everyone gets New Japan talent these days lol
Gabe was front row too
The reason why it works in nxt so good is that nxt is small unlike the main roster, which there is so many other going on that the diva don't get s time to shine.The push of women's wrestling in NXT was ideally done over a long period, really. They just started putting them in the number two match at the Takeover shows, then they started promoting them as a secondary main event with a lot of build, as well as making the matches get continuously better in quality, and now they're billing it as a double main event like Wrestlemania 8.
But I mean it all started with them just taking a chance and putting them in the number two spot. It might be a gradual progression of importance, but it starts with a big jump forward, not the baby half step the "Divas Revolution" has been so far.
Gonna be the female Sin Cara and botch up a storm trying to fight these "divas"
The reason why it works in nxt so good is that nxt is small unlike the main roster, which there is so many other going on that the diva don't get s time to shine.