Whoa, awesome news!Kana didn't even have to tryout accord ing to enuhito. Signed weeks ago
The reason why it works in nxt so good is that nxt is small unlike the main roster, which there is so many other going on that the diva don't get s time to shine.
Gedo was backstage at the NXT show and was not at the ROH show. Everyone gets New Japan talent these days lol
The reason why NXT has less issues booking wise is because they only have one hour of TV a week to fill. There are no forced match ups not according to plan, no surprises that will devalue wrestlers by having to job to people who can't lose.
Honestly it's the one hour a week that makes it so good, for many reasons.
I'm starting to get this mysterious feeling the NJPW/ROH relationship is slightly one sided.
At this stage they should probably just sign blue pants to a full time deal.
Give her a name. Have her be more of a character and act as a enhancement talent. Like the NXT womens Cesaro.
The full sail marks wont like not calling her blue pants but screw those drunks.
Gedo was backstage at NXT, as was Tiger Hattori and the chairman of NJPW. This NXT/ROH/NJPW thing is so messy.
Gedo was backstage at NXT, as was Tiger Hattori and the chairman of NJPW. This NXT/ROH/NJPW thing is so messy.
I wouldn't read much into it,money probably wanted to watch the show and got in with liger. That or thigs are about to get real crazy.
I will say I absolutely LOVED seeing how Gotch has improved. Those months off did him a world of good. He was fantastic tonight.
Meanwhile in TokyoTriple H offered Alexa Bliss to do some New Japan shows and Gedo couldn't say no to that deal.
Triple H offered Alexa Bliss to do some New Japan shows and Gedo couldn't say no to that deal.
NXT vs NJPW : World Tour
coming to N64
I watched Takeover with some casuals. I always love these scenarios because I like seeing what people think of the product without knowing anything. Some notes:
Laughed at Balor's ab paint, that he clearly doesn't need
Unimpressed with Balor's entrance
Asked why Owens has all this fight stuff when it was obvious he was never in MMA
Bayley/Sasha went too long
Baron Corbin was a huge hit, a couple teenagers were watching and conveyed this to the max
Apollo Crews is a buff Kevin Hart
That's about it
¡HarlequinPanic!;176248971 said:I think aside from his droopy physique corbin looked great tonight. He sold like a million bucks for a lot of things and his video interview beforehand was solid
Steve Austin said:The story mode is highly intriguing because it covers my career from start to finish. So you get to experience that and play through it. Experience a lot of my trials and tribulations along the way.
The only realistic thing I could think of is a young lion doing an excursion to NXT. I assume komatsu and tanaka would go to ROH but maybe one of them goes to NXT.
My boys the Vaudevillans rocked tonight
Ok wrasslebros, is NXT worth it for $9.99 a month? I doubt I'll watch much of the "main" WWE shows.
Ok wrasslebros, is NXT worth it for $9.99 a month? I doubt I'll watch much of the "main" WWE shows.
Anyone got a gif of that botched (?) top rope huricanrana Bayley hard handed near the end of the match?
That looked rough.
Anyone got a gif of that botched (?) top rope huricanrana Bayley hard handed near the end of the match?
That looked rough.