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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer


I don't understand why Kalisto isn't a singles wrestler. Seems like he'd shine significantly more that way, especially if they treated him correctly.
The writers have nothing for him right now. RAW is only 3+ hours long. The main Authority storyline needs at least 3 separate segments, plus additional replays of each segment. Maybe we can fit him into Main Event against the Uso that's not injured.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WWE's inability to produce a popular masked wrestler is kind of mind boggling. They're so hard-on for merch, but they don't want to build a new guy to take Mysterio's place.

Even botchy Sin Cara was SUPER over at first just because he looked cool and kids wanted his mask.


Boring is subjective of course, but not moving quickly from sequence to sequence or spot to spot isn't as inherent a negative as you make it seem.

In and of itself, you are correct. It's not. That's why I edited to further elaborate.

Almost everything was slow (for some of the matches), even the execution of the moves, that's why the women's match was so good imo, because it had energy between the competitors. I fully admit that it probably felt like that for me due to just having seen Nakamura and Okada and Redragon etc., live less than 24 hours before and I probably wasn't in the right frame of mind. I have to remind myself that this *is* supposed to be developmental.


WWE's inability to produce a popular masked wrestler is kind of mind boggling. They're so hard-on for merch, but they don't want to build a new guy to take Mysterio's place.

Even botchy Sin Cara was SUPER over at first just because he looked cool and kids wanted his mask.
Aside from their garbage presentation of him over time, Sin Cara's overall failing was definitely not on WWE. Sin Cara screwed Sin Cara. Screwed himself hard. I never get tired of watching Del Rio having to be restrained from beating the shit out of Cara when he called of a match due to an injured finger.

I dunno. Maybe Sami comes back as Generico.
In and of itself, you are correct. It's not. That's why I edited to further elaborate.

Almost everything was slow (for some of the matches), even the execution of the moves, that's why the women's match was so good imo, because it had energy between the competitors. I fully admit that it probably felt like that due to just having seen Nakamura and Okada and Redragon etc., live less than 24 hours before and I probably wasn't in the right frame of mind.

I think the spaces between moves can be bad if it leads to dead air. But most times I feel it doesn't. As for the slow execution of moves, you do have to keep in mind that NXT is still developmental to a certain degree, so a portion of these guys are still getting the type of experience that leads to confident and quick thinking and execution of moves.
WWE's inability to produce a popular masked wrestler is kind of mind boggling. They're so hard-on for merch, but they don't want to build a new guy to take Mysterio's place.

Even botchy Sin Cara was SUPER over at first just because he looked cool and kids wanted his mask.

It's even worse when you consider how easy it'd be. Just give a guy like Kalisto the IC title. He sure as hell could get more out of it than Ryback. And have him work with the talented guys in the upper mid-card. He'll get himself over.

It's that simple.


As for the slow execution of moves, you do have to keep in mind that NXT is still developmental to a certain degree, so a portion of these guys are still getting the type of experience that leads to confident and quick thinking and execution of moves.

Yep, after I posted my buddy reminded me that in the "Tale of the Tape" for the ROH guys, a lot have been at this over a decade. That definitely shows.


It's even worse when you consider how easy it'd be. Just give a guy like Kalisto the IC title. He sure as hell could get more out of it than Ryback. And have him work with the talented guys in the upper mid-card. He'll get himself over.

It's that simple.
Neville and Kalisto in an IC title match...imagine.
I like it when wrestlers give a match time to breath between sequences. Obviously the key is knowing how much to let it hang in the air before continuing though.


Quick star ratings from NXT last night, from me

Breeze vs Liger. 2*1/4
Breezey had a great entrance as usual and looked incredible. Liger came out and got his shit in. Forgettable.

Vaudevillains vs Alexa Bliss w/Dubstep Cowboys 3*
Vaudevillains brought it on the big stage and were super fired up. Solid match, cool to see English bust out the top rope senton and Gotch is getting smooth smooth smooth.

Apollo Crews vs Tye Dillinger 2*
Tye got a bit too much offense. We got to see the new Apollo/Uhaa sequence I guess. Pretty much a TV taping squash with some flair.

Baron Corbin vs Joe 2*1/2
This'd be 2 stars but I'm a sucker for stiff matches. Corbin goes between looking ok and failing basic power spots. Joe better have a money feud coming up but this was better for him.

Bayley vs Sasha Banks 4*1/4
Match of the night and an emotional rollercoaster. More in ring story than all the other matches combined, including the main event. Scary hurricanrana counter (considering the transitioned straight into Sasha diving onto Bayley I'm going to say it wasn't a botch) into that crazy avalanche poisoned rana holy FUCK what did I just see. Going to make the Divas match tomorrow look like a stinking wreck both in terms of storyline and in ring effort.

Finn Balor vs Kevin Owens 2*1/2
Some spots and then Balor won. The demon is just a paintjob and Owens has suffered trying to be in too many places at once. It was always going to be hard following the previous match but this would have been underwhelming in any circumstance I think. Finn needs to up it on the mic if any of his feuds are to feel anything beyond mild disagreements.


Sadly I do not know if they would make Owens do the job two nights in a row, so it may not be good for Cesaro fans but I hope that I am wrong. He needs to get moving forward.


Sadly I do not know if they would make Owens do the job two nights in a row, so it may not be good for Cesaro fans but I hope that I am wrong. He needs to get moving forward.

I hope Owens wins dirty, like hand on ropes or low blow or something heelish. Just give him the tainted win, anything.
Sadly I do not know if they would make Owens do the job two nights in a row, so it may not be good for Cesaro fans but I hope that I am wrong. He needs to get moving forward.

He's heel so he can eat 2 loses fine. Just come out bitching and moaning at the start of the Cesaro fight about having to pull double duty so he can buy his kid a proper pair of sneakers or something.


HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE ENZO AND CASS ON THIS PPV? Ball dropped IMO. They should have been the opener, even if I liked Liger Vs Breeze. I know they had a dark match but fucking come on.

All the "dark matches" were taped for a 90 min NXT special that airs Wednesday.

I think the spaces between moves can be bad if it leads to dead air. But most times I feel it doesn't. As for the slow execution of moves, you do have to keep in mind that NXT is still developmental to a certain degree, so a portion of these guys are still getting the type of experience that leads to confident and quick thinking and execution of moves.

Yeah, Austin is constantly griping on his podcast that wrestlers need to slow down sometimes and milk things. Otherwise people will be popping for the individual spots and not the story of the match.
Sadly I do not know if they would make Owens do the job two nights in a row, so it may not be good for Cesaro fans but I hope that I am wrong. He needs to get moving forward.

He needs to lose tonight. He has a perfect excuse. Cesaro cannot afford to lose to a heel who already had one hell of a match. If he does, I think it's telling what Vince thinks of Cesaro's future. That guy seems floating in the upper midcard, but it never seems like he's tipping over.
Is a win or loss really going to help or hinder either Cesaro or Owens? They're both being used as enhancement talent for the top guys and I don't see that changing at all after tonight.


WWE's inability to produce a popular masked wrestler is kind of mind boggling. They're so hard-on for merch, but they don't want to build a new guy to take Mysterio's place.

Even botchy Sin Cara was SUPER over at first just because he looked cool and kids wanted his mask.
Part of the issue is that they think Mexicans are the only ones who can be masked.

Plus Vince only cares about height.
I don't GET how they haven't done shit with Kalisto yet. I mean, c'mon Vince - what more do you need? Cool mask, insanely athletic, can cut Rey-level promos in both Spanish & English. He's the perfect Rey replacement.




Pleeeeease include the Dangerous Alliance! I mean, they're high on Paul E. and Madusa, so let's do this thang.


I don't GET how they haven't done shit with Kalisto yet. I mean, c'mon Vince - what more do you need? Cool mask, insanely athletic, can cut Rey-level promos in both Spanish & English. He's the perfect Rey replacement.
Vince logic:

He is short
He is Mexican
He isn't white
He wears a mask
He can't wet his hair like Roman or Seth
Vince constantly thinks he is part of the catering crew like new day
I don't GET how they haven't done shit with Kalisto yet. I mean, c'mon Vince - what more do you need? Cool mask, insanely athletic, can cut Rey-level promos in both Spanish & English. He's the perfect Rey replacement.

Their main roster debut was hot as fuck too, I was sure they would go hard with Kalisto as a straight up replacement for Rey. Shocked it didn't happen, maybe Vince has gone off selling masks to kids?


So what are Kidani(?) and Gedo doing backstage? Carrying Liger his bags, when at the same time their top stars are at ROH?
Maybe it is nothing at all, but mentioning NJPW, IWGP and even ROH is just strange these past weeks. We also had Liger doing his promo in the NJPW dojo and fans can wear bullet club shirts, even on camera.
Nothing to see here ...




Part two of my two-part response: OH GOD HOLLYWOOD BLONDS MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Oooooh. The Blonds vs. Flair and Arn. :D

Even if the gameplay is subpar, I wouldn't be able to not have fun with this. And some TV title action?! I'm getting excited and none of this will probably even happen. God dang it, Data West.
Shame most of the ROH fans clearly haven't been keeping up with #BIGMIKE, must be demoralising to go from wrestling in front of a red hot Sumo Hall crowd to wrestling in a minor-league baseball park for mostly indifferent ROH fans.


Shame most of the ROH fans clearly haven't been keeping up with #BIGMIKE, must be demoralising to go from wrestling in front of a red hot Sumo Hall crowd to wrestling in a minor-league baseball park for mostly indifferent ROH fans.

Do you think NJPW would have him on a full time deal? Is that even possible with his current ROH arrangement?
Anyone got a gif of that botched (?) top rope huricanrana Bayley hard handed near the end of the match?

That looked rough.

It wasn't botched, it looked different because it was a poisoned (inverted) variant, which is a lot more brutal. A normal frankensteiner would have had Sasha facing towards the mat before she took it.

It wasn't botched, it looked different because it was a poisoned (inverted) variant, which is a lot more brutal. A normal frankensteiner would have had Sasha facing towards the mat before she took it.


I was talking about the other Frankensteiner before that where Sasha blocked it and Bayley looked like she handed on her head.
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