Nikki, Heel.
The New Day, Heel
Seth Rollins, despite all evidence to the contrary, Heel.
Seth Rollins, despite all evidence to the contrary, Heel.
Ryback, Face.
Too bad Miz or Show didn't win!

Nikki, Heel.
The New Day, Heel
Seth Rollins, despite all evidence to the contrary, Heel.
Seth Rollins, despite all evidence to the contrary, Heel.
Ryback, Face.
Too bad Miz or Show didn't win!
The air got sucked out of the room for me when the bell rang. I didn't notice the tap until the replay.
That was when WWE won me over. Great finish. Great show (besides the IC match)
Dream, do you think these same people watched WM13 and complained about no one building new stars and putting that old fuck over and killing all momentum at the end of Bret/Austin?
Dream, do you think these same people watched WM13 and complained about no one building new stars and putting that old fuck over and killing all momentum at the end of Bret/Austin?
I mean, yeah, maybe I'm projecting my creative genius onto this feud. But all the pieces are set. Brock can spend the next six months chasing Undertaker, who makes his last stand in Texas, where he believes that he can--for one night--be the Undertaker again. And everyone will want that. Everyone will want Undertaker to get his WrestleMania win back, then ride off into the sunset. But we've seen that, at least when it comes to Brock, Undertaker is phenomenally unselfish. And I think going out on his back, in his home state, in front of 100k fans, is the way he'll want The Undertaker character to die.
I just hope they do it right and realize that we can't ever see Undertaker again after that. No Hall of Fame, no guest appearances, no SCSA podcasts on the WWE Network. Done. Dead.
Turn off notifications?
Turn off phone?
Acting like there's no solution but to brag.
Nikki, Heel.
The New Day, Heel
Seth Rollins, despite all evidence to the contrary, Heel.
Seth Rollins, despite all evidence to the contrary, Heel.
Ryback, Face.
Too bad Miz or Show didn't win!
Dream, do you think these same people watched WM13 and complained about no one building new stars and putting that old fuck over and killing all momentum at the end of Bret/Austin?
Kevin Nash defeating Jushin Liger in a mask vs hair match via social media is my favorite match of the week. I'm still laughing.
new page
Nikki, Heel/Face. Depending on city, who against, etc
The New Day, Face
Seth Rollins, Face
Seth Rollins, Face
Ryback, Face.
Too bad Miz or Show didn't win!
I mean, yeah, maybe I'm projecting my creative genius onto this feud. But all the pieces are set. Brock can spend the next six months chasing Undertaker, who makes his last stand in Texas, where he believes that he can--for one night--be the Undertaker again. And everyone will want that. Everyone will want Undertaker to get his WrestleMania win back, then ride off into the sunset. But we've seen that, at least when it comes to Brock, Undertaker is phenomenally unselfish. And I think going out on his back, in his home state, in front of 100k fans, is the way he'll want The Undertaker character to die.
I just hope they do it right and realize that we can't ever see Undertaker again after that. No Hall of Fame, no guest appearances, no SCSA podcasts on the WWE Network. Done. Dead.
Mean Mark? Big Evil? Booger Red?
Yes, let's compare a star making performance to a match between a 50 year old and a guy who wrestles three times a year.
I've never seen anyone give less of a shit about the consequences of their actions than Kevin Nash
He gives ZERO fucks
Jushin Liger wrestled for 5 years without his mask. It's also 2015, why does anyone care what someone looks like without their mask?
at this point, bean breath would have posted a new thread about the ramifications of jon stewart turning heel, but alas he has not.
at this point, bean breath would have posted a new thread about the ramifications of jon stewart turning heel, but alas he has not.
The funniest moment of the night (besides Undertaker laughing) was Brie yelling "BRIE MOOOOOODE!" then completely air-balling that dropkick.
Bret and Austin wished they got paid millions a year to just suplex and dick kick people
The laugh session they had in the middle of the ring perfectly encompassed the surreality of it all
The same reason every masked guy in WWE doesn't take pictures without their mask on
That wasn't a botch though, that was planned.
Friend DM did you watch the show? Somebody on there was waving to this point, bean breath would have posted a new thread about the ramifications of jon stewart turning heel, but alas he has not.
Except for Kalisto, who was shown on Swerved without his mask. On WWE Network. Liger wrestled without a mask for years. His real face is known. And has been for 30 years. It'd be like getting upset that Green Arrow competed without his little mask thingy and under his real name.
Best moment of the night: JBL throwing out carny talk out of nowhere
"The timekeeper went into business for himself!"
Friend DM did you watch the show? Somebody on there was waving to you.
#ProtectTheBusiness #pls