I bet on his way out he slipped the bellkeeper a twenty to fuck up the ME, too.Cena botching his spot with Jon Stewart felt like a "going into business for myself" moment
I bet on his way out he slipped the bellkeeper a twenty to fuck up the ME, too.Cena botching his spot with Jon Stewart felt like a "going into business for myself" moment
Cena botching his spot with Jon Stewart felt like a "going into business for myself" moment
How is Brock's mystique gone when he defiantly passed out instead of tapping?
How is Brock's mystique gone when he defiantly passed out instead of tapping?
Match-quality wise, SS was GREAT. Everyone was working hard, there was at least one new/impressive spot every single match (minus the Divas, which played it safe and dropped the ball). This really is the most entitled generation in history. People saying this was shit, Yet look fondly upon overbooked $30 PPVS saved by decent Austin brawls. Some people won't be satisfied unless their favourites win,period. Like literally if one match alternates their fantasy booking, the PPV is shit. It's the definition of Mark Autism.
-Loved the combo moves in Ambreigns/Wyatts
-Please just have New Day/Lucha Dragons feud for the next year, they're so damn good
-Titus O' Neil is overqualifed to be a Hot Tag, but underqualified to be in the IC Picture
-Owens/Cesaro might be the best match i've ever seen where the crowd was not at all into it
-Main Event was way better than expected, If they do Lesnar/Taker 3 at WM it'l be dissapointing Sting never got the dream match
No idea.
If anything, it's even greater. That middle finger is a classic moment
Even Reigns managed to turn around a very hostile crowd. They ate up his spots at the end.
There's supposed to be a "huge" angle tomorrow night to setup something for WM 32, so I expect we'll get the Brock vs. Taker announcement tomorrow night. Or something that makes it even more clear that the match will happen there.
Even Reigns managed to turn around a very hostile crowd. They ate up his spots at the end.
Just curious they made him think he was hurt. What is he suppose to do in that situation?Got a good laugh at the Romans sleeping chants
They should set up a last man standing match between them, if there's gonna be any rematch.
They should set up a last man standing match between them, if there's gonna be any rematch.
But John Cena lost. How can you complain? You seem like a poster who is never really happy with what you watch.
Mystique: intact
The odd thing is that the finish of this match also sets it up so Brock almost has to win at WM. Why would Undertaker agree to retire if he wins? It has to be something where Brock wants to beat the Undertaker into retirement, or career vs. career.
What show were you watching?
The odd thing is that the finish of this match also sets it up so Brock almost has to win at WM. Why would Undertaker agree to retire if he wins? It has to be something where Brock wants to beat the Undertaker into retirement, or career vs. career.
I'm curious as to who the hell all these new people are that are trying to throw shade at everybody else
Pay your dues. Give us a Fave Five. Read one of Sunny's threads about his work escapades!
Good Summerslam, crowd was hot for most of it. Gotta admit though Cesaro/Owens had no stakes and was boring to me.
Also, Sunny, I've seen you say Owens won't be on the Summer Slam card. Would you be willing to back that prediction up with an avatar bet until Survivor Series?
No, because I don't really believe it...
But I am known to make dipshit bets. Let's do it. Pre-show NOT included. He can curtain jerk.
I'm curious as to why you didn't respond to my logical post
hey bronson, set your notification settings differently
According to several sources in WWE, the original plan for WWEs Divas Revolution called for Charlotte to win the title from Nikki Bella almost immediately upon arrival, and for Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch to dominate the incumbents. But John Cena, acting on behalf of girlfriend Nikki Bella, went to Vince McMahon and had that squashed.
The result is the booking we are seeing now in the Divas Revolution on WWE TV, with Divas old and new trading wins, just like the men.
Because I don't give a shit about anything you said
I thought that was obvious
I'm safe now. I was not prepared to fall down that Twitter hole
The important part is that it happened.
Oh. So you don't actually want people to respond to your posts? Just your tweets?
Oh fuck...
Alright, serve me up something.
Welcome brisk tacos, dare I say this is the best debut since Lesnar himself? What are your fav five?
Yet on the same day, Stephen Amell competes as himself and no one bats an eye that he's killing the Green Arrow character.