So, we're just going to ignore how WWE made a big deal about how it can use instant replay for when referees screw up, right?
Yes. Yes we are.
So, we're just going to ignore how WWE made a big deal about how it can use instant replay for when referees screw up, right?
Vince: It worked for the Rock!It would be incredibly sad though. Roman is a guy who has a ton of potential, but Vince pushing him to the moon when he was clearly not ready for it ended up permanently souring a lot of fans on him.
He's also been doing the slingblade for a little while now. It's only a matter of time before the Dragon Screw becomes a signature move.
See you soon!
Free at last, free at last. Thank god almighty I am free at last!
No more lethal lottery for me.
When did that happen? Officially.
Instant replay... heh... instantly removes fuckery. And wwe needs shenanigans.
He's also been doing the slingblade for a little while now. It's only a matter of time before the Dragon Screw becomes a signature move.
If Vince already moved on from Reigns then I think I know exactly who he's got his eyes on
I wonder what would have happen if Reigns had a slow push. Vince pushing him to Mars just didn't make any sense, hell the whole Shield breaking up feud didn't make sense either.
I want to say it happened another time too, but I can't remember what match.
He looked like a megastar in person.
I'm so damn mad that classes started last week. I could've driven up to Barclays with my bros and seen Sasha vs Bayley live in person.He looked like a megastar in person.
If Vince already moved on from Reigns then I think I know exactly who he's got his eyes on
Getting excited for 15 minute air guitar sessions
Real Talk: Seth was the MVP of last night.
Dude is the COMPLETE package now. 12 months ago, I didn't think we would ever see this Seth Rollins in his career.
Sure he loves his dick pics and side chicks, we all can't be perfect, but he works his ass off at being the best in the ring.
I would shake his hands and carry his bags.
Much like Triple H had to learn, rambling about nothing for 20 minutes doesn't count as promo skills.We were pretty darn harsh on his promo skills. Look at him now.
Douchebagery tonight will be great. I really hope they have that statue ready.
Real Talk: Seth was the MVP of last night.
Dude is the COMPLETE package now. 12 months ago, I didn't think we would ever see this Seth Rollins in his career.
Sure he loves his dick pics and side chicks, we all can't be perfect, but he works his ass off at being the best in the ring.
I would shake his hands and carry his bags.
Hmmm... Since Rollins already asked for a statue I could see him asking HHH to rename the show "Night of Rollins". Shit, go the extra mile and have Rollins win the IC title from Ryback.
Much like Triple H had to learn, rambling about nothing for 20 minutes doesn't count as promo skills.
Please don't put that burden on him.
Much like Triple H had to learn, rambling about nothing for 20 minutes doesn't count as promo skills.
Might be working twice. Who challenges for the US title? Neville?NIGHT OF ROLLINS NEXT MONTH!!
All these new people and my hand has not been shook
Might be working twice. Who challenges for the US title? Neville?
Hmmm... Since Rollins already asked for a statue I could see him asking HHH to rename the show "Night of Rollins". Shit, go the extra mile and have Rollins win the IC title from Ryback.
.... When did HHH learn this?
The guy has straight up survived a Cena feud so far and hasn't taken a scratch. Might as well go all out and see if he can shatter the IC Belt curse.
Sadly, I think Rollins losing both belts in one night is a real possibility
Everyone looks alright after one Cena PPV match. Owens beat Cena completely clean and look where that got him.
HHH is living his fantasy through somebody who is way more talented then he ever was.
Sadly, I think Rollins losing both belts in one night is a real possibility
Niceee. We just need our Kofi!
It's a new era, one where curtain calls happen on a nightly basis and springboard stunners only get a 2-count. You people are the last of a dying breed.Your bags have yet to be moved.
Watch your head
You people are the last of a dying breed.
Rollins frog splash was better than RVD's career as a whole
Now when Seth comes out and cuts a 20 minute promo to start Raw, he'll be the most boring champion ever again.
White is for cerified greats.
If it's just Rollins it will be good. If it's The Authority with special guest star Seth Rollins it will suck.