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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I cringe like fuck whenever Heyman does his singing. I feel like it's just me, though. Everyone else seems to be on board, but it's the most fucking wahjah thing.




Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh fuck, what you're saying is Raw is going to be awful tonight because Vince is going to be like "ITS MY BIRTHDAY LET ME RUN MY SHOW THE WAY I WANT, DAMNIT"

He does this anyway, any day he wants. Today is no different.
Just came back from NY and i thought the show was great. Crowd was fun, all the matches were solid, nothing memorable but nothing horrible either. The title match was typical Cena shit with or without the crappy finish. So i'm not sure why the finish ruined it for anybody. I'm only upset because now we're probably going to have 2-3 more Cena/Rollins matches.

Brock/Taker was dope, man the crowd went nuts during the laughing part. So fucking funny. The ending was shit though. I get what they were tying to do but it didn't really work. I guess they didn't want to have two ref bumps so they came up with that stupid time keeper idea. Granted it was slightly original but didn't work. And Brock passing out was neat but rushed. The ref didn't even bother to go for the 3 count or even ask if he was ok. Just rang the bell the second Brock passed out. Of course Brock sold it like a million bucks but it still looked rushed, it also didn't help that Taker bounced in a second without a celebration.

I like the angle that Taker can't beat Brock. Even though it was a shit finish the story of their feud is rather cool, only problem is that it doesn't really work with deadman Taker like it would with Big Evil. Either way i'm down for Taker/Brock 3 but only If it's soon and not at WM. Only because i still want Taker/Sting.
When did that happen? Officially.

Instant replay... heh... instantly removes fuckery. And wwe needs shenanigans.

The most recent attempt I can remember is from 2013, during Colter tossed Del Rio's towel during an I Quit match between Swagger and Del Rio. The reviewed the footage.

Jesus, Swagger vs. Del Rio. Another feud that wouldn't end.


Man,I do hope Rollins pulls double duty at NoC. Problem is,i can't think of any face beside Cena ready for a World Title shot (the downside of having part-timers main event Summerslam).

For the U.S. they're fine. Rollins/Neville, they could even do Rollins/Ziggler/Rusev to make sure Rollins is rested for a World title match later.

Damn, I almost think they should've had Cesaro beat Owens. Rollins/Cesaro forthe world title sounds so gotdamned good...


Man,I do hope Rollins pulls double duty at NoC. Problem is,i can't think of any face beside Cena ready for a World Title shot (the downside of having part-timers main event Summerslam).

For the U.S. they're fine. Rollins/Neville, they could even do Rollins/Ziggler/Rusev to make sure Rollins is rested for a World title match later.

Damn, I almost think they should've had Cesaro beat Owens. Rollins/Cesaro forthe world title sounds so gotdamned good...
I think Cena will fight him for the whc. Us I think will be Neville.


I'm not entirely sure what the fuck they're doing with Taker. It seems like they're trying to make him the heel of the Heyman feud, but fans are never going to boo Undertaker because he's the fucking Undertaker and he's going to get zero heel heat at WrestleMania since it's in fucking Texas.


I'm not entirely sure what the fuck they're doing with Taker. It seems like they're trying to make him the heel of the Heyman feud, but fans are never going to boo Undertaker because he's the fucking Undertaker and he's going to get zero heel heat at WrestleMania since it's in fucking Texas.

you're implying they're thinking about anything past 2 weeks from now, there's your mistake

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not entirely sure what the fuck they're doing with Taker. It seems like they're trying to make him the heel of the Heyman feud, but fans are never going to boo Undertaker because he's the fucking Undertaker and he's going to get zero heel heat at WrestleMania since it's in fucking Texas.

Dream has you covered

I am glad you guys see the bigger picture. Most here don't.

Brock is slowly taking Undertaker's entire mystique, and Undertaker's responding with desperation, being dirty as shit. This is fucking brilliant because this is how heroes die. And it's awesome that Undertaker, who is notorious for protecting his gimmick, is buying into this.


you're implying they're thinking about anything past 2 weeks from now, there's your mistake


The only logic I see in all of this is that they're trying to find a way to bring back Big Evil Undertaker (who was billed from Houston, Texas instead of Death Valley).

Dream has you covered

One of my friends jokingly said last night that Brock should have to defeat each of the different forms of Undertaker in order to really defeat him. He's beat Undefeated Undertaker, now he needs to beat the Dead Man, then Taker reverts to Ministry Taker, then to Purple Taker, then Grey Taker, and Taker's last form is his human Biker Taker.


I'd be fine with them getting rid of the title completely.

U.S. Title's been the best booked part of RAW this year. I guess I would have agreed with you pre-Cena, but not now.

It's very likely it'll be Rollins/Cena(especially because, like I said, there's noone else ready). I think if they do that again Cena will win. They don't seem comfortable having Rollins beat him clean and too many fuckboy finishes can kill a face (i'm looking at you, Ambrose).


U.S. Title's been the best booked part of RAW this year. I guess I would have agreed with you pre-Cena, but not now.

It's very likely it'll be Rollins/Cena(especially because, like I said, there's noone else ready). I think if they do that again Cena will win. They don't seem comfortable having Rollins beat him clean and too many fuckboy finishes can kill a face (i'm looking at you, Ambrose).

well the open challenge was pretty cool at first and gave us a bunch of good matches, but it never paid off... Cena buried every midcarder and then proceeded to move on to challenge Rollins
Someone should make a happy birthday thread for Vince.

Vince gif threads are the best

Isnt Seth/Cena supposed to go on
and on and on and on
until like October?

I say till Survivor Series at the earliest. They could drag it all the way to the rumble if they see fit

Cena entered the konami code whne he rolled his character and has infinite rematches


The match of the weekend and I honestly believe the match of the year will be that Women's NXT title match.

I honestly feel that there are a few go to matches that I always point people to when they ask why I would watch a fake sport

Austin vs Bret at Mania 13
Mankind vs Taker KOTR98
TLC #1 or #2
Macho vs Steamboat
Benoit vs HBK vs HHH
Eddie vs Rey

and I honestly believe that that match lives up to that. Show these matches to anyone who doesn't get wrestling or doesn't see the appeal in it and if they don't get it they are blind.
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