I think they'll let him have one last match against Cena at WrestleMania.On a serious note, what do people think is happening with Bryan?
Is there nothing for him to do, waiting for him to come back, or are they legit concerned that he could be finished? It's getting...awkward. He's clearly desperate to come back or playing us like a fiddle, but the way he's talking...surely Vince would go mad at him talking like he is?
Saying "If they won't let me wrestle i'll ask for my release and wrestle somewhere else", and talking about matches with Kurt Angle, saying that he's "Absolutely fine and cleared by a reputable doctor."
Nobody normal has played the game though except our man Verendus, who offered his thoughts somewhere in that shitpile of a thread.
When you're being shipped somewhere to enjoy a game on someone else's dime, yes, the review scores will be different.
What's important, that people should do, is see if they would like to play that game and read the context of the reviews, and ignore numbers. Some things in the text may be red flags that you hate doing, for instance - or might say something about a little gameplay aspect that may push you over the line.
So, I say read the reviews, ignore numbers, and buy it if it appeals to you. That's all.
I don't think he'll ever be back.
did you guys finally accept the fact that HHH was right about Dbry? He didn't bury him, he just spoke the truth. He was a B+ player, and a fragile one at that
holy shit Gamespot gave a 10 to MGS V
How did the review read?
Bryan's story is tragic, but he will always have WM30. He main evented Wrestle fucking Mania and had the storybook ending, and no injury will ever take that away.
Bryan's story is tragic, but he will always have WM30. He main evented Wrestle fucking Mania and had the storybook ending, and no injury will ever take that away.
This is true. It was a magical night, everything was awesome.
WHY, Goto loosin the belt
To recap, the original plan for WM30 was:
-Bryan vs Sheamus
-CM Punk vs HHH
-Bray Wyatt's career getting cena'd
-Brock Lesnar ending the Streak
-Batista winning the WWEWHC in the main event.
I can't decide where that would rank in a top 5 worst WMs of all time list.
-Brock Lesnar ending the Streak
i don't think anybody knows what they're talkin about when they say 'bryan's not coming back lol'. most 'i've got a hunch and that means you're obviously wrong lol' posts turn out to be dummies later when something else happens.
seems like they're keeping it open for him to return, he's on a bunch of their shows and comes onto raw and stuff. why wouldn't he come back? you guys privy to his medical files and secret convos with vince and the gang?
Mania 30 was just all-around awesome. Bryan's entire story hit the top that night, and it was amazing. Everyone bought into it and went nuts. It was a beautiful sight and was great having him make it, finally.
holy shit Gamespot gave a 10 to MGS V
Goto's not losing, goes into WK as Champion. I'm pretty certain.
He said he might die if he gets in the ring again.
that's the first i've heard of that and i've heard plenty of 'i'm fine'
I just watched WM30 for the first time this past weekend and it was really solid across the board.
It really was. And a GORGEOUS set, too. I loved that.
I meant the second call. Brock flips Undertaker off, then collapses, and the referee calls for the bell pretty quickly. That's likely what confused the dude a little. It's obvious he passes out, but it's called a little quickly.The timekeeper had no way of seeing the tapout, as it was opposite the hard camera, which is where the timekeeper wasn't. The announce team tried to save face, though, which is probably the only good thing you could say about it.
This is always how folks should think of it.Nobody normal has played the game though except our man Verendus, who offered his thoughts somewhere in that shitpile of a thread.
When you're being shipped somewhere to enjoy a game on someone else's dime, yes, the review scores will be different.
What's important, that people should do, is see if they would like to play that game and read the context of the reviews, and ignore numbers. Some things in the text may be red flags that you hate doing, for instance - or might say something about a little gameplay aspect that may push you over the line.
So, I say read the reviews, ignore numbers, and buy it if it appeals to you. That's all.
Vader is in 2k16
nah Brock losing at WM30 would've been so boring, the surprise made that show 100 times better and gave us an awesome Lesnar run
I remember MGS4 got greater praise, and I honestly hate that game. My reaction is only extreme because I like the franchise so much, but a person should know their taste, and understand what they might like or not like. People have a tendency to focus on others words too much when it comes to liking or disliking something. At the end, all that matters is your own viewpoint, and how much you like or dislike something. It's your time that's being invested, and that's precisely why that's the case.
MGSV is likely going to be great for those people who love the gameplay, and consider that above and beyond everything else (although it could also be slightly repetitive since it's not exactly a tight game). If you like open world games, and like MGS, then this game will also probably be good for you. If you're a fan of linear, and more story focused MGS, then you need to have a bit of an open mind. It's a long game, and the balance isn't quite there in my eyes. Also, for spoiler sensitive people, they should probably avoid the review thread. There's something in there that kind of hints at the ending of the game. A bit of a jabroni move since that's the strongest part of the game storywise but it is what it is.
MGS1 and MGS3 still remain the best in the series for me. Although MGSV is better purely from a gameplay perspective (although you could also say that for MGS4 too since those games are old, and have various issues in that aspect now). This feels like a MGS2. A lot of people will love it, a lot of people won't, but it's not a bad game. It's just not what I wanted, and I accepted that.
Now MGS4, that was a huge disappointment. Peacewalker was even worse but MGS4 did the damage to me. It was like those Undertaker dick kicks, except it did it to me about a dozen times.
Best Wrestlemania 30 would be:Batista's program could have been good if he was a complete rumble surprise and if Orton wasn't boring as shit at the time.
Have them bring back Double A and we are good to go.
Goto winning would be dope. He's my boy. I can't see him beating nak again.
Though we should get a title shot in november for beating Okada in the G1.
Also no BIG MIKE but we get lame-o cj parker