I'd be preemptively sad about the inevitable breakup angle
I'd be preemptively sad about the inevitable breakup angle
It leads to people being incredibly shocked when they discover that the characters they idolize aren't actually representative of the real life actors playing them.
It's like when people were so shocked that Hulk is a horrible human being. "But he teamed with Mr. T!"
Cena's going to completely destroy Flair's record. As long as Vince is still in charge I see Cena getting to at least 18. Do I feel like he deserves it, eh, not really. I was halfway expecting Cena to win the title last night to tie Flair, only to have Sheamus cash in and take the belt away from him right away just to expedite the process of Cena breaking the record.
I would feel better about him doing it. What do you think Orton will do once his ring days are over?
Dream, there are a lot of things I have done in my life that have been embarrassing, and wrong. No one is perfect.
Philanthropy is the future of marketing, friend.
I don't know New Day's theme, and just think this when I think of them.
I forgot this was a stable, but the theme made me remember after last night.
With every idol being exposed as a piece of shit...was Dusty really as bubbly and friendly as wrestlers make him out to be? I'm betting the only nice guys in professional wrestling is Bobby Eaton and JTG.
They need to disband this Team PCB and Team BAD shit and bring in the Four Horsewomen
Does anyone really think that if Vince died tomorrow that Cena would never win again or something?
Apparently don't want shit like the Bayley/Banks match polluting the 5 hours of WWE programming they film every fucking week (25% of which is already just recap video packages)
Legacy deserves another go. Cody and Ted and Randy version, that is.
Sounds like he was a wonderful human being, daddeh.
I'm praying LeVar Burton is still as perfect as he ever was. That's maybe my last idol left. He's a fucking beacon of hope and joy that people can be wonderful forever.
Imagine Rock hadn't left back in 2002. He'd have ended up as a 20 time champion by 2007 or something.
Good guy Rock.
Stepped back, and let others get a chance to do something.
Harley Race>>>>>>Flair
There I said it.
And that's ok. That's life. My list of disappointment grows.
Gullible to think people are more good than bad. Maybe.
Dude I was actually thinking about that the other day. I was watching Reading Rainbow on Netflix and thought to myself...."please don't end up being a prick...pleaseeeee".
I'm not sure if you know this, but NXT is actually WWE programming.
So far so good though. His body of work is exemplary. He's an amazing dude. Fuckin Reading Rainbow, Roots, Next Generation, and then a FUCKTON of philanthropy and continuing to keep people reading? He's amazing. Best dude.
I know somebody who went to the same church as him for a while. He said he was really friendly and helpful to some of the elderly around him.
You're a liar. A dirty, dirty liar.I'm not sure if you know this, but NXT is actually WWE programming.
I'm not sure if you know this, but NXT is actually WWE programming.
LeVar Burton needs to host Raw.
Don't wish that upon LeVar Burton.
Don't wish that upon LeVar Burton.LeVar Burton needs to host Raw.
Philanthropy is the future of marketing, friend.
It could very well pop up in WWE because we are all about whats relevant, and whats pop culture, and what people want to see. So if there is an opportunity, we might just take it
You know, in WWE our storylines are a year long. They dont go episodic, week to weekthey really are the arc from WrestleMania to WrestleMania. So sometimes it takes a little longer than people would like for the seeds to grow. But were constantly planting them.
Seeing some rumors Athena got signed to NXT.
I'm not sure if you know this, but NXT is actually WWE programming.
Win World Titles? Honestly, yes.
Even HHH knew when to put the fucking brakes on and not chase titles anymore.
I'm pretty sure he meant the 5 hours of WWE programming that makes it onto normal TV.
I want Patrick Stewart to host Raw.
He signed on to do the shitty Next Generation movies. I don't think Raw is lower than Star Trek Nemesis
Look at this selling..
He's ready for a segment with Khali...
um...that's not...
Fuck you're right.He signed on to do the shitty Next Generation movies. I don't think Raw is lower than Star Trek Nemesis
"Even HHH". The post-NXT lionization of HHH by the internet is incredible. Here's the thing when it comes to title reigns in the modern era: There are untold more hours of content and wrestling to be seen today than there ever was during Flair's era. A typical champion defends his title on TV more in a year than Flair did for most of the 80s combined. Of course there would be more title reigns. There are far more matches. The more matches there are, the more the odds go up that you'll lose. This is basic logic.
There was a time period when 7 title reigns was thought of as unthinkable. Flair more than doubled it. Think about this: Adam Pearce has was held the NWA Championship more times than Lou Thesz, Dusty Rhodes, Jack Briscoe, and the Funks. That should be far, far more offensive than Cena, the biggest star of the past decade, eventually winning more titles than Ric Flair when competing on 52 Raws and 12-14 PPVs a year.
NXT is promoted far harder than Smackdown, Main Event, and Superstars combined, though.
Who is the Westly of the WWE
Not since Miracle Violence have I seen such a hoss tag team
Who is the Westly of the WWE