British Monsoon
Fucking hell, Sabu;

Daniel Bryan
CM Punk
Randy Orton
Zack Ryder fits into both
He hasn't, that's the bottom line. Cena's tried to elevate people, but much like any vehicle, if all the parts aren't working together, it won't go. Your engine can only be so powerful, but if you're missing a tire, you won't move.
He didnt but the booking around him did
GAF is semantics today holy crap
This makes a lot more sense than this ...
Anyway, all the guys mentioned are doing just fine. Except for Sandow, they all had matches at SummerSlam, one of the biggest pay-per-views of the year.
There is... ONE MAN.
And it's going to happen.
Balee dat.
This makes a lot more sense than this ...
Anyway, all the guys mentioned are doing just fine. Except for Sandow, they all had matches at SummerSlam, one of the biggest pay-per-views of the year.
Bryan was helped by HHH
I don't know if I'd say Cena elevated Edge, I almost think it was the other way around.
Orton was elevated by others before Cena.
Ryder was never helped by Cena at all.
I don't think I've ever seen Bray win a match.
It was this exact moment that Bryan was cemented as an official star
Edge and Cena went both ways. Their feud helped make Cena into a top guy and Edge into a top heel.
Orton was still a rookie young gun character who was in Haitch's shadow till he broke off from HHH and Tister and became a top guy through feuds with Cena
Ryder was elevated enough to have his character and story during his time on television and PPVs to be in the main event scene as shit as it was.
But Ryder fits into a CENA BUDDY category where he wasn't shit after losing to Cena, he's one of the many who went to shit after being a Cena Buddy
We shall carry this burden together, brother.
Fave five entrance themes right now:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Evil Emma
3. Timothy Thatcher
4. Brock Lesnar
5. Finn Balor
So I guess Cena skyrocketing Punk, Bryan, Owens, and recently Cesaro into the main event is meaningless too?
Lets be honest - for being "the guy"; he's easily jobbed the most of anyone that level. Anyone think Hogan would job to Owens in Owens first match? Anyone think Bret would let someone like Lesnar beat his character to a bloody pulp with little to no offense in return ala Summerslam 2014?
I get Cena's character is stale and corny and not really aimed at us - but LOLCENAWINS hasn't been true in several years now; and he's taken multiple clean losses to skyrocket folks like Bryan and Owens and Punk in recent years. That's not something that happens historically much if at all from top guys.
Fave five entrance themes right now:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Evil Emma
3. Timothy Thatcher
4. Brock Lesnar
5. Finn Balor
Serious question: how much creative control does Cena even have
Serious question: how much creative control does Cena even have
Ah, yes. Bryan beating Cena clean, his epic feud with Triple H... Fun times. I thought it was the start of something, not the end.
Indeed friend.
When Bray headlines Wrestlemania, people will be eating crow.
Fave five entrance themes right now:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Evil Emma
3. Timothy Thatcher
4. Brock Lesnar
5. Finn Balor
Owens running away all the time still makes no fucking sense.
Owens running away all the time still makes no fucking sense.
Did I miss something? Does Evil Emma have an entrance that isn't "walk to the ring looking as uninterested as possible at your job"?
Bray sucks but you're probably right. I think it's ridiculous he got a match with Taker at Mania this past year, so I'm sure he'll main event against Sting or some shit.
Let's not lead people on, dude. The extensive rants about Cena and Flair are borderline creepy and unhealthy.
Because the crowd will try to turn him face if he just runs around kicking people's asses all the time. Hell, Lesnar did that and he managed to turn face even after ending Taker's streak. The reason you don't have super strong heels as much any more is because WWE fans will start cheering them regardless of what else they do if they keep winning (see: Mark Henry, Hall of Pain, or 2014 Lesnar)
A lot of times people complain about how a heel is being booked is because they want to ironically cheer the character into being a face.
I'm ranking solely as pieces of music, and I love the song.
It's Taya's entrance now so it still counts
That shit is big match feel music. I love the intro.
1. Rainmaker
2. Bullet Club (Shot Em)
3. Finn Balor
4. Lesnar
5. Bae (Banks)
1.Smorey Joe
2.Sasha Banks
3.Shin Emma
4.Finn Balor
5.Brock Lesnar
Hey WrassleGAF
I got the NINE NINETY-NINE free month yesterday for Summerslam. What's some good stuff I should watch on the network? I got NXT TakeOver Brooklyn queued up.
Some of you who actually like Joey Samoey's theme, it's ok to drop the jokes. It's shit, it's hilarious shit.
Mania 30 is a fun watch. If you like roundtables, Legends of Wrestling Roundtables are dope as fuck. Some of the earlier big NXT events are great.
What happened shortly after that is what (retroactively) gave birth to the entire WM30 storyline though and led to Bryan's best match in WWE.
Hey WrassleGAF
I got the NINE NINETY-NINE free month yesterday for Summerslam. What's some good stuff I should watch on the network? I got NXT TakeOver Brooklyn queued up.
Hey WrassleGAF
I got the NINE NINETY-NINE free month yesterday for Summerslam. What's some good stuff I should watch on the network? I got NXT TakeOver Brooklyn queued up.
Hey WrassleGAF
I got the NINE NINETY-NINE free month yesterday for Summerslam. What's some good stuff I should watch on the network? I got NXT TakeOver Brooklyn queued up.
Because the crowd will try to turn him face if he just runs around kicking people's asses all the time. Hell, Lesnar did that and he managed to turn face even after ending Taker's streak. The reason you don't have super strong heels as much any more is because WWE fans will start cheering them regardless of what else they do if they keep winning (see: Mark Henry, Hall of Pain, or 2014 Lesnar)
A lot of times people complain about how a heel is being booked is because they want to ironically cheer the character into being a face.
But I legit like Joe's current theme
Wait do you mean the old one or the new one. The new one is perfectly fine?
You're over emotional on this site in general, but surprisingly moreso in this thread and it is fucking weird. We're all here to chill and have fun, man. Wish you could do the same without spitting fire at real people. I cannot think of a single other poster in this forum is actively hates someone (Cena) doing their job and cites unrelated reasons (Flair). It's fucked up.
You're sense of entitlement assumes that history is being rewritten. Nothing that happens going forward changes the past. It's a win-win for Cena and Flair fans alike.
I love Joe's theme. I get some Inspector Gadget vibes from it for some reason