Sibersk Esto
Is he another Harper or another Rowan?
Closer to Rowan probably since he didn't go through NXT or anything besides developmental. Hopefully he has a more monstrous booking than Rowan
Is he another Harper or another Rowan?
That's apparently the reason sting never wanted to come to wwe.
Aside: I want a reality show following New Day around.
He's a vintner, he's got grapes to smashIs Rowan even still around?
That's his stepfather's surname, Rollins is Armenian himself.
This Raw had 1 less hour than Summerslam
and 6 less matches
Is Rowan even still around?
I just want Wyatts vs Dudleys now, they are both weird redneck families.
What's Spike doing these days? He can bump for that new big ass dude
If I was a diva I'd be pissed too. They're doing their jobs. The bookers are doing their jobs given that they're under instructions to put the diva's title on ice. The writers are letting the whole thing down. You could explain this shit. Give it some fucking stakes.
But fuck that crowd too. No, you weren't awesome. You were good cheering for Sasha. You were good cheering for Blue Pants. Don't do the wave and make the divas in the ring busting their asses look like chumps because the writers have given the matches in this revolution *zero* stakes.
Seriously, can we fire every crowd that does the 'we are awesome' chant?
If I was a diva I'd be pissed too. They're doing their jobs. The bookers are doing their jobs given that they're under instructions to put the diva's title on ice. The writers are letting the whole thing down. You could explain this shit. Give it some fucking stakes.
But fuck that crowd too. No, you weren't awesome. You were good cheering for Sasha. You were good cheering for Blue Pants. Don't do the wave and make the divas in the ring busting their asses look like chumps because the writers have given the matches in this revolution *zero* stakes.
Seriously, can we fire every crowd that does the 'we are awesome' chant?
Just have SWERVED be about them pranking each other.
There is a real issue with fans happily tanking angles and matches for people they like because they have zero patience to let an angle play out. People were excepting Sasha/Bayley quality matches on night one and every week thereafter, and since they didn't get it, they have no qualms shitting on the whole divas thing. Online and at the arenas.
I went on a similar rant several months ago, and was told that I was wrong, that it's better to have an obnoxious crowd than a dead one.
What angle?
The angle of a few women coming up from NXT,wrestling long, athletic matches, and changing what women's wrestling means in WWE. I think some bitch brought them up or something.
What have they changed beyond the matches being slightly longer?
I dislike both of them, brother dream. There's one situation where an obnoxious crowd is better than a dead crowd; when the matches actually rule. Wrestlemania V has awesome matches ruined by a what would be at that time period considered a dead crowd.
the Divas angle is garbage. They are in teams for no rhyme or reason and they are all forced to act like idiots.
Paige shouldn't take it so personally. The angle sucks, the crowd is shitting on it. It's not complicated and it doesn't really have much to do with any of them as performers.
The only team that doesn't make sense is BAD, which seems put together based on skin color. Other than that, Fox was with the Bellas before the NXT women came up, and the face team...well, they're all faces and came from NXT, so that makes sense.
Which ones are acting like idiots? Becky? Because she said weird goofy shit in NXT, too.
"Slightly". They're getting 10-18 minute matches. The tag match at Summerslam was the third longest match of the night. Exposing what they can do in the ring is more important than character work right now. And when they actually got time to do character work, this thread shit all over it for being terrible. There is really no winning so I guess they should just scrap the whole angle and take all women off of Raw.
"Slightly". They're getting 10-18 minute matches. The tag match at Summerslam was the third longest match of the night. Exposing what they can do in the ring is more important than character work right now. And when they actually got time to do character work, this thread shit all over it for being terrible. There is really no winning so I guess they should just scrap the whole angle and take all women off of Raw.
Ninja Scooter, I really need to exploit your ethnicity.
So Roman and Dean are Recruting Baron Corbin right
No I just mean they aren't able to really differentiate their characters because they are being forced to share screen time as teams. It's stupid. They are all acting like high school cliques.
For those that watched on tv. Did stardust come out and kill Barrett in like 30 seconds?
I have no clue what that was about,did the commentary say anything
That's normally how stables work. The nWo had 80 dudes at one point, all with the same personality. was HHH any different than X-Pac? When NXT started their women's division, they went months with little to no character work and angle, to establish that women wrestling was a real thing on that show. Yet when the same thing is happening on Raw, people shit on it within a week for being terrible. It's pretty clear that absolutely nothing works 1:1 from NXT to Raw, so to not give Raw time to get people acclimated to long women's matches is silly and unfair to all involved.
The NWO as a stable started with 3 guys with huge, individual personalities that shown through. They were also given storylines and motivations. What is the motivation for PCB? To end Nikki's reign as champ? How in the hell are they supposed to do that as a group? Why are they in a group? Shouldn't their competitive spirit make them want to wrestle each other?