Is there a way to watch any replays of Raw or do you need the network? If the latter, how soon after Raw can you watch it?
Raws get added to the network after a month. Hulu Plus has 90-min versions of Raw uploaded the night afterwards.Is there a way to watch any replays of Raw or do you need the network? If the latter, how soon after Raw can you watch it?
Is there a way to watch any replays of Raw or do you need the network? If the latter, how soon after Raw can you watch it?
I've been trying to get into AJPW for a little while now. I've seen some of the Kings Road stuff, but only really a couple of matches if I'm honest.
But my questions is, where would I watch this stuff? I've only ever found low quality youtube/dailmotion rips.
Is there a way to watch any replays of Raw or do you need the network? If the latter, how soon after Raw can you watch it?
Somebody needs a hug
Someone post the Bayley Cookie.
Why can't they just run with the 4 horsewomen? Should have just had them come in and run roughshod over the divas division. I've heard Paige can wrestle, maybe have her be the Dusty Rhodes to Sasha's Flair.
It moves around a lot as recently there was a big takedown on Dailymotion of a bunch of AJPW stuff.
This is the best spot to find it now http://www.veoh.com/users/RealHero120, sadly Veoh has no playlist function like Dailymotion does to group them by event/organization.
Oh and just search "Realhero" on dailymotion for other Japanese stuff.
Why can't they just run with the 4 horsewomen? Should have just had them come in and run roughshod over the divas division. I've heard Paige can wrestle, maybe have her be the Dusty Rhodes to Sasha's Flair.
WWE doesn't have the guts to do a proper invasion angle like WCW and let the invaders look strong.
Its why Shane not Eric was the WCW leader, Steph not Paul was the ECW leader, Vince not Eric was the nWo leader, and why Steph is the figurehead for them taking the women seriously
It was goofy as all fuck when you had Steph introduce and pair them into these groups. They either should've arrived solo or come as their own group against the current division.Why can't they just run with the 4 horsewomen? Should have just had them come in and run roughshod over the divas division. I've heard Paige can wrestle, maybe have her be the Dusty Rhodes to Sasha's Flair.
Why can't they just run with the 4 horsewomen? Should have just had them come in and run roughshod over the divas division. I've heard Paige can wrestle, maybe have her be the Dusty Rhodes to Sasha's Flair.
why are you blaming the crowd? the segment was cringeworthy, it was the worst acting/promo delivery i've seen in a long time... Alicia Fox is the worst performer in this company, it's unbelievable that she still has a job. Miz was the only thing holding this mess together
and they proceeded to have a HORRIBLE 3 v 3 match right after. The crowd had every right to be pissed, you guys don't make a big deal about it when the crowd boo Sheamus
Because Bayley broke her hand right as they were getting ready to call everyone up; which is why I suspect they split the four of them up. I suspect they were originally planning Bayley / Becky / Charlotte / Sasha to come in and take out the existing divas and start a feud that way; but with Bayley being out of commission, they probably called an audible.
I'm not denying that the booking was bad, and the crowd totally has a right to be pissed. But there are other ways of going about it. It comes off as disrespectful to the divas with talent that deserve better.
A hot UK crowd would be sick but an international PPV after their first big show would be reaching real far. Still need to make sure everything is working perfectly before attempting something like that. Maybe the house show tour is a test out of that!
Bayley is the best
Bayley is the best
If you could pick a tag for a WrassleGAFfer, who would it be for and what would it say?
Why can't they just run with the 4 horsewomen? Should have just had them come in and run roughshod over the divas division. I've heard Paige can wrestle, maybe have her be the Dusty Rhodes to Sasha's Flair.
Bayley is the best
I wish Vince could take a good, long look at this picture and try to figure out why everyone loves what Paul's doing.
meh, sadly this is how sports work... it's a cruel world, people boo professional athlete all the time based on their performance
I understand that point, I just wish the chants would target the shit WWE writing the Divas are saddled with more directly vs the divas themselves. I also understand it's a half drunk Monday night crowd, so it's whatever. I wasn't deeply offended by it, just saying it was the one thing that stuck out in an otherwise great show.
Also a revolution usually means that the old guard is outed by the new.
Is there a way to watch any replays of Raw or do you need the network? If the latter, how soon after Raw can you watch it?
rip womens wrestling in america
I really just want Charlotte, Becky, and Sasha to turn on everyone else and go "fuck this shit, we don't need to be linked to these jobbers. Bayley, get the fuck out here" and form the Four Horsewomen.
I don't mind Paige being paired with Charlotte and Becky, but Sasha has no right to be tied down by those two wastes of space in Tamina and Mrs Uso.
Tamina has always sucked and Mrs Uso has a finisher so stupid it makes Big Show's KO punch look acceptable by comparison. They don't deserve to be paired with THE BOSS.
rip womens wrestling in america
Did anyone notice how intense Ryback and Owens were when they were in the ring? It was really really stiff for a moment there, with them trading blows and then the double clothesline.
I kinda want an Owens vs Ryback feud.