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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer


Just got a phone call and guess who got a new job!

It aint anything special but its a step up from my current hell hole.




Wait a sec

So as of right now, you've got

two jobs?

Like say, two belts?


Congrats man!


The New Day is the best argument for letting guys go wild with their own personalities you could find in WWE. Remember Kofi being derided for years as a boring character?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Slight contrast, but I don't hold the Divas to some special "women's" standard. That's why I don't like the Bellas, I think they're painfully mediocre in the ring and aurally painful on promos, even though they're promoted as the top stars.
Not because I "hate women", but because they're black holes of entertainment to me. People keep telling me "but they're better than before", sure, they are. But they're still bad, because they were ridiculously awful before.

I've seen women's matches as good as any of the males' in WWE, work wise, and I've seen a lot of them. So I don't believe in this patronizing "well it's good, for a woman's match" view. The recent Bayley/Sasha and Becky/Sasha matches at Takeover shows weren't good "for women", they were just plain good. And how they got to that stage wasn't complicated or hard to do.

There really is no reason you can't have good women's wrestling other than that they refuse to put in the effort required to get it. They have their reasons, I'm sure, but it's a total waste of what should be a major part of your show. Their whole "you have to wrestle like divas" thing, or making all of them crazy and going "well that's women for you" on commentary, it's always been unpleasant to me to see how poorly they're portrayed.

Appreciate the response and agree with about 99% of this.


Baron Corbin is like the DBZ fusion form of Ambrose and Reigns. With a little sprinkling of Corey Graves.

I agree with brisk tacos about NXT women not being shit at first, either. You have to train your audience to expect women to wrestle long matches, and then you start cutting them loose. I guarantee we'll see a match at least of that first Emma/Paige match quality before Wrestlemania, and they can build on that quality over time.

Shit, fellas, maybe they're doing this team stuff so they have time to figure out what each person's role and character on the main roster will be? They had Becky act like a quirky weirdo last night, which is potentially more lucrative a character than the personality-less bullshit she was doing before. Do it in a team, and you can introduce just a flash of it and see how it works, and adjust.

why call up 3 people you have zero idea what you are going to do with, waste all the buzz from the debut trying to figure out "I wonder what gimmick will suit them". Also Becky is going in that horrible "oh lol shes a crazy woman!!!" direction that half the divas are forced to eventually.

Its all garbage from everyone backstage with the main roster Divas stuff and its nearly indefensible at this point.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
In all honesty I am thrilled we're going to see Rollins vs Stang. Rollins is at the top of his game in-ring, and Sting can work. They're both going to look fantastic, and it serves a purpose when Sting does the job to Rollins. Even if Sting went over for some reason (could be the way of splintering HHH/Rollins) - there's purpose either direction.

Very excited to see it. Plus Sting gets another chance at a good entrance after those Kodo drums.


Sting looked just fine for his age at WM, and that was with HHH who isn't any spring chicken himself. With Rollins that should be perfectly good.


In all honesty I am thrilled we're going to see Rollins vs Stang. Rollins is at the top of his game in-ring, and Sting can work. They're both going to look fantastic, and it serves a purpose when Sting does the job to Rollins. Even if Sting went over for some reason (could be the way of splintering HHH/Rollins) - there's purpose either direction.

Very excited to see it. Plus Sting gets another chance at a good entrance after those Kodo drums.

The big question is will Rollins pull double duty and also defend the US Title on the same night?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The big question is will Rollins pull double duty and also defend the US Title on the same night?

He's certainly capable of it. Could serve as the reason why he loses the big one...
why call up 3 people you have zero idea what you are going to do with, waste all the buzz from the debut trying to figure out "I wonder what gimmick will suit them". Also Becky is going in that horrible "oh lol shes a crazy woman!!!" direction that half the divas are forced to eventually.

Its all garbage from everyone backstage with the main roster Divas stuff and its nearly indefensible at this point.

Because wrestling is a long-term game.

Maybe they called up the women so they could at least have decent women's wrestling on TV each week while they tune where things are going to go. Paige didn't have her character figured out until long after she debuted, but she's over with the crowd, now.

Like I said, I thought the Miz stuff sucked, but the match itself was a perfectly serviceable WWE six-man match. Too long, but not worthy of smarky derision.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Betwen the third Wyatt and Undertaker's recent escapades, I'm curious to know if these dudes lay under the ring for hours until its their cue to stand in the ring after the lights come back on. Anyone have any insight?

They do wait forever. They usually get a monitor under there to watch as well.


The New Day is the best argument for letting guys go wild with their own personalities you could find in WWE. Remember Kofi being derided for years as a boring character?
There have been countless case examples of this being the case that we can point to in the WWE over the past 5 years. But will this change their philosophy of over-scripting and garbage booking? Nope.

They don't trust their talent.


He's certainly capable of it. Could serve as the reason why he loses the big one...

I can see that happening. It'd be a pretty cool setup for a HHH feud "You lost to the guy I beat?" plus all the "omg the WCW guy has our belt" which I'm sure they could dredge up again if they wanted.

Very much looking forward to it.



Betwen the third Wyatt and Undertaker's recent escapades, I'm curious to know if these dudes lay under the ring for hours until its their cue to stand in the ring after the lights come back on. Anyone have any insight?

There are stories floating around, about people either taking a shit / piss under the ring, or falling asleep completely.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I can see that happening. It'd be a pretty cool setup for a HHH feud "You lost to the guy I beat?" plus all the "omg the WCW guy has our belt" which I'm sure they could dredge up again if they wanted.

Very much looking forward to it.

The more I think about it the more sense it makes. Gives Sting some prestige in WWE, which is great from me, a longtime Surfer Sting fan. Gives a viable reason why Rollins loses that isn't simply "Sting was better" and serves a purpose to get HHH/Rollins going. It's a home run. Surely WWE won't get cold feet.


What is Sheamus and Orton's feud about? I feel like commentary constantly assures me that this is a blood feud and "quite the rivalry" but I don't even know why they apparently don't like each other.

"They are just like cats and dogs! They love to fight! Vintage!"

I'm pretty sure they put that to rest now and am reasonably excited to see where Sheamus goes next now that he has a clean pin over Orton.
As someone who only started watching WWE in 2012, I have no idea who the Dudleys are, other than this year's Rumble. Any must-watch matches I should track down?


The more I think about it the more sense it makes. Gives Sting some prestige in WWE, which is great from me, a longtime Surfer Sting fan. Gives a viable reason why Rollins loses that isn't simply "Sting was better" and serves a purpose to get HHH/Rollins going. It's a home run. Surely WWE won't get cold feet.

I'm sure for all you WCW guys Sting with the WHC would be a pretty cool moment and visual.

Here's to hoping.


As someone who only started watching WWE in 2012, I have no idea who the Dudleys are, other than this year's Rumble. Any must-watch matches I should track down?
Pretty much anything involving The Hardy Boys, and Edge & Christian - Royal Rumble 2000 onwards, mainly the Tables and TLC matches.


As someone who only started watching WWE in 2012, I have no idea who the Dudleys are, other than this year's Rumble. Any must-watch matches I should track down?

Pretty much 1999-2001. They were a part of the WWE's all time best tag division (except for that brief couple of months on Smackdown in late 2002).

Them, the Hardyz and Edge & Christian had a three way feud that lasted forever and gave a ton of great matches. TLC 2 at Wrestlemania 17 was the culmination and probably the best.


Sitting at work recovering from being at the Barclays 3 nights in a row. My friends happened to buy me tickets for NXT Takeover, Summerslam and Raw for my birthday. I don't think I've watched that much wrestling in a long time. I've been trying to catch up on all the stuff in the threads, but I threw in the towel. I haven't been to a taped show since I was a kid and never to a ppv before. It was a lot of fun, but I probably won't do it again unless it's at the Prudential Center in NJ or at MSG again.

The sections I was in were big New Day fans. There were still a mix of Sucks chants, but the Brooklyn fans loved doing the New Day chants. I remember before the NXT event there was a guy outside who sounded just like Xavier Woods and had me cracking up. I'm still trying to digest everything I watched, but since most of you are talking about the "divas revolution" I'll chime in on my pov.

After watching Sasha and Bayley put on an amazing show the main roster continued to prove everything wrong with the divas booking. We got to see the same tag team matches that are basically rinsed and repeated on a weekly basis. The teams themselves make no sense to me. They magically all decide to team up because Stephanie McMahon puts them together and not a single person wants the title. Even STANG in 2015 wants the title. Then they walk team PCB out for Miz TV and I swear I was listening to a bunch of middle/high school girls talk about nonsense. So yes I chanted I wanted Sasha or blue pants to walk out and save us from the same tag match I've seen way too many times. Until they put on single matches on the caliber of the NXT women's title defenses then the division will never be revolutionized. They might as well just send them out there for a battle royale as they are just wasting time and talent on a nonsense story line. In conclusion fuck john cena and his cancerous hold he has over the wwe. Keeping the title on his gf just to break AJ's record is everything that is wrong.

I'm glad Rollins killed it on Sunday. It was amazing to watch him actually perform the way we know he can. Sasha/Bailey, New Day, Rollins and Brock Lesnar were my highlights of the weekend. Also, Kevin Owens mad props for that guy putting in the work 3 nights in a row and doing a great job. I like that guy I just hope he isn't buried in mid card for life.
I'm still marking out about the Dudleys (and STANG). That was the best Raw in years minus the shit crowd for the Divas section.

I was about to cancel my subscription, but just when I think I'm out . . .

As someone who only started watching WWE in 2012, I have no idea who the Dudleys are, other than this year's Rumble. Any must-watch matches I should track down?

I'd start with their ECW stuff then work your way up. If you want to watch one match though, one of my personal favorites is the TLC 2000 (I think that's the year) match with Edge & Christian and the Hardys. Just wild shit.

Cliff's Notes version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1WleyA0_yM
Slight contrast, but I don't hold the Divas to some special "women's" standard. That's why I don't like the Bellas, I think they're painfully mediocre in the ring and aurally painful on promos, even though they're promoted as the top stars.
Not because I "hate women", but because they're black holes of entertainment to me. People keep telling me "but they're better than before", sure, they are. But they're still bad, because they were ridiculously awful before.

I've seen women's matches as good as any of the males' in WWE, work wise, and I've seen a lot of them. So I don't believe in this patronizing "well it's good, for a woman's match" view. The recent Bayley/Sasha and Becky/Sasha matches at Takeover shows weren't good "for women", they were just plain good. And how they got to that stage wasn't complicated or hard to do.

There really is no reason you can't have good women's wrestling other than that they refuse to put in the effort required to get it. They have their reasons, I'm sure, but it's a total waste of what should be a major part of your show. Their whole "you have to wrestle like divas" thing, or making all of them crazy and going "well that's women for you" on commentary, it's always been unpleasant to me to see how poorly they're portrayed.

See this is weird because you have a lot of posts about the Bellas physical appearances (particularly their breasts, which doesn't pertain to just the Bellas), their positioning due to their relationships with male talent, and general "these people are terrible" instead of "they are bad at wrestling" posts. Your distaste for the Bellas seems a lot deeper than you think they're bad in the ring.

Did you know one of the Bellas is dating Cena?

Good old shilling. I know its their show, but you couldn't be more subtle than "Bellas are backstage, one Bella comes up to the other and says "WE HAVE A NEW SHOW ON E!", other one says "YES, STARTING IN JUNE!". Then they're in the ring and there's an ad for it."?

Let's pretend the Bellas are big stars now.

Watch now they'll forget that AJ is the No. 1 Contender and just put the Divas title on the Bellas because reality show.

That Bellas segment was disgusting.

Also, it doesn't really matter that much. I don't really find the Bellas all that amazing looking, yet there they are as their reality show stars.

It's the Bellas' show, so they promote the Bellas to a silly degree.

I've yet to see the Bellas offer any kind of entertainment value on WWE TV (Total Divas is something else, and even then, they are not the good part of that show) since they showed up in 2008. The idea that one is now getting a face push for being engaged is hilarious.

Gotta keep the Bellas strong, brother.

The ironic note about things like this is I would consider Paige much better looking than the Bellas, or Aksana, or Eva Marie (at least with that horrible orange tan and luminous hair) or most of the other "model divas". Same goes with Kaitlyn or AJ. So the model divas can't even do that part right.

The Bellas are so unover, yet still get that WWE Machine push. They're the female Miz.

They've always inexplicably thought the Bellas were "mainstream TV", even though no one outside of the WWE fans knows who they are, and no one in the WWE fanbase cares about them.

The Bellas are so un-over, they make Del Rio look like Stone Cold.

Absolutely no reaction for the Bellas. Shocking.

Could someone do something to the Bellas' voice boxes?

Could someone cut the Bellas' vocal cords?

The Bellas are more saved by the wedding bells.




None of which require them to actually be good at any point.

The Bellas are what you call hot garbage.

Pretty much every interview I ever see of her leaves me more sure she's a complete moron.

What are the Bellas, Eva Marie, Cameron, Rosa Mendes or Summer Rae doing on it?

That's why every one of their horrible segments get a silent crowd and low ratings. Cos they're really over.

Jesus Christ.

Wow. We've now got the Bellas as the stars. Wooooooooah.

The Bellas suuuuuuuuuuck

Brie is diabolically awful.

I have no idea who anyone there but Gail Kim is, but...am I correct in assuming that
ODB and Eric Young are, you know, men?

Make sure to protect your new tits on the way down Kelly

But she has big tits. That means she's talented and creative right?
Hey guys, does anyone know if the NXT event in london with will be a takeover special or just a house show? They all just say NXT Live on ticketmaster :/


See this is weird because you have a lot of posts about the Bellas physical appearances (particularly their breasts, which doesn't pertain to just the Bellas), their positioning due to their relationships with male talent, and general "these people are terrible" instead of "they are bad at wrestling" posts. Your distaste for the Bellas seems a lot deeper than you think they're bad in the ring.

Jesus Christ dude. Learn how to argue instead of going off on semantics.


I'm still marking out about the Dudleys (and STANG). That was the best Raw in years minus the shit crowd for the Divas section.

why are you blaming the crowd? the segment was cringeworthy, it was the worst acting/promo delivery i've seen in a long time... Alicia Fox is the worst performer in this company, it's unbelievable that she still has a job. Miz was the only thing holding this mess together

and they proceeded to have a HORRIBLE 3 v 3 match right after. The crowd had every right to be pissed, you guys don't make a big deal about it when the crowd boo Sheamus


Hey guys, does anyone know if the NXT event in london with will be a takeover special or just a house show? They all just say NXT Live on ticketmaster :/

Regal made it seem like it would be the quarterly NXT Takeover special in Dec. Not 100% as the weekend jumbled a bunch of things up. Not to mention I think I was up till 5am Sat night drinking at my neighbors.

For real. Dude had a long week. Likely taping Smackdown as well.

Nice write -up. Happy Belated Birthday.

It's actually on the 29th, but thank you. Unfortunately we couldn't have wwe postpone the events in my honor.


I don't blame any of the current, non-NXT trained Divas for being poor workers. When Sasha turned up they were still at the "you are a Diva and you can't punch, pull hair, slap and do girly stuff" stage of training. And the creative for women since the Attitude era has been mostly total garbage (Nattie farting gimmick is not that long ago....).

Its actually a small miracle that Nikki, in between her Total Divas stuff, constantly touring and other media work she does can occasionally bust out a great looking spot.


What is Sheamus and Orton's feud about? I feel like commentary constantly assures me that this is a blood feud and "quite the rivalry" but I don't even know why they apparently don't like each other.

One has stupid hair, the other has no hair.

Good a reason as any other.


He also worked a house show on Friday so he wrestled 4 nights in a row.

Wow that's even crazier. It's not like he was wrestling in 30 second squash matches. I remember after his match on NXT it looked like the ref went over to tell his son at ringside his dad was okay. As much as I like Cesaro it was nice seeing KO get a big W at a PPV. I hope he stays healthy and they don't work him to death.
See this is weird because you have a lot of posts about the Bellas physical appearances (particularly their breasts, which doesn't pertain to just the Bellas), their positioning due to their relationships with male talent, and general "these people are terrible" instead of "they are bad at wrestling" posts. Your distaste for the Bellas seems a lot deeper than you think they're bad in the ring.

None of the extensive research you did makes Ithil's post wrong.
Regal made it seem like it would be the quarterly NXT Takeover special in Dec. Not 100% as the weekend jumbled a bunch of things up. Not to mention I think I was up till 5am Sat night drinking at my neighbors.

Regal said they will have the next takeover special on October 7.

But if they are able to sell out a 12,500 capacity arena which im sure they will, then why the hell wouldn't they not make it a takeover. It seems dumb to have a 12k houseshow and a Takeover in front of a few hundred people.
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