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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer



If the DEMON is such a contextless, unexplained gimmick in NXT I can't imagine how terrible it'd be on the main roster.

I wish it was like it is now ("i win now button") but where he could get taken over by it or whatever and lose control, so instead of going for the title at the ladder match he just continues to beat the shit out of KO, does some dumb spot that takes him out and KO wins.



I think Balor's got everything to be a top star, but I really REALLY hate that dumb Demon gimmick, it's so bad

just let him be a Wrestler, a dude who wrestles... just like Randy Orton pre-viper, or Daniel Bryan, or Seth Rollins, or Brock


Yeah the whole Demon gimmick still needs work. I'm not a fan of it just being Balor's PPV alt color scheme. It needs to be something he uses rarely for really big matches or finales to really intense feuds. He also needs a different moveset for the demon.


Imagine its the 80s, Larry turns on Bruno and hits him with a chair!..... To the back.

Even a kendo stick leaves a mark. The whole point of getting a chair is that the person using the chair hates the other person so much or is so desperate that they would be a complete savage and use a weapon. But somehow they're going to hit you in the back and not the head?

For a company that cares so much about brain damage, they sure did have Daniel Bryan still doing the diving headbutt.

I mean, it's a form of entertainment that is predicated on the talent destroying their bodies over time. Someone like Hulk, who wrestled a very grounded strong style, can barely walk these days. The idea that "oh, we're banning chairshots to the head because we care about the health of our wrestlers" rings so false to me when every single flat back bump contributes to spine and nerve damage.

edit: case in point

In 30 years, when Dean Ambrose is in a wheelchair like Tom Billington, do you think he'll be thinking "thank god I didn't die from concussion related injuries 10 years ago"


I think Balor's got everything to be a top star, but I really REALLY hate that dumb Demon gimmick, it's so bad

just let him be a Wrestler, a dude who wrestles... just like Randy Orton pre-viper, or Daniel Bryan, or Seth Rollins, or Brock

Too much cash in the gimmick sadly. And Balor on his own right now as a face is not compelling.

Yeah the whole Demon gimmick still needs work. I'm not a fan of it just being Balor's PPV alt color scheme. It needs to be something he uses rarely for really big matches or finales to really intense feuds. He also needs a different moveset for the demon.

A different, more vicious moveset and restricted to huge matches only (ie not every Takeover) would go a long way.
The Demon thing is cool but he should lose the dreads and the theatrical posing on the way in because it doesn't fit with a wrestling audience outside of the Japan and Indie style - I think the WWE fans with be confused/bored by it and probably think it's 'gay'.

There's a lot of good elements to it as well, like the build up and the paint, so that stuff should be kept but have him be more threatening force coming to the ring less interpretative dance slowly crawling around.


I mean, it's a form of entertainment that is predicated on the talent destroying their bodies over time. Someone like Hulk, who wrestled a very grounded strong style, can barely walk these days. The idea that "oh, we're banning chairshots to the head because we care about the health of our wrestlers" rings so false to me when every single flat back bump contributes to spine and nerve damage.

edit: case in point

In 30 years, when Dean Ambrose is in a wheelchair like Tom Billington, do you think he'll be thinking "thank god I didn't die from concussion related injuries 10 years ago"

Beats me man. Foley talked about getting concussions from elbow drops. Only so much you can do. Same as football.


I mean, it's a form of entertainment that is predicated on the talent destroying their bodies over time. Someone like Hulk, who wrestled a very grounded strong style, can barely walk these days. The idea that "oh, we're banning chairshots to the head because we care about the health of our wrestlers" rings so false to me when every single flat back bump contributes to spine and nerve damage

In 30 years, when Dean Ambrose is in a wheelchair like Tom Billington, do you think he'll be thinking "thank god I didn't die from concussion related injuries 10 years ago"

Lawyers. Its always lawyers.

Well and PR but PR and lawyers are linked like cigarettes and cancer.
If the DEMON is such a contextless, unexplained gimmick in NXT I can't imagine how terrible it'd be on the main roster.

I wish it was like it is now ("i win now button") but where he could get taken over by it or whatever and lose control, so instead of going for the title at the ladder match he just continues to beat the shit out of KO, does some dumb spot that takes him out and KO wins.



Sounds like something Cody would do. I'd love it more if there was a psychological drain on Finn from it. Like he doesn't want to go there and let out that monster, but sometimes he sees no other choice. Perhaps he acts a bit more demonic around people for a while afterwards, snapping and lashing out at a people... like each time he lets it out it gets harder to neatly pack it back away.


While we're on the subject, how bad did blading/blood get during Attitude/Ruthless Aggression era WWE? Were midcarders randomly exploding in red during TV or did the main event scene just get to the stage where every PPV match = blood?
"This is fine"

First two are fine. The first isn't even to his head, the second he is protecting himself with his arm. Last one is a spot going wrong, which is always a risk, yes, but smashing someone in the head with a chair as they used to isn't the spot going wrong, it's the spot going right.

Edit: the power bomb to the apron is super safe. I can't see anything wrong with it. I'd take one.


FGC Waterboy
All signs point to it being bullshit. Dave was asked about it and essentially said "that'd be the first I've heard of anything like that". He acknowledged that their relationship probably helped the company decide to have her specifically immediately break AJ's record, but Cena isn't actively trying to sabotage anyone.

Hell; Mark Henry and a few other wrestlers have hinted that they'd wish Cena would invoke MORE creative control; Keller used to talk about it all the time in the past. The podcast interviews Cena does indicates he sort of knows his character is a bit lame but he's too much of a company man to argue too much. That said; one of the most interesting what if moments of recent WWE history is if Vince had gone through with the Cena heel turn against Rock as was originally planned (Cena's talked about it on interviews; he had a whole new wrestling outfit and move set ready to go)

Cena won't marry anyone because that would require him having to commit to anything that isn't wrestling

The fact him and Bryan are the way they are is the least surprising thing, and it's sad both are already able to acknowledge they can't change

Also - I wonder if he didn't sign a pre-nup with his ex-wife and is now super burned by the whole experience.


Did you already give up on BELEE DAT?
Give up on who?! WHO?! Never.

Roman Reigns get his moment at Wrasslemania 32.

Also, I've come across a superstar who is kayfabe stronger than Barack. Hear me out now.

So we can all see that Brock is always 100%. It takes a lot to keep him down, but as we say the other night, he can indeed lose. Considering the fact that we've never really seen him take beyond five finishers, that's probably his limit. It's just that he tends to be dominant in the ring.

But, let me throw this out there right quick.

The Rock is stronger. Now you're going to say Rock has lost a lot of times, and I get that. I get that. But that's because The Rock is usually fighting at 80% of his power. But we have seen him at 100%.

If you remember prior to Wrasslemania 17, he told Austin he'd give him every ounce of blood, sweat, tears, and whatever else. That it would be the absolute best of The Rock. Well, to defeat a 100% Rock, it took:

2 Stone Cold Stunners
1 Rock Bottom
1 Ringbell shot
1 Monitor shot
1 Title shot
19 Chairshots

That's an equivalent of 25 finishers to put down Rock Prime. So even though Rock isn't dominant, he clearly has perfected the art of the comeback. And this is why Rock will beat Brock at Wrasslemania 32.

So ends another one of my Kayfabe Mathematics lessons.


Sounds like something Cody would do. I'd love it more if there was a psychological drain on Finn from it. Like he doesn't want to go there and let out that monster, but sometimes he sees no other choice. Perhaps he acts a bit more demonic around people for a while afterwards, snapping and lashing out at a people... like each time he lets it out it gets harder to neatly pack it back away.

They were hinting at something like that in the vingette's leading up to the Tokyo show but nothing came of it. I really do hope something like this happens though. You could even do a permanent year or two heel term where Finn is always in demon form killing fools.
While we're on the subject, how bad did blading/blood get during Attitude/Ruthless Aggression era WWE? Were midcarders randomly exploding in red during TV or did the main event scene just get to the stage where every PPV match = blood?




It got rough. HHH in particular, Flair/Harley Race mark that he is, bladed like every ppv.
If WWE were smart, they would show Balor every Pentagon Jr segment from LU and say this is what the demon should be.

Then have him come out on NXT, piledrive some performance center jobber.
Watching WWF Super Astros. Easy to see why this shit failed. "Hey, Mexicans! Here's 6 luchadores without masks, watch them wrestle each other over and over and over."



I'm kinda glad that blood seems to be a Brock only thing right now and he gets it through honest to god hard graft. Still I think some feuds need something to get off the ground for heels to get heat.

Look at all the momentum Rollins got off breaking Cena's nose.


If WWE were smart, they would show Balor every Pentagon Jr segment from LU and say this is what the demon should be.

Then have him come out on NXT, piledrive some performance center jobber.

eh Finn isn't a heel. I know Pentagon is a "cool heel" but they are presenting Finn as a 100% white meat babyface with no flaws, which doesn't fly nowadays.

The darkside demon is the money idea here I think. And dropping the fucking dreads.


I guess Brock is the only guy Vince can't say no to.


It adds so much to his matches.

And the easiest thing to identify a babyface.

It shouldn't be overused but could you imagine if Roman bladed in one of his matches and he had a comeback.

He would INSTANTLY be more over than he is now.

I'm kinda glad that blood seems to be a Brock only thing right now and he gets it through honest to god hard graft. Still I think some feuds need something to get off the ground for heels to get heat.

Look at all the momentum Rollins got off breaking Cena's nose.

Brock cuts easily... that or he was blading in the UFC which I somehow doubt.


I will say this about Brock: he has an aura unlike any other wrestler, and the WWE has realized this. They have done an adequate job of protecting him and making him feel like a very special attraction.

There was a time when Brock's booking was incomprehensible and made him look weak, but what they've done with him since Mania 30 has largely been effective in making him feel almost mythical.


It adds so much to his matches.

And the easiest thing to identify a babyface.

It shouldn't be overused but could you imagine if Roman bladed in one of his matches and he had a comeback.

He would INSTANTLY be more over than he is now.

It adds to Brock's badass aura rather than getting him sympathy. Although Roman sold so well for Brock at WM I could see blood working for him in a babyface comeback.

The Roman money is all in that heel run though


First two are fine. The first isn't even to his head, the second he is protecting himself with his arm. Last one is a spot going wrong, which is always a risk, yes, but smashing someone in the head with a chair as they used to isn't the spot going wrong, it's the spot going right.

Edit: the power bomb to the apron is super safe. I can't see anything wrong with it. I'd take one.
I don't think there's any way I'd be willing to take that spot. You're taking the entire impact of the throw directly on your spine. Which I think is probably only slightly better than the whiplash from the turnbuckle powerbomb.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
¡HarlequinPanic!;176505919 said:
I disagree with you guys about brock's mystique.

what he really needs is to be in many, many six and eight man tags~

If you mean six or eight guys against Brock, yes.
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