I will say this about Brock: he has an aura unlike any other wrestler, and the WWE has realized this. They have done an adequate job of protecting him and making him feel like a very special attraction.
There was a time when Brock's booking was incomprehensible and made him look weak, but what they've done with him since Mania 30 has largely been effective in making him feel almost mythical.
Any doubts I had about the finish at SummerSlam evaporated in that Heyman promo. Undertaker is a heel. Brock can only be beaten by cheating. Brock doesn't cheat. The fact so many were cheering Brock against Taker in the rematch shows you just what kind of aura this guy has built up since ending the streak. What percentage of the crowd did he have at Mania 30 compared to almost half the crowd on Sunday and ALL the crowd on Monday?