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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer




New Day and Shield are both amazing for two completely different reasons. As a more serious act, Shield was great. Amazing matches against D.Bry and Friends and they were "cool". New Day, from a personality standpoint is leaps and bounds above the shield. New Day has SOLID guys there who can wrestle, but they've been facing pretty "meh" teams, and that's not exactly their fault. PTP is just the Titus show. Matadores are shit, Lucha Dragons have been hit or miss but nothing special.

Hopefully they can get some good matches against the Dudley's. Keep in mind, Shield went up against guys like Bryan, Cena, Sheamus, Orton, HHH, Batista and Wyatts.

I loved the Shield and I love New Day and I've had fun with both teams for different reasons. But yeah, hopefully the tag division can give New Day some good matches, because they're more than capable doing so. Kofi has always been solid, Woods is fine from what I've seen of his solo stuff and Big E is great

Xavier has vomited after taking a poisoned frankensteiner, taken part in two NJPW events and also nearly died here (apologies for gif quality):



That was basically what smackdown was before the titles merged and there were still mainstays on that show. People trying to get the fuck off of smackdown lol. He doesn't want to make it a B show, but wants to make it so that everyone on it wants to be on RAW? Makes no fucking sense.

Xavier has vomited after taking a poisoned frankensteiner, taken part in two NJPW events and also nearly died here (apologies for gif quality):



But those were ALL IN THE PAST... and today..? Today my friend... IS A NEW.. DAY~!!!!
How soon is too soon to start seriously discussing how New Day is better than The Shield ever was? I'll grant you The Shield has had better matches so far, but they were never as purely entertaining.
Let's not go crazy. The Shield was one of the best handled stables in WWE history, with how protected their threat was.

New Day is a comedy act. The Shield was a serious, Attitude era-worthy stable.


Jack Swagger winning the World title was the beginning of its decline. Dolph Ziggler winning it certainly cemented it as a joke. He's a decent performer, but dude is a mid-carder for life.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That's the power of MITB, friends.

Always been a shitty gimmick. Always will be one. It establishes nothing for the star except that they're REALLY lucky and it cheapens the value of stuff like winning the Royal Rumble.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just in case I get got for insulting a hollywood cunt, I want you all to know I love you.
Booker T is the next Steven Spielberg

That's the power of MITB, friends.

Always been a shitty gimmick. Always will be one. It establishes nothing for the star except that they're REALLY lucky and it cheapens the value of stuff like winning the Royal Rumble.

Which makes me wonder about the kayfabe concept of PPV payoffs. If the main event of Mania is going to net you the highest amount, why would you not pull a Rollins and cash in during the main event on weakened opponents. Or do some people figure that if they just get the title whenever they can accrue main event money all the way to and including Mania?

Has there ever been an accountant gimmick?



Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Before Jack the reigns were all by pretty big guys and the reigns went to shit once Swagger won.
You all know why this happened, don't you?

It's because Brotista left. Vince was like, "Oh god, my number two!" And then he just went fuck it, and started focusing on one title. If he had remained, even if he had ended up a fourteen time world champion, it would've stopped the title from running through a gauntlet of jobbers.

If he was still there, it meant there was balance. Either Cena or Batista had to be involved with one of those world titles. Everything changed after that. Orton went from being like number ten to number two finally, until CM Punk came along, and there were jobbers everywhere. What a horrible time.

Probably didn't help that Shawn, Undertaker, Edge, and Triple H were out, or on the way out either. They pretty much lost everyone in one fell swoop.

I blame Batista though. Damn him for aspiring to be something better.
There is still time for the Dudleyz to face Kane and random partner in a flaming tables match.

Anybody remember the wrestling news section on Teletext in the UK? The above post reminded me of a rumour I still remember from there, which was Dudleyz vs. New Age Outlaws in a flaming tables match at King of the Ring 2000 (it ended up being a dumpster match).

This was before I had the internet so no idea if it was an actual rumour or bullshit, but I used to love reading that page.
I have just googled "King of the Ring 2000" "flaming tables". I am the top 2 results. I have no recollection of mentioning this before. #shyamalan


Catching up on the NXT show from Saturday, and the beginning with HHH and the crowd...

Isn't it amazing how expediently, efficiently, and ruthlessly the megaconglomerate has managed to coopt "cool" "hip" and "independent" counter-culture so shamelessly? I mean god damn.

The first and largest and most successful alternative to the WWE brand is a WWE brand.


Anybody remember the wrestling news section on Teletext in the UK? The above post reminded me of a rumour I still remember from there, which was Dudleyz vs. New Age Outlaws in a flaming tables match at King of the Ring 2000 (it ended up being a dumpster match).

This was before I had the internet so no idea if it was an actual rumour or bullshit, but I used to love reading that page.
I remember that exact rumour. I'd like to think it was Channel 4, in the Entertainment section, where you had to wait for the page to flick over - then press Hold quickly.


Booker T is the next Steven Spielberg

Which makes me wonder about the kayfabe concept of PPV payoffs. If the main event of Mania is going to net you the highest amount, why would you not pull a Rollins and cash in during the main event on weakened opponents. Or do some people figure that if they just get the title whenever they can accrue main event money all the way to and including Mania?

Has there ever been an accountant gimmick?



Maybe you should stop getting got.

You realize that some never get that message and get banned multiple times. Hell we had some banned the day they came back from just being banned. People here sometimes don't realize what works here never works outside this thread.

Anyway Raw Viewership for 8/24:

8pm: 3.606
9pm: 3.794
10pm: 3.764

Avg: 3.721

This has to be considered a disappoint to them the night after Summerslam. The only good thing is the 18-49 grew every hour and the highest was a 1.4 for the 10pm hour.

They got beat by a preseason football game. This also can be considered the new normal now with people dropping Cable and more DVRing the show. It will be hilarious if the DVR numbers for this show is huge because how important is that number to USA?
Argument for Jeff Harvey, although he was getting quality main event time in '08 and '09. But CM Punk was still a solidified midcarder and was already a 3x WHC by that point. It became a joke around then. MitB ruined it.

Wasn't Jeff like.. insanely over around then? Like outselling Cena in merch for a while big? Jeff was probably the last time it really meant something. Punk from that era is definitely a red flag in terms of quality, but they always treated his WHC reigns as flukes anyways.

He was treated like shit, basically
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