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August Wrasslin |OT| The Sunday of Summer

Sara Lee might or might not be celebrating her Tough Enough win by playing Final Fantasy XIV right now. Paige, your time is up.


I'm DVR'ing CMLL right now. Hopefully it's not the same one from last week

E: Data, Sudden Death match. I can't believe they allowed that in Rollergames


Just finished watching Tough Enough/Tough Talk.

Good guy HHH.

Sara Lee showed that previous athletic experience doesn't mean you can't put on a decent match, which is what really counts.

She needs training, sure. The physical side is something that can be improved upon though. There's no way they can make Amanda likeable.


Bought Titan Souls because Bravely Default was boring me to sleep. I hope I made the right choice, friends.

Also, Chuck E. Cheese is a portal to hell.

I'm playing through Titan Souls right now. It's fun for what it is and thankfully doesn't fall into any sort of boredom-trap like the second half of Bravely Default


So not worth it
What Amanda said was dumb, but Paige is 1000% the reason why Sara Lee won. Now Tough Enough needs to go away forever.

Nah, it was the slut-shaming.

And no, we need more Tough Enough. More reality bs. More trash TV. It's the most natural fit with WWE.
I just watched the NXT Takeover match between Sasha Banks and Bayley. I'm genuinely lmao at those of you who hyped it up as if it was the greatest thing since slice bread. Yes, it was good and entertaining and for that it should be applauded, but some of you made it out to be the female equivalent of Flair/Steamboat. Jesus.

Just got done watching first half of nxt takeover and stopped after the much praised sasha and bayley match

I mean, the emotions hit me in the feels but, i still dont know how to judge women matches on their own merit. I mean, match wasnt anywhere close to a , fuck i dont know, bret hart and davey boy smith wimbledon match or...whatever. I mean, it was more of an acrobatic performance and maybe that is the foundation to a match like this?

I dont know. I dont know anything. I just wasnt over the moon about it. With that said, the stakes and heart were there. I just didnt buy into the performance.

Both of you are on the money. I got tore a new one on twitter for daring to suggest that Bayley/Sasha was being wildly overrated entirely due to the emotion of the match - storytelling and emotion are integral to great wrestling, but we should acknowledge when those aspects are serving to cover up deficiencies in other areas. The match had a few blown spots (one in particular that looked very dangerous) and, pacing-wise, it was kinda all over the place. Sasha working over Bayley was great and Bayley did some fantastic work selling her injured hand, but none of that played into the finish. It was the sort of thing I routinely see wrestlers chewed out for, but because the overall story they were telling and the emotion surrounding it, people have a much easier time of ignoring it.

I've seen some crazy reactions, though. One dude said it was better than any AJW match ever, which I just had to shake my head at.

And no, we need more Tough Enough. More reality bs. More trash TV. It's the most natural fit with WWE.

Ugh, so glad other wrestling's so readily available.


Neo Member
The Divas Revolution has been so poorly handled, it's pretty disheartening to see.

Fundamentally the thing that bothers me the most is that they're continuing to use the terms Divas as well as that godawful belt. I just can't take the storyline seriously when those two elements are still front and centre.

Ideally my fantasy booking would be to hold a tournament for the title at an upcoming PPV (challenging Nikki or the title being vacant, doesn't matter) and then the victor (Nikki would have to drop the title) the very next night on Raw have them bin the title in a moment reminiscent of Alundra Blayze/Madusa. It'd be a nice nod too seeing as she got inducted into the HOF this year. Then they could re-debut the old Women's title, similar to how Cody Rhodes brought back the old Intercontinental title a couple years back.

With that you get to have a big tournament establishing each woman as a valid singles competitor, showcase their talents and bring some credence back to the division, and then finally ditch the horrid Divas title and name.


So not worth it
When you build your revolution about the poster children that exemplify everything people dislike about the division, then yeah, of course it's going to fail.

You can't have The Bella's on TV for seven years being mediocre at best and then pretend they're suddenly amazing wrestlers people should give a shit about. That's not a revolution by any stretch of the imagination. Literally. They're building the revolution around the same people that the division was build around before it.

That's not even an evolution.

But if the dirtsheets are correct, that's all the fault of Joan Sina.

Also, Paige has completely destroyed herself by being on Tough Enough, completely unlikable, obnoxious, a total brat. That was a bad move on her part.


Here is the other thing.

Brock is the most over dude and he doesn't wrestle every week. He doesn't get involved in Vince's crap writing every week.

The women have the same stupid don't stare at the camera promos and bad scripting except they have 0 of the intimidation factor as the men.

Let's face it they created these teams to protect Nikki and total divas.

That's all the corporate side gives a shit about.
i'm not a big fan of woman's wrestlings (I don't hate woman's wrestling or anything I think it's decent,but I prefer bra &a panties matches) ,but I have to admit she's a better in ring wrestler than 90% of the male wrestlers, better than Seth rollings and Stone Cold ateve austen too. would be good to have bra&pantie match for sasha whoever that is


i heard an analist say sasha is one of the best of all time and i would not argue with tat


I'll say this about Cena. Last year, I despised him. Everything about him was stale and tired and sickening. But this year, more and more I find myself liking what he's doing. The matches he's in, his promos, how he's putting the US Title out there as a better title than the WHC, etc. I like that he's finding humor in how crowds shit on him and I lie that he's seemingly putting on more of an edge than before. So, I guess I like this John Cena circa 2015. But I'm still singing John Cena sucks when he enters.

What happened on Raw with the Divas is everything wrong with the mentality of the division right now. Wins and losses don't matter, only the belt does said Nikki. Well, that'd imply you didn't win the belt and keep winning to maintain it, right Nikki? Bullshit. When the Miz has to try and save your shit (btw Miz is awesome right now too) you're doing something wrong. Nothing with the Divas is important right now, just like the IC Title. So this is where I tie Cena into all of this.

Cena is making that title important every.single.week. How are the IC Title and Divas title important every week? They're not. One title is seemingly cursed while the other is just stangant and do nothing. You tell me these titles are important but don't give me anything to justify it. You know why I care about the Tag Titles right now? Because Kidd/Cesaro and The New Day were awesome, fun groups to get behind and get me interested in seeing them compete. These examples are different sure, but they provide variety to them being viable divisions and watchable angles week in and week out.

What have the Divas done to get me motivated?

What can Ryback do to get me interested in a Title that changes hands every 2-3 months?

Until WWE figures this out, no one will care about these groups.
Raw was really good?

What is happening?

It wasn't "really good", but it had it's moments. The most overrated episode i've seen for a while.


Sting v Rollins is happening. That's right, a 56 year old man being booked in a world title match.

Dudleyz returned, it was fun.

4 man tag was fun, Ryback needs the IC title off him quick. And not to Miz or Show.

Brooklyn disrespectfully shat on the women, and their writing didn't help either.

New Day were hilarious. Xavier is a king.

Uh, yeah.
I'll say this about Cena. Last year, I despised him. Everything about him was stale and tired and sickening. But this year, more and more I find myself liking what he's doing. The matches he's in, his promos, how he's putting the US Title out there as a better title than the WHC, etc. I like that he's finding humor in how crowds shit on him and I lie that he's seemingly putting on more of an edge than before. So, I guess I like this John Cena circa 2015. But I'm still singing John Cena sucks when he enters.

What happened on Raw with the Divas is everything wrong with the mentality of the division right now. Wins and losses don't matter, only the belt does said Nikki. Well, that'd imply you didn't win the belt and keep winning to maintain it, right Nikki? Bullshit. When the Miz has to try and save your shit (btw Miz is awesome right now too) you're doing something wrong. Nothing with the Divas is important right now, just like the IC Title. So this is where I tie Cena into all of this.

Cena is making that title important every.single.week. How are the IC Title and Divas title important every week? They're not. One title is seemingly cursed while the other is just stangant and do nothing. You tell me these titles are important but don't give me anything to justify it. You know why I care about the Tag Titles right now? Because Kidd/Cesaro and The New Day were awesome, fun groups to get behind and get me interested in seeing them compete. These examples are different sure, but they provide variety to them being viable divisions and watchable angles week in and week out.

What have the Divas done to get me motivated?

What can Ryback do to get me interested in a Title that changes hands every 2-3 months?

Until WWE figures this out, no one will care about these groups.

John Cena is literally the same dude doing the same stuff this year, except it wasn't in the main event so people were into it. Cena has always been this quality, but people were too blinded by internet rage to see it. Cena will go down as the best main eventer in WWE history, because no one has had the consistent quality for as long as he has.
the reason people don't like john cena isn't cos he's bad in the ring or bad at promos - he isn't. he's prob in the top 3 or 5 out of the whole roster at both right now.

it's cos he's goes over in programs where he isn't supposed to go over, for example against kevin owens. he SHOULD have gone over rusev, and i think rusev still might be okay, but people get pissed off cos they get excited about new talent coming up and then they realise they are actually being worked as opponents for cena to conquer. he needs guys like that, but sometimes you get good workers who should be more than cena feud guys and that's when people get all bent outta shape

his promos just flat out rule these days. he isn't doing the old jokey crap, he builds from an audience hating him into working them up big time every week lately.


Neo Member
I don't necessarily agree with the recent praise being put on John Cena for his US Title run. Arguably (much like the Divas nonsense) it's more the problem of bad booking, but is anyone really getting a rub apart from Cena himself? All these great wrestlers get a shot at the title, and while the matches are quality it always ends with Cena winning in his usual manner, no surprises. And then it's him that goes onto challenge Rollins at Summerslam. And now Sting is challenging Rollins?

Much like him beating Rusev, it wasn't an accolade that Cena needed. They could have the likes of Cesaro or Big E be the one to beat Rusev, then establish them as the fighting champion (as we all know they have the ability to put on great matches and do some great spots).

As an aside I really hate how Rusev got demolished in the feud with Cena, completely derailed any momentum he had and now he's languishing in this dreadful feud with Ziggler.

Sure, Cena's matches have been more entertaining than they have been for a very long time, but it's still reinforcing this notion of him at the top of the mountain, and he cannot be removed from that position unless it's by nefarious means. While being an opportunity to showcase new talent competing for the belt, it also ensures they stay at midcard level while Cena carries on at the top of the card.
John Cena is literally the same dude doing the same stuff this year, except it wasn't in the main event so people were into it. Cena has always been this quality, but people were too blinded by internet rage to see it. Cena will go down as the best main eventer in WWE history, because no one has had the consistent quality for as long as he has.

Really? If i'm honest i'm not a fan of most of Cena's matches. I really rarely liked seeing Cena v Edge, Orton, HHH or any of his other long term feuds. His best feud was with Punk which didn't last long enough.

He's having a great year this year, I wholeheartedly agree. Then again, he's worked the best quality wrestlers of his career arguably on a regular basis. Sure, HBK among others in the past but he can't fail with Cesaro, Neville, Owens, Rollins and the rest.
when you say other guys like cesaro could have gone over rusev, that just doesn't make any sense in the wwe bookers eyes. two euro fucks with the swiss one going over the bulgarian one? i'm surprised they could tell the difference. you need our man john cena, the literal rep of the united states in a world that hates him for war crimes, to go in there and tear that semi-russian sob up
I get that promotions want to show themselves in the best possible light, but if you claim to have "the very best wrestling talent on British shores" and then I see a card full of no-names, a couple of notables who made their names elsewhere, one dude I'm actually a fan of and the fucker who's running this vanity promotion, I'm not exactly going to be impressed. Perhaps "a great roster of up-and-coming British talent" would be more suitable?


Neo Member
when you say other guys like cesaro could have gone over rusev, that just doesn't make any sense in the wwe bookers eyes. two euro fucks with the swiss one going over the bulgarian one? i'm surprised they could tell the difference. you need our man john cena, the literal rep of the united states in a world that hates him for war crimes, to go in there and tear that semi-russian sob up

Good point. If they still had Cesaro with Zeb Colter then it might have worked, but Big E for example is still an undeveloped property, they could have easily built him up to be that character (he kinda did have shades of it when he did fight Rusev a few times).

Cena isn't a literal rep of the United States though. He is when it suits them. He of course has things like the salute in his entrance (and his charitable work does admittedly strengthen the image of him as A Good Guy) but WWE in general can pass that onto nearly any performer. Hell, they even have Tribute To The Troops as a platform to help push someone in that direction.

I guess I was disappointed by that angle because of how telegraphed it was. Rusev beats Cena dirty? Oh you better believe Wrestlemania is going to be a celebration of all thing America. There was never any doubt that Cena was going over the moment it became apparent that they were feuding, and I find it wasteful to build up a heel like that just to have him fed to someone that's already a certified future HOF inductee.
I don't necessarily agree with the recent praise being put on John Cena for his US Title run. Arguably (much like the Divas nonsense) it's more the problem of bad booking, but is anyone really getting a rub apart from Cena himself? All these great wrestlers get a shot at the title, and while the matches are quality it always ends with Cena winning in his usual manner, no surprises. And then it's him that goes onto challenge Rollins at Summerslam. And now Sting is challenging Rollins?

Just this year, guys working with Cena that were elevated and in a better place: Rusev, Owens, Cesaro, Neville. People think getting the rub means main eventer for life or something. It doesn't. Guys like Earthquake, Bundy, Boss Man, and Perfect got the rub from Hogan. They weren't main eventers, but they did have long and lucrative careers bassed on working a program with Hulk Hogan.

Rusev is a featured performer, showing way more personality and generally being awesome and over even without Lana. KO is over and a featured performer. Neville got the celebrity match at Summerslam. Cesaro is over huge again based just on his matches with Cena. Cena launched Punk and Bryan to a whole new level. The irony has always been that despite the online hate for Cena, no one in WWE has done more to put over the internet favorites.

The idea that John Cena is getting a rub is silly. In 5 months, he elevated the entire midcard and made a title that has been a joke for 8 years into something more important and prestigious than the WWE championship. It's pretty amazing. The hindsight view of John Cena is going to be that he was one of the all time greats.
it's cos every time john cena goes up against some new motherfucker everyone gets all excited like 'what if this guy was the new john cena....whoa' and then gets disappointed

the guy's good at what he does. in fact he's great. he can out promo pretty much anybody except paul heyman on the active roster. he always makes sure he and his opponents look great.

i think if the wwe started in 2012 people would have much less of a problem with a john cena. the john cena. an john cena. this john cena. our john cena

john cena? he's a good man. he's an imperialist who should be indicted and executed for war crimes but he's a good man.
it's cos every time john cena goes up against some new motherfucker everyone gets all excited like 'what if this guy was the new john cena....whoa' and then gets disappointed

the guy's good at what he does. in fact he's great. he can out promo pretty much anybody except paul heyman on the active roster. he always makes sure he and his opponents look great.

i think if the wwe started in 2012 people would have much less of a problem with a john cena. the john cena. an john cena. this john cena. our john cena

john cena? he's a good man. he's an imperialist who should be indicted and executed for war crimes but he's a good man.

Wrestling fans just get bored easily. Probably a symptom of ADD culture, imo. Everyone is always multitasking and in need of constant new stimuli. 3 months of Cesaro or KO as champ would likely get the same, "okay, let's get some new blood" reactions. Same thing happened already with Seth, really.
I get that promotions want to show themselves in the best possible light, but if you claim to have "the very best wrestling talent on British shores" and then I see a card full of no-names, a couple of notables who made their names elsewhere, one dude I'm actually a fan of and the fucker who's running this vanity promotion, I'm not exactly going to be impressed. Perhaps "a great roster of up-and-coming British talent" would be more suitable?

out em boots
Wrestling fans just get bored easily. Probably a symptom of ADD culture, imo. Everyone is always multitasking and in need of constant new stimuli. 3 months of Cesaro or KO as champ would likely get the same, "okay, let's get some new blood" reactions. Same thing happened already with Seth, really.

hahaha yeah


what happens next: ughhh...seth is emblematic of everything wrong with the wwe


So not worth it
Wrestling fans just get bored easily. Probably a symptom of ADD culture, imo. Everyone is always multitasking and in need of constant new stimuli. 3 months of Cesaro or KO as champ would likely get the same, "okay, let's get some new blood" reactions. Same thing happened already with Seth, really.

There's no ADD culture.

There are 3 hours of Raw, 2 hours of Smackdown, a PPV every 4 weeks and a WWE Network though.

But yeah, it's the fans fault that they want to see something new after every 30 hours of wrestling.
Again, not complaining about Seth, just that they have nothing for him

he's the WWE champ and just beat john cena for the US title too now he's a double champ and is the most arrogant up his ass top level heel in the business

'hmm i just don't care'

that's cool man. seth isn't totally killing it here cos he's meant to be a face - his style is high pop very fast flippy shit cool stuff - but he's doing a dang good acting job as the shithead everybody hates.

seth rollins got over as a heel in 2015 and the IWC universe can't handle it.
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