It's fake.
I'm playing through Titan Souls right now. It's fun for what it is and thankfully doesn't fall into any sort of boredom-trap like the second half of Bravely Default
Total Divas is real, doofuses. That's why it's called reality television.
Next you clowns are gonna tell me BangBus isn't real.
That's literally a shoot, bro.
NAH MAN ITS REALI find it weird when wrestling fans of all people don't cotton on to the fact that Total Divas is scripted.
There's so many wrestling fans that need to read this. Mick is probably the realest dude in this entire business.
There's so many wrestling fans that need to read this. Mick is probably the realest dude in this entire business.
Total Divas is real, doofuses. That's why it's called reality television.
Next you clowns are gonna tell me BangBus isn't real.
seth is randy except not as cool and waaaay better in the ring
The win out of nowhere discussion has always been interesting to me, because that's how pretty much every form of entertainment does it as well. Protagonist has the odds stacked against them, seemingly impossible, then they somehow find a way to win at the last second and move on to the next story. Or, the protagonist is about to win and the antagonist gets away at the last second to fight another day. John Cena/Hulk Hogan being the protagonist examples, Flair and the Horsemen being the antagonist examples.
As wrestling is just another form of story telling, it follows and uses the same story telling techniques that other genres and mediums do. The story telling issues in wrestling are the same issues in all forms of story based entertainment. The core story telling tools are so ingrained in humanity that it is nearly impossible to really change them.
I'm not sure how many of you have read The Seven Basic Plots by Christopher Booker, but it essentially explains how there are really only seven plots. Some would argue that there are 20-36 basic, core plots, but as wrestling is such a broadstrokes and simplified genre, I'm inclined to go with the seven for it.
- Overcoming The Monster
- Rags To Riches
- The Quest
- Voyage And Return
- Comedy
- Tragedy
- Rebirth
It's really, really hard to break away from those. Especially in wrestling, which doesn't have a ton of room for subtlety and nuance, at least not on a scale to deviate from the core stories, as most of the bulk of story points are told with physicality, not words. Depending on how long the stories are, nearly all the plots can be used, such as with the Daniel Bryan story. I would argue that the voyage and return/rebirth are pretty much the same thing, but those are the basic framework for all stories in wrestling and, indeed, most genres of entertainment. It's very hard to deviate from those. For one, they're so ingrained that most people write those plots without even being aware of it. Secondly, its hard for others to accept something radically different than every story they've been told.
In my mind, the issue isn't repetition of the story points, but repetition of the presentation. That's why Lucha Underground had such an interesting product. They used the same core plot points, but with a totally fresh for wrestling presentation. The presentation of those core plots made for an engaging and entertaining product even though, at its heart, the stories were the same that have been told in wrestling for decades.
I dunno, I see him more as the Indy Triple H to be honest...
Mick Foley finally talking about something important. I'm on board. I agree.
Mick has always been a huge supporter for women's rights.
Also does a good deal to call some attention to autism (due to his son), which is nice.
Mick is a great guy, I don't always agree with him on matters of booking and storylines, but as a human being he is amazing.
i think that's only cos of the booking, he doesn't really resemble triple h at all
Mick has always been a huge supporter for women's rights.
Also does a good deal to call some attention to autism (due to his son), which is nice.
Mick is a great guy, I don't always agree with him on matters of booking and storylines, but as a human being he is amazing.
And their contribution to society is...what?UKFF has a 42 page thread about how much they hate Foley.
Fuck if I know.And their contribution to society is...what?
I mean a younger Trips before the bulk. Of course not gimmick wise, but workrate wise it's almost the same.
i mean more like triple h never got that over for his in ring stuff, cos he's only 'good' not great, but seth is great and he's getting over despite his immense heel booking. it's a totally different dynamic.
i think seth is a huge face waiting to happen.
Just no fan voting. IMO ruined this season.Nah, it was the slut-shaming.
And no, we need more Tough Enough. More reality bs. More trash TV. It's the most natural fit with WWE.
True. Despite the chicken shit heel gimmick, Seth is a natural in the ring. His Summerslam performance was amazing. I just hope that the title reign last a few more months because Rollins made me a believer that night.
The HHH feud is going to be legendary. A face turn for the ages.
I don't understand why WWE keeps pushing these garbage ass trashy reality shows with no substance, but won't pump out the stuff that are critically acclaimed. Such as documentaries, behind the scenes stuff, and things that actually make the company look...good. Instead of a sleazy miserable place of employment.
Reality shows are so 2005.
I don't understand why WWE keeps pushing these garbage ass trashy reality shows with no substance, but won't pump out the stuff that are critically acclaimed. Such as documentaries, behind the scenes stuff, and things that actually make the company look...good. Instead of a sleazy miserable place of employment.
Reality shows are so 2005.
Fave Five "Sports"
Scripps National Spelling Bee
Trick Shot Pool
Olympic Curling
Mixed Martial Arts
Rocket League
I don't understand why WWE keeps pushing these garbage ass trashy reality shows with no substance, but won't pump out the stuff that are critically acclaimed. Such as documentaries, behind the scenes stuff, and things that actually make the company look...good. Instead of a sleazy miserable place of employment.
Reality shows are so 2005.
I don't understand why WWE keeps pushing these garbage ass trashy reality shows with no substance, but won't pump out the stuff that are critically acclaimed. Such as documentaries, behind the scenes stuff, and things that actually make the company look...good. Instead of a sleazy miserable place of employment.
Reality shows are so 2005.
Reality TV is still good television. I love Total Divas and I ain't ashamed.
Get on board the TD train, pal.
Oh, shit, BOLA's this weekend
Reality TV is still good television. I love Total Divas and I ain't ashamed.
Get on board the TD train, pal.
I don't understand why WWE keeps pushing these garbage ass trashy reality shows with no substance, but won't pump out the stuff that are critically acclaimed. Such as documentaries, behind the scenes stuff, and things that actually make the company look...good. Instead of a sleazy miserable place of employment.
Reality shows are so 2005.
We should all set a time and place to meet and eat before the show.
I don't understand why WWE keeps pushing these garbage ass trashy reality shows with no substance, but won't pump out the stuff that are critically acclaimed. Such as documentaries, behind the scenes stuff, and things that actually make the company look...good. Instead of a sleazy miserable place of employment.
Reality shows are so 2005.
It's because they're behind the times. Their Divas Revolution is acting like this is the first time women in sports has ever been a thing.
reality shows are cheap as shit to produce
Nobody watches those documentaries, aside from the few hardcore fans. The sleazy stuff is cheap to produce and gets more viewers. It just makes sense.
Yes, it's just good old fun. A bit pissed Ariane and Vinny are gone from this season though, hope they come back.
I'll only fully support this if/when Seth does a![]()
I mean a younger Trips before the bulk. Of course not gimmick wise, but workrate wise it's almost the same.
Watching reality showsReality TV is still good television. I love Total Divas and I ain't ashamed.
Get on board the TD train, pal.