Remember Brad Madox
Well at least Bryan dying for our sins gave us Brock squashing Cena. The Cena squash was the catalyst for getting the fans behind him, if he had done it to beloved Bryan I don't know how different things would be.
Well they're not vague rumors, he's outright said if WWE doesn't clear him he will do it. I don't know what Bryan or WWE is waiting for though.
How is Brock vs. anyone a dream match at this point? Spoiler alert: 10 suplexes and a F-5 is about all you can expect from him these days. Sadly, 2003 Brock ain't walking through that door. The booking of his matches is dull as dirt at this point.
How is Brock vs. anyone a dream match at this point? Spoiler alert: 10 suplexes and a F-5 is about all you can expect from him these days. Sadly, 2003 Brock ain't walking through that door. The booking of his matches is dull as dirt at this point.
Remember Brad Madox
How long until someone in upper WWE realise the New Day have been singing the tune of "hey we want some pussy" for a month?
What prevents Bryan from posting an instagram pic of him in a ring in his backyard?
WWE said they wouldn't clear him but I see no reason why he can't do it for free in his backyard and post pics about training?
Plus he needs to see the doctors Cena sees. I get a vague feeling that this is the doctor he sees.
Rusev was cutting promos on Ziggler since way back:
He knew the Dolph had jealous eyes.![]()
How is Brock vs. anyone a dream match at this point? Spoiler alert: 10 suplexes and a F-5 is about all you can expect from him these days. Sadly, 2003 Brock ain't walking through that door. The booking of his matches is dull as dirt at this point.
That's great because 2015 Brock is much better than 2003 Brock unless you're a mark for moves. If that's the case, you can just check out some Ring of Honor matches.
Plus, he comes with Paul Heyman, who is only getting better as a mouthpiece.
Probably not that different. He took Undertaker's streak and that dead man is more beloved than Bryan. And surely they would have gone through with the Reigns stuff, etc. Brock will always be awesome in every dimension.
Friend, I can just enjoy a Seth Rollins match.
Heyman's promos are about as fresh as another suplex city match.
Bryan's probably to emotionally distressed about the whole thing. He seemed completely gone on Tough Enough. So sad.
Taken on 9-11-13. Wow.
For someone who calls out wrestlers on being stale, your fave cutting the same 'You guys didn't believe in me promo and I proved all of you wrong!' promo every week sure don't get enough criticism.
Can't be a fan without being a hypocrite.![]()
Unless Bryan can prove he isn't gonna die I don't want to see him out there.
I think there's a different kind of beloved.
People respect Taker, but he's no underdog and isn't seen as one. You won't have people feeling sorry for poor little Taker getting beat up by a bully, Taker's a huge grown ass man.
Bryan is the most effective underdog character WWE has ever had, Brock completely squashing Bryan could very well feed the narrative of him being held down and WWE just giving him some token short reign and then the fans take some of it out on Brock at least for a short while.
Now having said that I do agree the Roman stuff probably would have had things end up the same.
Everyone dies, friend.
That's true, but Bryan's one feud post-Mania he had was so horrendous that I think if that was a sample of his time with the title, people would be over him by SummerSlam.
Heyman's promos are about as fresh as another suplex city match.
"get your Superfly signatures before he gets locked away!"
How is Brock vs. anyone a dream match at this point? Spoiler alert: 10 suplexes and a F-5 is about all you can expect from him these days. Sadly, 2003 Brock ain't walking through that door. The booking of his matches is dull as dirt at this point.
It's really lame we haven't got an F-5 into an RKO
Got stomach cancer bro. He'll be dead before that.
What's '2003 Brock?' A few more running powerslams, a powerbomb here and there? He's the same, just working safer. Maybe almost dying from a shooting star press taught him what every top guy knows; it isn't how many moves you do, it's how you sell them to the people.
Brock's seen his last title reign and I'm glad
I'm sure DDP did it to some jobber with an F-5 styled move back in WCW. Most of Orton's trail (when it comes to finishers) has been totally blazed by DDP.It's really lame we haven't got an F-5 into an RKO
It's really lame we haven't got an F-5 into an RKO
I apologize if this was posted already but goddamn do I love New Day more and more every day. They've done so well with this gimmick.
I apologize if this was posted already but goddamn do I love New Day more and more every day. They've done so well with this gimmick.
What's '2003 Brock?' A few more running powerslams, a powerbomb here and there? He's the same, just working safer. Maybe almost dying from a shooting star press taught him what every top guy knows; it isn't how many moves you do, it's how you sell them to the people.
:edit: Holy shit I watched that Hama match, dude's face is totally Majin Buu's![]()
I apologize if this was posted already but goddamn do I love New Day more and more every day. They've done so well with this gimmick.
I can only imagine Vince's thoughts when seeing this segment.
Show some respect to the last ever ECW champ
Well yeah, but you framed it like you said you hated Paige the person now. Everyone on Total Divas has does shitty things.