Can I second the notion for replacing Swerved with a New Day sketch-show?
i guess, but i was just thinking that before Horizon 2, Burnout 3 was the last racing game that i had so much fun playing
Burnout Paradise is still my racing GOAT
...that's not how arrows work, Crystal Dynamics.
In preparation for The Phantom Pain, I'm playing Snake Eater again. Just beat The End last night; coming up on The Ladder. Best game ever, right, guys?
Can't put promos for secondary characters on TV because you need to give Rollins 25 minutes to say nothing at the start of every Raw.
It's not my best game ever, but I respect anyone's opinion who says it's their best game ever.
Possibly best ending ever for a video game as well.
MGS4 tho? Fuck that game. Fuck everything about it.
It's not my best game ever, but I respect anyone's opinion who says it's their best game ever.
Possibly best ending ever for a video game as well.
MGS4 tho? Fuck that game. Fuck everything about it.
It's neat. I like MGS3 most out of all of them. MGS4 is the worst toilet game of all Metal Gear Solids.
MGS1 > MGS3 > MGR > MGS4 > MGS2
Big E has such a great sense of timing and comedy. As much as I love New Day, I can't wait for him to be a solo act again.
In other "me catching up on dope things very late" news after LU, finished Episode 2 of Life is Strange recently, that's a hell of a game. Playing it "co-op" on the couch with the other half, nice to share something like that. Final few minutes had me legit shook.
Rising isn't an MGS game though
In preparation for The Phantom Pain, I'm playing Snake Eater again. Just beat The End last night; coming up on The Ladder. Best game ever, right, guys?
Oh man. OH MAN. KEEEEEEP PLAYING. So goddamned good.
MGS1 > MGS3 > MGR > MGS4 > MGS2
MGS4 at least had the common courtesy to retcon the dumb-as-fuck-even-by-Metal-Gear-standards "Liquid takes over Ocelot through a fucking arm graph" shit from MGS2
Forgettable WWE championship reign, pedigrees, 20 minutes of talking every week with nothing said, the giant nose...
Reminds me of a man.
Oh, I will be. Pretty sure it has/will overtake my previous genre favourite (Wolf Among Us). I love the Garden State/Nick and Norah vibe on the surface, and the story is great.
Life Is Strange is INCREDIBLE. Might be my GOTY.
Heyman's promo was fucking epic. Even though it's completely unnecessary, I'm hyped for Taker/Brock because they've done an ace job of building it up. This is the build up their WM30 match should have had.
Life Is Strange is INCREDIBLE. Might be my GOTY.
Im just glad WWE has allowed him to be on TV for the last couple years, they have been so enjoyable. To see someone attain mastery level, is really special.
Heyman's promo was fucking epic. Even though it's completely unnecessary, I'm hyped for Taker/Brock because they've done an ace job of building it up. This is the build up their WM30 match should have had.
I mean look at him:
He's so excited
I don't think it would have been possible then - I don't recall Brock getting the kind of reaction he does now back then, and although I had just started watching at that point, I wasn't really interested in him. I knew he had a match with the Big Show before that, and that sounded boring, and the Undertaker looked bad (still does) and the match was kind of crappy. The ending of the streak didn't have much impact on me - it was the Summerslam match where I got interested in Brock and he's been the main attraction for me since then.
Which is why I really don't want the Undertaker to beat him. Not a squash match, it's fine to do the whole megamen colliding thing, but I want Brock to come out on top. That's cos Undertaker isn't that entertaining to me in his advanced age, and having Brock lose would knock him down on the perch he has been on since Summerslam which I only want to happen after a build up with a young guy, and have that make the young guy, whoever it might be.
I don't think it's time to take Brock down yet, and he should be on a title reign when he does lose clean. Also, keep in mind Brock hasn't actually won a match since the Rumble (unless you count Kofi), because Seth has ran shenanigans on him. I want to see Brock get that 1-2-3 again, man.
I know he just does Germans but I don't even care. He provides that adrenaline rush which is what watching wrestling is all about. If Undertaker beats him, that'll be a real bummer.
Does anybody here want Undertaker to win?
It's mine, and I haven't even gotten to ep4 yet.
imma wait until i can get everything at once
Can I second the notion for replacing Swerved with a New Day sketch-show?
There should have been a 90s American Gladiators/WWF crossover show.
Happy bday Bronson.
There was:
MGS1 > MGS3 > MGR > MGS4 > MGS2
MGS4 at least had the common courtesy to retcon the dumb-as-fuck-even-by-Metal-Gear-standards "Liquid takes over Ocelot through a fucking arm graph" shit from MGS2
Friends, no matter how hard HHH or Vince may try, they will never be able to bury someone so convincingly as Drake has buried Meek.
My god, that man had a family.
Sushi's new tag partner