Real real OGs pulled out Virtual Pro Wrestling.

Real real OGs pulled out Virtual Pro Wrestling.
Real real OGs pulled out Virtual Pro Wrestling.
Going to the house show in Vancouver this weekend, friends.
Any idea where I can find a card for the event? Or even a list of superstars? The "featured superstars" on the WWE website lists around seven performers, one of which is Ziggler, so I'd imagine it's woefully out of date
I'm so down for Killer Instinct Season 3 though. It's amazing that I've barely touched MKX since launch, but KI is probably my most played game of the generation.
I'm so down for Killer Instinct Season 3 though. It's amazing that I've barely touched MKX since launch, but KI is probably my most played game of the generation.
me too, can't wait. i'll finally be able to play with my friend who is a big KI fan but he doesn't have an Xbone (finger crossed for good cross-platform netplay)
I find it odd how WWE doesn't ever put up guys with cool movesets like Neville up for titles or top runs. He's tiny yeah, but with a guy as flippy and hyperactive as he is, I think it'd be believable he could outmaneuver and strike against much bigger guys. They should look for more qualities in top guys than 'is big and looks good'. If WWE was a fighting game, Neville would be one of the best characters to play as.
I find it odd how WWE doesn't ever put up guys with cool movesets like Neville up for titles or top runs. He's tiny yeah, but with a guy as flippy and hyperactive as he is, I think it'd be believable he could outmaneuver and strike against much bigger guys. They should look for more qualities in top guys than 'is big and looks good'. If WWE was a fighting game, Neville would be one of the best characters to play as.
sigh, what happened to Emma?
I'm surprised how little I've played MKX. I loved the shit out of MK9 and Injustice.
sigh, what happened to Emma?
We won't see any workhorse type champs with the main title for a while after CM Punk.
What on earth do you think Rollins is, man
she became boring.
seriously. Dana Brooke in a matter of weeks caught up to and roared passed Emma in terms of overall talent
Emma is a mediocre wrestler with a fun gimmick in the dancing bit.
Take away the dancing bit and she's a mediocre wrestler who doesn't work as a heel.
I should probably clarify that I don't think highly of Emma in the first place.
Emma is a mediocre wrestler with a fun gimmick in the dancing bit.
Take away the dancing bit and she's a mediocre wrestler who doesn't work as a heel.
Who's a great wrestler?
I've noticed a pattern with NXT where anyone who's been there for a while is suddenly 'average' and anyone newer is the hot stuff until someone even newer comes along and then said 'great' wrestler seems to be mediocre all the sudden around here.
Who's a great wrestler?
I've noticed a pattern with NXT where anyone who's been there for a while is suddenly 'average' and anyone newer is the hot stuff until someone even newer comes along and then said 'great' wrestler seems to be mediocre all the sudden around here.
This feels like some kind of goalpost shifting.
After she lost her bubbly ditz gimmick Emma got exposed fast. She has nothing else. She has no ring presence. She doesn't have good matches. Dana Fucking Brooke showed up and at least has competent matches and has a hell of a lot more presence than Emma does. Emma's idea of being a heel is standing around looking half asleep at ringside. When even Eva Marie looks more impressive than you, there's a problem.
By your logic we have started calling Sami Zayn, Bayley, Tyler Breeze, and Sasha Banks all mediocre a while ago.
No, just no. She hasn't even passed Eva Marie yet.she became boring.
seriously. Dana Brooke in a matter of weeks caught up to and roared passed Emma in terms of overall talent
Feeling good gaf brahs. Got word my financial aid covers my tuition so at least I won't have to owe any loans for my senior year.
Jesus Christ
Tyler Breeze is a good wrestler
This year, two huge changes to how reversals work may actually solve the issue once and for all. You start each match with a limited stock of reversals. Once you use one, it will slowly regenerate over time, meaning that if you try to counter every move thrown your way, you'll be out in no time flat, leaving you completely vulnerable until one regenerates. What's more, you can now pass on your initial chance to reverse a move at its startup, and instead attempt a mosre difficult to time "major" reversal mid-move. It will cost you two reversal stocks, but the effects can be match-changing, debuffing your opponent in a variety of possible ways and giving you time to really turn things around.
Congrats man! So what are you going to do with all the money you would've spent? Something irresponsible I hope.
Thanks friend. I gotta be smart and budget for food and essentials mostly.
Considering barely anyone talks about Tyler Breeze or Bayley anymore, I would say yes. That is exactly what happened. Zayn's been out with an injury and hasn't been involved in anything major sense then so there's no reason you would talk about him one way or the other. When he comes back he'll suddenly be 'new' again to everyone and you'll talk about how 'fucking boring Finn is and Zayn should have the title instead' or 'Uhaa is way more impressive. Give him the title'