I think the issue we have with NXT as it relates to WWE is the WWE's complete inability to write a character and booking around it.
What is Neville's character? What the fuck do they mean when they mention that he's "ushering in the Altitude Era?" Is he starting a revolution focused around high flyers? No, it's something to stick on a shirt.
I don't like Owens, but he isn't being protected AT ALL. He's being paired up with guys that look more impressive than he does, and looks week everytime. I thought he was a tough bully, but apparently he owns "all of the Miz's movies on blu-ray."
It's been said before, but Finn's "demon" persona is completely undercooked. We know when it's coming, and it's not like he wrestles any differently with it.
They removed any story around Emma, and now the female NXT call-ups are being wasted away to further the Paige/Bella feud.