But I am going to see the Dragonball movie in theaters tonight
For reference, for those that haven't seen the mag cover...my god
For reference, for those that haven't seen the mag cover...my god
Wow. No righteous nerd rage out of me, but that's painting with a pretty broad brush there.
Wow. No righteous nerd rage out of me, but that's painting with a pretty broad brush there.
Sometimes I forget how much society thinks we are losers ...god damn.
There are gamers who want backwards compatible systems because spending 30 seconds hooking up a different system is hard. There are gamers who only buy digital games because they find swapping discs too tedious.
Sometimes I think society views us in the right light.
There are gamers who want backwards compatible systems because spending 30 seconds hooking up a different system is hard. There are gamers who only buy digital games because they find swapping discs too tedious.
Sometimes I think society views us in the right light.
Friend, I find that the thing you are talking about is an affliction that affects the vast majority of Western society and is the primary driver of developments in the area of consumer products: the constant need for more convenience!
The person behind Oculus Rift is fucking 22? Didn't some company buy that thing for Billions with a capital B for Bitch I'm Now a Billionaire?
:blankstareemoji: :gunemoji:
He's a dope ass dude.
Never taking your opinions of who is 'dope' seriously ever again sunny.[/QUOTE]
You should never take anyone seriously that describes someone as "dope" in the first place! Maybe dopey, I would accept dopey.
You know what? No, you don't get to be "out of here for the day" without owning up to your words, Kaladin. You've skated by, passively ignoring objections to some questionable statements for far too long.
You can try to skew this as some personal vendetta, but everyone reading knows I've shown to be an equal opportunist when it comes to the disgusting treatment of women on WrassleGAF.
Maybe you have something against the professional wrestling character "Rosa Mendes", but what you're saying should not be condoned by the community. It certainly won't by me.
39/40. Missed
I clicked "give up" which reveals the answers and it was foreign object. Something weird must have happened when I was doing the quiz. What sucks is you can't advance to the next question unless you get it right so I had to stop a quarter of the way through.
It's especially interesting that someone who so gleefully writes people off as "gimmick posters" can do things like race bait, defend Hulk Hogan's racism, and wave the confederate flag without having the self-awareness to see that he either espouses repugnant views, or is the biggest gimmick poster of all.
Nobody's a gimmick, everyone is completely earnest, even though I had a hard time with Cure "Layla? Gross" Vylash for a while.
Sorry, I'm using my vote to save Friend Cure...this week.WHAT
I think at this point it's obvious there's no such thing as gimmick posters here. If there was, it'd be really tough to enjoy this community. I mean, seriously, if people just assumed these opinions were gimmicks you'd have some ridiculous characters in here.
Nobody's a gimmick, everyone is completely earnest, even though I had a hard time with Cure "Layla? Gross" Vylash for a while.
Sweeney Tom, I have an honest question.
Raw spoiler and SOMEWHAT dangerous Owens talk, but it's a legit question and I don't have the answer. Please do not click the spoiler unless you're Sweeney Tom.Did WWE actually edit out Owens standing up from a chair and it getting stuck on his love handles?
Sweeney Tom, I have an honest question.
Raw spoiler and SOMEWHAT dangerous Owens talk, but it's a legit question and I don't have the answer. Please do not click the spoiler unless you're Sweeney Tom.Did WWE actually edit out Owens standing up from a chair and it getting stuck on his love handles? See link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv71k_ZzjYU&feature=youtu.be&t=7m32s
Looks like its in there to me, complete with the Cesaro line pointing it out (which was the best line of that Raw imo)
Or is this a joke I'm not seeing
can i throw an avatar into the pool without actually entering myself?
Was it Cure that had that Hama avatar? That was hilarious.
I love you bbi hate you all
I just saved you from Bronson's Court, you ingrate.i hate you all
It was on Hulu. At least I remember Cesaro mentioning it.Not in that video, but I meant in the syndicated Hulu cut. Sweeney Tom watches that version, yes? They typically make a load of questionable cuts, I wondered about this one because it runs against what a lot of people feel is "ok" for Owens' character.
i hate you all
I just saved you from Bronson's Court, you ingrate.