Okay, so after shaking off my shock from both the three minutes of Lucha Underground that I watched, and the shocking bit of racist sexism that darkened the thread earlier, I unpaused the show and watched Vampiro's match. It was, of course, pure garbage wrestling. And not even very good garbage wrestling. Just a very slow-paced garbage match punctuated by the occasional light tube, thumbtacks, and ultimately a flaming table.
But then I think about Vampiro's age, and I think this match showed us that this is how these old fucks should be used. They obviously can't go anymore--Vampiro doing a belly-to-belly spot from the top rope and landing on his feet proved that. But they can bleed, and they can take punishment. Just like when Flair did his first-ever thumbtacks spot a few years ago, I think there is something perversely compelling about seeing veterans get abused. It's almost like now, at the end, wrestling doesn't even put on the pretense of being anything but what it is: abusing their performers like aged cattle being slaughtered to make ground chuck, squeezing whatever little drop of value out of them before they're put down for good.
I just watched that match dream and can confirm I had a raging erection throughout the entirety of the match. I think our societies unspoken hatred of the elderly, who can no longer contribute to the economy in a meaningful way and are nothing more than burdenous bags of flesh, sucking the life out of the youthful workforce, is given color and shape through a "garbage wrestling" match on Lucha Underground.
It is nothing less than a revolutionary physical sociological treatise.