Dream, are you going to watch Triplemania?
Actually let me rephrase that
Actually let me rephrase that
Are you going to watch Triplemania?With high-flown words Alberto reminds Myztezys about a backstage moment when apparently the former Sin Cara pulled out a gun and threatened El Patrón. Alberto on his tweets calls out Myzteziz and invites him to bring up his family and his friends because he will get this to the last consequences.
The tweets translation in the same order as the image:
@TheSinCaraWWE Don't be a pussy fucker, say the things to my face.
@TheSinCaraWWE I am going to fuck your shit up the next time I see you fucking no-baller.
@TheSinCaraWWE You better begin to get your gun out, because when I see you at Triplemania I am going to kick your fucking ass.
@TheSinCaraWWE Bring here all of Tepito if you want you fucking pussy because I will see you at Triplemania and I am going to bust the fuck out of you. (Tepito is where Myzteziz comes from and is a place in Mexico City known for the delictive acts there are commited in there as drug selling, DVD and clothes piracy, murders and having the worst of the people that lives in the mexican capital)
To everybody at Triplemania I will kick the ass of @TheSinCaraWWE
Nacho (Myztezis real name, short way to say Ignacio in México) you better call up your dad because I will fucking kick your ass, fucking no-talent pussy, you better prepare for the beating of your life.