So Cena wins the U.S. Title and Seth retains the WWE title at NoC, Seth/Cena at HIAC (Seth's U.S. Title rematch), Seth/HHH at Survivor Series?
The opening Sting promo was one of the worst of the year in terms of its message. HHH IS THE KING OF KINGS, STING IS GRATEFUL FOR HAVING HIS ASS BEATEN AND THEN HAVING HIS HAND SHAKEN, and oh yeah, the WWE Champion isn't half the man HHH is.
Dolph and Rusev had a nothing match that peaked with the post-match upskirt of Lana. Dolph took a shower and Summer invaded the room - so Dolph apparently just doesn't care about folks walking in on him showering. Divas revolution bullshit with this beat the clock challenge. It BEGAN with a 3:21 match, so this revolution is worth about 10 minutes of airtime on this 3+ long hour show. Becky won.
Braun-Dean wasn't much, while Cesaro-Owens was good, it was hurt by the commentary just not caring about it at all and not feeling special. Everything with the Dolph-Lana stuff sucked, as she's angry over him...clearly being set up by the heels and looks like an idiot. Speaking of which, Paige lost the BTC challenge when she should've won by DQ. Dudleys had a super-fun match with New Day, and then Seth was put in his place by Steph. Beyond just being completely responsible for the women's revolution, she'll be responsible for whipping him into shape. And she made Cena-Seth for the U.S. Title - so Seth, the heel, is defending his title against the odds and WWE is outright copying ROH's Jay Lethal run - well, it's a good idea, so why not.
Screens -
Straight Outta Dudleyville
The REAL Booty Warrior Returns
All Hail Lana
They're definitely going through with Rollins/H but I have to wonder if H is gonna put him over, especially after he's proven to be such an idiot in his personal life.
On TV it sounded like that crowd never woke up for anything.
So Cena wins the U.S. Title and Seth retains the WWE title at NoC, Seth/Cena at HIAC (Seth's U.S. Title rematch), Seth/HHH at Survivor Series?
They should only do Raw & PPVs in smark cities, since the crowd reaction is so important to the product. Sure fans might shit all over a match or two, but even the worst smark mutiny would be preferable to silent indifference. That Cena-Sting moment is remembered totally differently with a smart, hot crowd, who, at the very least would've popped out of respect/'the love of the game' even if the execution fell a bit flat.
sting wins wwe title, taker challenges him and wins at survivor series, brock wins rumble to retire taker and claim throne at wm32.
Now that's a powerful road to wrestlemania
The opening Sting promo was one of the worst of the year in terms of its message. HHH IS THE KING OF KINGS, STING IS GRATEFUL FOR HAVING HIS ASS BEATEN AND THEN HAVING HIS HAND SHAKEN, and oh yeah, the WWE Champion isn't half the man HHH is.
Dolph and Rusev had a nothing match that peaked with the post-match upskirt of Lana. Dolph took a shower and Summer invaded the room - so Dolph apparently just doesn't care about folks walking in on him showering. Divas revolution bullshit with this beat the clock challenge. It BEGAN with a 3:21 match, so this revolution is worth about 10 minutes of airtime on this 3+ long hour show. Becky won.
Braun-Dean wasn't much, while Cesaro-Owens was good, it was hurt by the commentary just not caring about it at all and not feeling special. Everything with the Dolph-Lana stuff sucked, as she's angry over him...clearly being set up by the heels and looks like an idiot. Speaking of which, Paige lost the BTC challenge when she should've won by DQ. Dudleys had a super-fun match with New Day, and then Seth was put in his place by Steph. Beyond just being completely responsible for the women's revolution, she'll be responsible for whipping him into shape. And she made Cena-Seth for the U.S. Title - so Seth, the heel, is defending his title against the odds and WWE is outright copying ROH's Jay Lethal run - well, it's a good idea, so why not.
Screens -
Straight Outta Dudleyville
The REAL Booty Warrior Returns
All Hail Lana
the wwe are possibly doing as bad a job with vitalising the women's division as is possible to do
"Just for meeeeeeeee!"
I was there and the crowd was only dead during the divas matches.On TV it sounded like that crowd never woke up for anything.
That's the worst Max Landis has ever come off, imo. What an entitled millennial shithead. "There is no such thing as 'on-point' criticism when it comes to art." So the latest Justin Bieber concert movie is exactly and inarguably the equal of Tokyo Story, 2001, and The Fog of War, cuz MUH OPINIONS.
Not to mention trying to slight others' criticism while simultaneously falling back on total subjectivity as a means of deflecting it when deployed against him. He'll never transcend hackery, with that kind of thinking. If there is no right or wrong, not even in relative terms, then any commentary on others' views is utterly pointless, Max.
his face is so small
I'll post the September OT in 5 minutes.
I heard that at first too but then went back and checked and he did say 2x2.3x2=4
Damn, I guess in and universe this is right.
his face is so small
Like bray and Eugene did the fusion dance