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August Wrasslin' |OT2| What? It's almost September.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Bad news, friends. They changed the Thunder In Paradise theme, and now it's like this shitty porno sax music. Why. Why I ask you.


Weight. Not height. I don't think Malenko would be pushed. But, in a world where Daniel Bryan is a world champ, I can see Malenko being employed in a midcard role in the WWE.

Weight doesn't mean shit. No way would he have ever been in a role like Cesaro's at any point in his life in WWE. Cesaro wouldn't be in Cesaro's role if he was 5'5". I don't even know how you could come up with "Dean weighs more, so he'd be in a better position". He wrestled in WWE and his position was "Guy in the Radicalz we care the least about because his shoulders barely reach the top rope".
Weight doesn't mean shit. No way would he have ever been in a role like Cesaro's at any point in his life in WWE. Cesaro wouldn't be in Cesaro's role if he was 5'5". I don't even know how you could come up with "Dean weighs more, so he'd be in a better position". He wrestled in WWE and his position was "Guy in the Radicalz we care the least about because his shoulders barely reach the top rope".

Yes, in an era full of guys who died a few years later of heart attacks or ended up murdering his family. I'm not saying he would've been pushed as big as Cesaro's peak. I mean Cesaro's current role - JTTS in the midcard in pointless 10 minute matches.

Good thread jred2k, not like that abortion we had before.
Welcome back. I admire your commitment but unfortunately, that motherfucker is gone. Dean Ambrose Month has been put off indefinitely.
Weight. Not height. I don't think Malenko would be pushed. But, in a world where Daniel Bryan is a world champ, I can see Malenko being employed in a midcard role in the WWE.

I don't know what WCW's The Giant has to do with this but Dean Malen- waitaminute, NO I'M NOT PIPER IN THE GIF.
Ah, forgive me, there's just so many old timers in that gif. It's like WrassleGAF


love on your sleeve
I doubt Malenko is heavier than Rollins for that matter. Do you have any idea what a guy with Malenko's height (5'6ish) and over 200lbs would actually look like? Check out pictures of current day Matt Serra.

Layla probably the type to leave you hanging instead of the other way around. Like you call her number the day after, and it's disconnected.

I doubt Malenko is heavier than Rollins for that matter. Do you have any idea what a guy with Malenko's height (5'6ish) and over 200lbs would actually look like? Check out pictures of current day Matt Serra.


Rollins is billed at 217, Malenko at 212. Assuming wrestling bullshit, that's in the same frame for both.

I'm not making this argument that Malenko would've been a main eventer. But, it's also not necessarily true he would've been working for Ring of Honor either.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Match hasn't even started yet, and there's already a move I haven't seen anybody on the current roster do since I started watching wrestling again: a fucking fireman's carry. And from Scott Steiner. Never saw this guy wrestle before he was BPP, so watching him be technical is pretty crazy.

Both Scott and Steve are pretty crazy how they went from incredible technical athletes that moved faster than everybody else to promo heavy kinda crazy dudes who got massively over. Shows that it takes more than just being a good wrestler. Gotta have that character too. Gotta compel people.


When John Cena is a part-time living on nostalgia, I agree, he should put over people super strong. But again, Hulk Hogan in 1992 or hell, 1997 would've died before putting somebody over like John Cena. Hogan took most of the match against Sting, as a heel, in the very type of match where he should've been squashed.

I wasn't John Cena was in charge of his booking and how often he showed up on TV and responsible for the booking of wrestler after they left his feud. But I know lolSummerslamJerichoEdge.

How about this. Most of the people pushed to John Cena's level simply weren't that good. Edge, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, as much as I poke at the Bryan fans, and Rob Van Dam (before being an idiot) all turned out fine in feuds with Cena, despite getting involved in dumb booking just like every Cena feud, because Vince McMahon is an old man amusing himself.

It's almost like those workers had real talent. I mean, who were the great people buried by John Cena who could be drawing money today? Dolph Ziggler? Zach Ryder? Damien Sandow? The Miz?

Guys Cena completely derailed in the middle of a big push:

Ziggler, Sandow, Wyatt, Barrett, weirdly killed Ryder who was his friend in the story, ADR, Umaga, Ryback, Mark Henry

Guys Cena completely shit on in promos in the bad way: Everyone he's had a match against for 10 years.

This doesn't include all the filler matches on Raw when he beats some hot mid carder in 4 minutes in a non-competitive match for no reason. Or when he beats tag team champions by himself. Were all of those guys possible big money drawers? Probably not. But there is a pretty clear pattern of guys having all momentum stopped and having to start from scratch after programs with Cena.

Yes, in an era full of guys who died a few years later of heart attacks or ended up murdering his family. I'm not saying he would've been pushed as big as Cesaro's peak. I mean Cesaro's current role - JTTS in the midcard in pointless 10 minute matches.

Full of guys = 3. Most dead guys from the late 90s were due to drugs or obesity later on and had been wrestling since the 80s. What does Benoit having a ton of brain damage have to do with Malenko's size and push?


Both Scott and Steve are pretty crazy how they went from incredible technical athletes that moved faster than everybody else to promo heavy kinda crazy dudes who got massively over. Shows that it takes more than just being a good wrestler. Gotta have that character too. Gotta compel people.
I suppose so. I would've paid good money to see SCSA do a gut-wrench powerbomb, though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Here, I'll save you a listen. Here's what JR will talk about:

*If Bill Watts was around, the business would be saved

Bill Watts said:
That's why I went into business, so that I could discriminate. I mean, really. I mean I want to be able to serve who I want to. It's my business. It's my investment ... I can't tell a fag to get the fuck out. I should have the right to not associate with a fag if I don't want to. I mean, why should I have to hire a fuckin' fag, if I don't like fags? Fags discriminate against us, don't they? Sure they do ... Do blacks discriminate against whites?

Who's killed more blacks than anyone? The fuckin' blacks. But they want to blame that bullshit Roots that came on the air. That Roots was so bullshit. All you have to do if you want slaves is to hand beads to the chiefs and they gave you slaves. What is the best thing that has ever happened to the black race? That they were brought to this country. No matter how they got here. You know why? Because they intermarried and got educated. They're the ones running the black race.

Things are starting to add up, friends.
What a shitty Raw. That was the first one in a while I couldn't finish, I just went and read results.

I might be proven wrong at NOC, but god damn, they can never commit to anything.
Guys Cena completely derailed in the middle of a big push:

Ziggler, Sandow, Wyatt, Barrett, weirdly killed Ryder who was his friend in the story, ADR, Umaga, Ryback, Mark Henry

Guys Cena completely shit on in promos in the bad way: Everyone he's had a match against for 10 years.

This doesn't include all the filler matches on Raw when he beats some hot mid carder in 4 minutes in a non-competitive match for no reason. Or when he beats tag team champions by himself. Were all of those guys possible big money drawers? Probably not. But there is a pretty clear pattern of guys having all momentum stopped and having to start from scratch after programs with Cena.

Dolph Ziggler - Overrated wrestler, bad promo, a sub-par Curt Hennig. I don't even deny he should've kept the World Heavyweight title and his stable w/ Big E and AJ, but he's an upper mid carder, not a main event guy.

Damien Sandow - Midcard heel beaing beat by the top guy. Perfectly fine.

Bray Wyatt - We'll see. But again, Wyatt had about three months of material and he's been in the company for a year.

Wade Barrett - Valid. But, again. Aside from lolsummerslamddt, the problem was Barrett not beating Cena for the title and/or Cena actually stating gone after Barrett beat him in the loser leaves town match. Which again, dumb booking from the WWE. I agree.

Ryder - Was a comedy geek who was pushed into a main event role he wasn't ready for, on the mic or in the ring.

ADR - They fucked up ADR's push so many times that I don't even remember the Cena feud and honestly, he was doing fine until he didn't win at WM against Edge and he turned face.

Ryback - Ryback was screwed when he was a hot face and thrown into a title match against Punk during his long reign. Ryback either should've won the title then, then lost it back to Punk, or not been in the match at all. The fact he was then turned and lost a feud against Ryback is a case of the walking wounded being put down.

Umaga/Mark Henry - Being slain by Cena was these guy's job. Umaga's entire arc was kill everybody, then John Cena (the top hero) defeats the monster. Same thing with Mark Henry. Mark Henry shockingly turns on John Cena, then our hero defeats the turncoat. That's basic wrestling booking.

Also, every top guy, including The Rock and Austin have beat the tag champs by themselves. That's just what the WWE does since the Attitude Era. I think it's dumb as well, but I'm not going to blame John Cena for modern TV wrestling booking.

Full of guys = 3. Most dead guys from the late 90s were due to drugs or obesity later on and had been wrestling since the 80s. What does Benoit having a ton of brain damage have to do with Malenko's size and push?

My point is the reason why Dean looked small was he was in a company full of people jacked on HGH and/or huge. Seth Rollins would've looked small in 2000 WWE, even with his height.


love on your sleeve
Rollins is billed at 217, Malenko at 212. Assuming wrestling bullshit, that's in the same frame for both.

Not a chance in hell Dean was even close to 212. This is a stupid thing to argue about but billed weights in wrestling always make me laugh so I have to address it. This is what a 5'8" guy who walks around at 200+ looks like.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Ernie Ladd and Paul Orndorff had a major feud in the mid-atlantic. Somebody needs to track down all the promos and matches for that because that's a dream feud I never knew I wanted.
Not a chance in hell Dean was even close to 212. This is a stupid thing to argue about but billed weights in wrestling always make me laugh so I have to address it. This is what a 5'8" guy who walks around at 200+ looks like.

I have zero doubt of this. I also don't believe Seth is near 215. I'm just saying, Dean would look bigger in 2014 WWE than he would in 1996 WCW. That's my main point.
This talk about beating Tag Team Champs single handedly reminds me of when Triple H beat Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade by himself and pedigreed London and Kendrick when they ran in to help him fend off Cade/Murdoch/Carlito. That whole thing is just so Triple H.
This talk about beating Tag Team Champs single handedly reminds me of when Triple H beat Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade by himself and pedigreed London and Kendrick when they ran in to help him fend off Cade/Murdoch/Carlito. That whole thing is just so Vince McMahon since the Attitude Era.

I agree it's dumb. But, let's place the blame where it should be. Vince doesn't like tag wrestling. So, he has no problem destroying the tag champs.
I agree it's dumb. But, let's place the blame where it should be. Vince doesn't like tag wrestling. So, he has no problem destroying the tag champs.

I mean that particular moment basically sums up internet hate of HHH. But yeah it's def. Vince. I don't get it!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Watch Virgil get dissed any time. On Demand. In HD

Network can get at me when they have truckloads of Territories content. Right now, they're incredibly lacking, and it's not that hard to find Nitro. Where as it's a lot harder to find full shows from the Territories days. Like Brody & Kerry winning the American Tag Titles ain't on the Network. Why do I have to go to outside sources to find this shit?


Dolph Ziggler - Overrated wrestler, bad promo, a sub-par Curt Hennig. I don't even deny he should've kept the World Heavyweight title and his stable w/ Big E and AJ, but he's an upper mid carder, not a main event guy.

Damien Sandow - Midcard heel beaing beat by the top guy. Perfectly fine.

Bray Wyatt - We'll see. But again, Wyatt had about three months of material and he's been in the company for a year.

Wade Barrett - Valid. But, again. Aside from lolsummerslamddt, the problem was Barrett not beating Cena for the title and/or Cena actually stating gone after Barrett beat him in the loser leaves town match. Which again, dumb booking from the WWE. I agree.

Ryder - Was a comedy geek who was pushed into a main event role he wasn't ready for, on the mic or in the ring.

ADR - They fucked up ADR's push so many times that I don't even remember the Cena feud and honestly, he was doing fine until he didn't win at WM against Edge and he turned face.

Ryback - Ryback was screwed when he was a hot face and thrown into a title match against Punk during his long reign. Ryback either should've won the title then, then lost it back to Punk, or not been in the match at all. The fact he was then turned and lost a feud against Ryback is a case of the walking wounded being put down.

Umaga/Mark Henry - Being slain by Cena was these guy's job. Umaga's entire arc was kill everybody, then John Cena (the top hero) defeats the monster. Same thing with Mark Henry. Mark Henry shockingly turns on John Cena, then our hero defeats the turncoat. That's basic wrestling booking.

Also, every top guy, including The Rock and Austin have beat the tag champs by themselves. That's just what the WWE does since the Attitude Era. I think it's dumb as well, but I'm not going to blame John Cena for modern TV wrestling booking.

My point is the reason why Dean looked small was he was in a company full of people jacked on HGH and/or huge. Seth Rollins would've looked small in 2000 WWE, even with his height.

I'm not saying any of those guys could have been super top stars. Your argument seems to be, "Well they weren't going to be top stars so who cares if Cena ruined them". That's not my point. My point is Cena ruins dudes he works with and has a bad track record of doing so. It doesn't matter if they were going to be top guys or not. The job of the ace of any company is to elevate the guys beneath you, either in the ring or in popularity. And Cena has a track record of doing the opposite. Now, I don't think he sits around thinking about how he can protect his spot and make others look bad. But he sure doesn't fight it. He absolutely has pull in what he does on screen.

Also, Dean would look small in 2014 WWE, just like Rey and Bryan look small in 2014 WWE. Dean is in between them in size. Bryan looked like a teenager with a beard against Cena and Evolution.

That Nitro pic says the Very Best of Nitro, which makes me think the second DVD is coming to the Network, or random matches like Video Vault. I'll believe full Nitros when I see them.



Ditch Decades 4

Matches included on this set:

  • Jack Brisco vs Jumbo Tsuruta 8/28/76
  • Stan Hansen/Bruiser Brody vs Jumbo Tsuruta/Genichiro Tenryu 12/12/83
  • Jumbo Tsuruta vs Kenta Kobashi 8/31/90
  • Genichiro Tenryu vs Keiji Mutoh Triple Crown Championship 6/8/01

I recommend all of them. They're all good. If you're only going to watch one, watch the tag match. It is fun as FUCK. Brody was so rad in it. I'd never seen a good Brody match where he wasn't half assing it and clearly just there for the pay day, so it was very surprising for me. Seeing the evolution of Jumbo was pretty neat too.






Crowd was ON POINT for when to take pictures during the tag match



Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Orndorff shoot is good stuff. And has John Cena's dad. Orndorff is real blunt, it's why I like most of his shoots. He's not always right or wrong, but you can tell it's just him saying what he thinks and making no apologies about it. And it's not like 'I'ma shoot' it's just like he says stuff and that's it. And he has some decent early NFL stories too, which I'd honestly like to hear more about.

And Orndorff said Andre had him go with him to Studio 54. Didn't know he was friends with Brody too. Said because of that he'll never ever work Puerto Rico, and he'll tell people not to.

Kinda depressing though. Orndorff might have been the biggest missed opportunity in wrestling just from all the decisions that screwed up his trajectory.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Updated Fave Five of all time and 'current'

All Time
5. The Great Muta
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin
3. Rick Rude
2. Andre The Dummy. I mean Giant.
1. Bruiser Brody

Currently based off my recent wrestling viewing
5. Kerry Von Erich
4. Natsuki Taiyo or Toshiyo Yamada
3. Dory Funk Jr.
2. Bruiser Brody
1. Terry Funk. Terry beats out Brody because he's in these old AJPW tapes AND he's in Thunder in Paradise.


Yay they're starting Nitro. Can't wait. Hope they do two eps a week.

They're doing 100 hours in one go. Unless they're being dumb and adding it little by litte, but only the first 100 hours before taking a break.

...Probably the latter.

Would it be too much to ask for Brock on Raw next week to have a match with Roman where he suplexes him 18 times to show Cena he ain't shit? I mean, nothing matters but the main event in WWE, so they should just destroy everything below it.

and continued important discussion from OT1




Crossposting from the network thread.

I'm not seeing us reliving the Monday Wars in order yet. :/


This implies the nitro eps will be split between 95-2001.

We're also missing late 95 and 96 Raws.


Crossposting from the network thread.

I'm not seeing us reliving the Monday Wars in order yet. :/


This implies the nitro eps will be split between 95-2001.

We're also missing late 95 and 96 Raws.

Oh for fucks sake. Have they got Sin Cara running this thing? I heard they would be doing Attitude Raws, so I thought that I could see the tranistion and then watch the corresponding weeks Nitros and ECW to compare.

Panic mode WWE is the worst WWE.


So not worth it
"This is Brianna, speaking to you Nichole"

Don't do this WWE. Well, don't do anything that has The Bellas holding mics, but specifically, don't do this. Sucked when Punk did it to Hunter, sucks today. Imagine Watler White turning to Jesse and going "This is not Walter talking to Jesse, this is me, Bryan Cranston, talking to you Aaron Paul"

WHY?! We get that they're actors, it's fine, act.
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