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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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He's doing a talk on Robotron 2084. Great stuff. Dude is so enthusiastic.

I asked about pinball and he used profanities and epithets to shut down the conversation. So rude.


He's doing a talk on Robotron 2084. Great stuff. Dude is so enthusiastic.

I asked about pinball and he used profanities and epithets to shut down the conversation. So rude.
Find that hard to believe, considering that his acceptance speech on receiving the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences' Pioneer award included notable pinball luminaries like Steve Ritchie (in fact, he started off his thank-yous with him).

So nyer :p

Anyway, did that talk on Robotron get recorded somehow?


Well...Second Son on the Australian PSN is 79.95.

That's surprisingly reasonable for a premium day one release like this. I was expecting 90+


Crazy good weekend coming up. Off to see the Melbourne Ska Orchestra tonight, GoMA tomorrow and then tomorrow night it's Second Son and pizza, since my fiance is off on a girls night.


Yup, confirmed for me too... not picked up yet, but I just called and on top of the $10 deposit, only paying another $45. Thanks, DSE!

Thanks, reppy!
Yup, confirmed for me too... not picked up yet, but I just called and on top of the $10 deposit, only paying another $45. Thanks, DSE!

Thanks, reppy!

Enjoy! You can buy some beer with the savings from the DSE deal!

If I had a PS4 this would have been an awesome deal damnit, why didn't I buy when I had the chance >_<




Tommy DJ

Late reply but many thanks for the KSC help. Submitted by crap to the recruitment officer...now time to play the waiting game...


You know you'll probably be getting this copy for half the price in a few months anyway ;)

Of course at that point it will probably just be added to my giant pile of Steam sale purchases that I never get around to actually playing.

It seems nice so far, but causes my PS4 to REALLY crank up the fan. Not something I've heard before.


Must... stop... watching... yogscast...

So the week ended with the team running 90% of the project I'm involved with (my team's the 10%) suddenly realising that their waterfall-project-management QA date is only a few weeks away and they need to be ready for QA to start then (my team runs scrum/agile so QA is constant through development, not some artificial milestone crap) and they've panicked because their shit is nowhere near ready whereas ours has been basically blocked by their lack of progress the whole time and yet we're still way ahead of "schedule" and because they're panicking they've said we need to work weekends or they'll report us to the GM of IT to which we basically said "you have got to be kidding - if we worked this weekend we'd be sitting around doing fuckall because we've done all the stuff you have on the priority list and we're blocked from doing other stuff because you're lagging behind so far" ... or words to that effect. Today was a bunch of us just laughing at their headless-chicken antics. Also, the build was green when I left which always warms the cockles.

Go crappy waterfall project management yeah!!!

I've had a couple to drink tonight. Betcha can't tell.

School fete tomorrow. Looking forward to winning the $2000 Red Balloon voucher...

Went and looked at Ringwood Secondary College today 'cos it's one of the two Zoned Schools that my daughter could get sent to if we don't get our preferences -- fucking huge school compared to Blackburn, almost twice as many students and suffering a bit because of that, but man I was jelly of their amazing engineering workshop... they have LAZOR CUTTING MACHINE. And welding stations and robot arms. I didn't even have most of that when I was at university doing robotics. Le sigh.

Here endeth the rambling.


go out planning to grab dark souls 2, bought new japanese baseball game instead

in my mind, dark souls 2 can kindaaa wait.


Wow, it looks like someone put him/her there. How did that koala end up in the middle of nowhere with no trees around?

There was a thread on this about this time last year:


It was a pine plantation, that served as a link to native habitat. Pine plantation taken down, then he becomes confused as that part of home range no longer is there.

Since then though the issue of plantations and koalas became more topical in the media, with one being stripped of their certification due to koalas being injured and killed.




There was a thread on this about this time last year:


It was a pine plantation, that served as a link to native habitat. Pine plantation taken down, then he becomes confused as that part of home range no longer is there.

Since then though the issue of plantations and koalas became more topical in the media, with one being stripped of their certification due to koalas being injured and killed.




Nah it's pretty obvious that, well, sometimes shit happens doesn't it?
Had to be up by 4:20am this morning, went to bed at 8:00pm last night in order to facilitate this, decided to just quickly do some exploring in Xenoblade.

Two hours later, I realise that I shouldn't be gem crafting at a time like this and actually get some sleep.


3D printing or bust!

How's Infamous Shaneus!?
Snot bad! A few things:
* Thought it looked great for a while, but then I realised that compared to Sleeping Dogs on PC, it's only a very small step above it. Makes me want a SD "HD" version for next-gen w/ 60fps and all DLC.

* Feels like it's trying to be a little Crackdown-y, but feels cumbersome when compared to it. As in, grasping onto building ledges is very iffy and clunky at times. Crackdown might be a little more "magnetic" in terms of that sort of thing, but it felt better.

* Not sure how far I am into it, but I can kinda feel it starting to get a little samey. But I haven't played at night yet and apparently that's where it starts to get interesting.

I love the superhero-y feeling of the game... but I want a bit more. Makes me want a Crackdown 3 (or Crackdown Origins prequel... zomg) even more :/
Finished just over 50% of Second Son, I should be able to complete the game by tomorrow night.
How are you enjoying it?

Snot bad! A few things:
* Thought it looked great for a while, but then I realised that compared to Sleeping Dogs on PC, it's only a very small step above it. Makes me want a SD "HD" version for next-gen w/ 60fps and all DLC.

* Feels like it's trying to be a little Crackdown-y, but feels cumbersome when compared to it. As in, grasping onto building ledges is very iffy and clunky at times. Crackdown might be a little more "magnetic" in terms of that sort of thing, but it felt better.

* Not sure how far I am into it, but I can kinda feel it starting to get a little samey. But I haven't played at night yet and apparently that's where it starts to get interesting.

I love the superhero-y feeling of the game... but I want a bit more. Makes me want a Crackdown 3 (or Crackdown Origins prequel... zomg) even more :/
The step up in terms of visuals is more about particle effects and lighting rather than high resolution assets. Current gen consoles will always be limited compared to super high level PC's remember!

I've only seen night time streams so I expect you are pretty early :)

Do you have all the powers yet? Neon just looks delicious in action. Once you unlock the traversal powers too I expect getting around will be a lot more fun, shouldn't be touching ledges or ladders! The vents idea looks great, get a boost for gliding.

The variety in textures would be a main draw from me. The sheer number of them makes it a lot more immersive for me when I don't continually see the same texture reused 700 times.

Had to be up by 4:20am this morning, went to bed at 8:00pm last night in order to facilitate this, decided to just quickly do some exploring in Xenoblade.

Two hours later, I realise that I shouldn't be gem crafting at a time like this and actually get some sleep.
Glad you brought the Wii now? ;)


The step up in terms of visuals is more about particle effects and lighting rather than high resolution assets. Current gen consoles will always be limited compared to super high level PC's remember!
Yeah, kinda what I meant... I think. The lighting is more improved, but it brings it to the level of SD on PC. So maybe I just want a high-res (vs. version w/ high-res textures) 60fps SD on PS4/One. Be happy with that.

Actually, I kinda hope we see a few more "HD" reboots for next-gen. Burnout Revenge is fantastic running at 60fps on 360, so many 360/PS3 games they could give that treatment to which would be deserving, even if they're just marketplace DD titles.
Yeah, kinda what I meant... I think. The lighting is more improved, but it brings it to the level of SD on PC. So maybe I just want a high-res (vs. version w/ high-res textures) 60fps SD on PS4/One. Be happy with that.

Actually, I kinda hope we see a few more "HD" reboots for next-gen. Burnout Revenge is fantastic running at 60fps on 360, so many 360/PS3 games they could give that treatment to which would be deserving, even if they're just marketplace DD titles.

Considering the main complaint in reviews is "THIS IS INFAMOUS AGAIN BUT WITH WAY BETTER GRAPHICS SOUND ANIMATION CONTROLS GAMEPLAY EFFECTS LIGHTING DIRECTION VOICE ACTING. WHY BOTHER. THIS ISNT NEXT GEN. THIS IS JUST INFAMOUS AGAIN." I don't think many developers are chomping at the bit to bring back old concepts and make them run super awesome sadly :(

Publishers on the other hand will hopefully look at the strong sales of Tomb Raider DE and do that very thing. I would love to see some last gen games run with proper frame rates.

GTA5 on next gen would be 100% worth another 100 hour playthrough. The framerate on 360 was playable and tolerable, but having it up over 30fps with 1080p would be insanely delicious :)



Considering the main complaint in reviews is "THIS IS INFAMOUS AGAIN BUT WITH WAY BETTER GRAPHICS SOUND ANIMATION CONTROLS GAMEPLAY EFFECTS LIGHTING DIRECTION VOICE ACTING. WHY BOTHER. THIS ISNT NEXT GEN. THIS IS JUST INFAMOUS AGAIN." I don't think many developers are chomping at the bit to bring back old concepts and make them run super awesome sadly :(

Publishers on the other hand will hopefully look at the strong sales of Tomb Raider DE and do that very thing. I would love to see some last gen games run with proper frame rates.

Its weird. Infamous being attacked for lacking radically different gameplay, yet Tomb Raider DE gets reviewed well.


Its weird. Infamous being attacked for lacking radically different gameplay, yet Tomb Raider DE gets reviewed well.
Probably because the new TR wasn't expected to be any different. I never really got into Infamous so most of it's fairly new to me, but even in saying that, there are a number of things that seem "next gen graphics, same gen feel". As in, there are no concepts that are adventurous or different.

Although some of the lighting/lens effects are pretty rad, though. Those and the DS4's speaker make it feel a bit different, though.


*shrug* that's exactly how I see the new Infamous though, a mediocre game with a new paint job. The first game bored me, I wouldn't play this new one just because of that, good graphics can only carry a game so far, but if I don't find the gameplay interesting I am not going to stick with it.


* Thought it looked great for a while, but then I realised that compared to Sleeping Dogs on PC, it's only a very small step above it. Makes me want a SD "HD" version for next-gen w/ 60fps and all DLC.

Haven't you just described what SD on PC is?, it had a HD texture pack, and ran at 60 fps (hardware permitting).

edit:, nm I take it you mean on console, carry on
Its weird. Infamous being attacked for lacking radically different gameplay, yet Tomb Raider DE gets reviewed well.

Maybe reviewers were sent out previews suggesting it was MP only with Titans in it. That would explain the bizarre response to Infamous being an improved version of the gameplay from the first 3 games.
Grabbed a Razer BlackWidow Expert 2013 from Centrecom for $115 just now and holy shit. Dat Cherry Blue MX noise. I love how chunky the keyboard is too, plus the extended functionality over a normal keyboard is pretty swell. Gonna have to get used to having the extra macro keys on the side though.


How are you enjoying it?

The step up in terms of visuals is more about particle effects and lighting rather than high resolution assets. Current gen consoles will always be limited compared to super high level PC's remember!

I've only seen night time streams so I expect you are pretty early :)

Do you have all the powers yet? Neon just looks delicious in action. Once you unlock the traversal powers too I expect getting around will be a lot more fun, shouldn't be touching ledges or ladders! The vents idea looks great, get a boost for gliding.

The variety in textures would be a main draw from me. The sheer number of them makes it a lot more immersive for me when I don't continually see the same texture reused 700 times.

It was a slow start, and for the first hour or so I was trying to ascertain why I wanted this on day one. The gameplay hasn't changed much from the previous games and the plot felt been there done that. But this is only the 3rd infamous game, so expecting the gameplay to evolve in a significant manner is foolish, when annual games like Assassins Creed still have the exact same gameplay after 6-7 games.

Also, once you get past the initial tutorial phase and get into Seattle, it get's really fun to play. I ended up clearing out the whole first island without progressing even 15% into the story. The game is a looker and runs flawlessly. The destruction, particle and light effects in particular are spectacular. I agree with Shane about the platforming bit, jumping and climbing on walls feels a bit clunky but with the new powers you really don't need to walk or jump or climb at all, so that becomes irrelevant when you get the neon powers.

And boy does the game change when you get those neon powers. Even with a big city you can travel across very quickly, when gives you the feeling that the map isn't that big, but it is.

While it's obvious that the game was made to showcase the next gen effects of the PS4, there isn't anything wrong with the game. No one expects a mind blowing story line or deep relatable characters in this kind of game; it's an open world sandbox superhero game and you're meant to have fun, and that's where the game delivers for me. The protagonist Deslin is a young reckless guy and that shows in his dialogue and the way he uses his powers.

I spent an hour just cruising around draining neon signs, so no complaints from me. :)



Probably because the new TR wasn't expected to be any different. I never really got into Infamous so most of it's fairly new to me, but even in saying that, there are a number of things that seem "next gen graphics, same gen feel". As in, there are no concepts that are adventurous or different.

I just don't know what 'next gen' is supposed to feel like. Part of it of course is being primarily a PC user and a lot of times it seems like 'next gen' is just PC features brought over.

As for Infamous...yeah. I dabbled in infamous one, did play two. And really play things like crackdown either. So its fairly fresh to me.


Yeah, I haven't hit Neon yet DJr, so I think I'm still fairly early on (just
destroyed that giant DUP spire antenna thing in the first main area after you cross dat bridge
Next gen for me is:

"Wow, you wouldn't be able to do this on last gen hardware. No way."

Gears of War was the big next gen moment for me with the 360. Infamous looks like that game on the PS4. I expect Quantum Break will be that moment for me on the X1.

The amount of variety on display in Infamous is the main drawing point for me. I always enjoyed the Infamous style of gameplay so the iterations in that area also make me really want to bite into it.
I, for one, don't want HD remakes of old games. Give me new games, dammit. If I want to play the old game, I don't care if the graphics are the same as last time.


I, for one, don't want HD remakes of old games. Give me new games, dammit. If I want to play the old game, I don't care if the graphics are the same as last time.

I'd like to say that, but I'm happily playing various older PSN titles on PS4 and would love a PS4 version of Journey. Of course if there was BC I'd be happy enough with the PS3 versions. At least for games that don't have frame rate issues.

Its funny. I'd pay again for Journey...but I look over at various pixel art games and I'm simply unwilling to pay that or more for them. At least not 20$ which is what a certain new game to PSN is charging.
I'd like to say that, but I'm happily playing various older PSN titles on PS4 and would love a PS4 version of Journey.
I wonder if maybe the desire for updated versions of games is higher with people who are predominantly console gamers?

Or perhaps with those who value graphics higher than other aspects (not over other aspects, just more important to them)
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