What's changed for you, tiger?
You didn't ask me, but this is the Internet, so I'll tell you anyway.
They waffle. For much longer. So I stopped caring.
This. About kinda pointless shit. And because this isn't in the actual IT thread... Sean. He can be good in small doses, but he just has to fucking interrupt everyone with a drawn-out anecdote. And said anecdote or point or whatever is more exhausting than interesting/informative. Tries to control the conversation too much.
Mar, Mr. Bernbaum and myself came to the same conclusion circa PAX last year. It's great when they have other people on (or Sean isn't on) but with Jake being quite Silent Bob-esque in his passive yet succinctness-ness, Sean often just talks over/through him (and Chris, no mean feat).
It's a shame, but I just don't find the stuff they talk about that relevant anymore. Perhaps it's partially because I'm playing fewer games and I'd find any gaming podcast boring (maybe), but even when I was backtracking over their stuff for the first time, their show was interesting. It should be like that now, but it's just like they're all so bored of each other. Episodes are only interesting now when either Nick is there, Sean is away or they have another guest.
Edit: Holy shit, I wrote that post before reading the rest of the thread but it's almost exactly what Jase wrote. I think I missed some points Jase covered, but I'm in complete agreement with him.
Yeah really fucking pisses me off on Idle Thumbs when they starting talking about something I'm interested in, someone gets cut off, they completely forget about the topic and go off on an unrelated tangent.
Just a huge waste of time when that happens.
Tone Control is great because it's a one on one interview, almost biographical. Also Steve rarely interrupts!
Also Tone Control has nuggets of information you won't get anywhere else. Steve is pretty rough as an interviewer but he has his moments.
Yep yep yep yep yep. It's actually more annoying hearing interruptions in IT now because since it was brought to my attention that it's a significant trait of people with ADHD, I have an acute awareness of when it happens. And it happens all. the. fucking. time. in Idle Thumbs.
Right about Tone Control, too. I love Steve's non-interviewing interview style. It's conversationalist but at least it has flow and it's interesting. And it doesn't hop all around between topics. Even the guests I didn't think I'd be interested in, I'm interested in.
One of the many reasons I'm stoked Gone Home was successful is that it probably allowed for a greater range of guests on TC.
Oh, and on that note, I honestly enjoy how not on himself he sounds when bringing up his own game when it's relevant to the discussion/guest/topic. Very humble. Plus, I've always just kinda liked listening to Steve. He always has a great deadpan way of talking that I dig.
On another note: If anyone here's even remotely into pinball (as in, even a passing interest) or hell, even just good podcasts, I highly recommend
Coast 2 Coast Pinball. Guy does it on his own in a very conversational manner, fleshes out topics of discussion, has his incredibly gorgeous "opposite-sex life-partner" for less educated but still interesting opinions on various pinball things. Plus, I'm a friend of the show