PSA: PS4 players jump onto Warframe before Tuesday for a free weapon
Dead Nation Vita will be YOPO with the PS3 version (the PS4 version is different, with the expansion included for free and all the social features) and is out tonight!
Final Fantasy 8 steamkey is $4.80 at GMG with O3H7FE-D4NFO0-F0LIGK coupon
Him lying to the corruption panel puts him out of commission basically. What a complete fuck up. Legit lied, got caught, legit fucked.
Dead Nation Vita will be YOPO with the PS3 version (the PS4 version is different, with the expansion included for free and all the social features) and is out tonight!
Final Fantasy 8 steamkey is $4.80 at GMG with O3H7FE-D4NFO0-F0LIGK coupon
In the grand scheme of NSW political corruption, not declaring a $3000 bottle of wine is not very corrupt.
Can't believe he didn't just say "I can't remember if I received it. If I did, I apologise for not declaring it - it was a very hectic time and I'm truly sorry for not following proper process. I can guarantee it had absolute no impact on any actions by me or my government."
Would any one really have called for his head over it?
Him lying to the corruption panel puts him out of commission basically. What a complete fuck up. Legit lied, got caught, legit fucked.