I suddenly find myself with a month off.
I do not like this feeling.
I'll trade you months.
I suddenly find myself with a month off.
I do not like this feeling.
Yeah, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is basically the new Mario Kart for me. I played it the other night with a couple of mates on Steam with voice chat, and it was a bloody great time. Capture the Chao in particular is just a ball and all I hear over the voice chat is constant laughter. Great stuff.Don't worry. I've gotten fairly bored of playing Mario Kart after playing them obsessively for the last 15 years, plus I there's actually strong competition in the genre now, since Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed game was better than MK Wii and 3DS.
I'm not really that competitive. Winning at something doesn't seem to fill me with the same kind of rush that other people seem to get, same as losing not having the same kind of sting. Seeing something new or feeling like I'm making progress though, can be intriguing.
Maybe I'm just wired up wrong, but it makes fighting and racing seem kind of pointless to me as entertainment.
Make sure to buy Luftrausers!
The Last of Us
I suddenly find myself with a month off.
I do not like this feeling.
10% off at Dick Smith.
The eftpos gift cards I saved up didn't work though, which is irritating that I need to use them in store now.
Rep, How are you finding DDP ?
Been doing it a little while as well and enjoying it. Got slack though, But I'm going to restart next week.
What is special about DDP Yoga over, I dunno, any other type of yoga? Or is it just because it's some fad thing in the media at the moment?
I've found a good yoga resource in, there's a ton of free sessions on there for all skills. Been trying to do it inbetween run days (and sometimes even on run days if I run in the morning).
Yeah, that's fair enough. I must admit I've never been to a class and only used online resources, but I can imagine a lot of them are like that.I like it because it doesn't have any of the metaphysical airy fairy bullshit, it's just the movements unlike the couple of instructors I have been to with friends.
I didn't enjoy TLoU for the most part lol more just appreciated the design and feel enjoyment in retrospect. But yeah, just super pleased to play a game that makes me think more about it once done. 2013 was a great year for games!Great writeup rep. I didn't enjoy the game like you did, but I'm glad you got so much out of it.
Yay grats!! What games are you going to pick up?
Nice. I'd probably buy one as well if they sold them at that price in store.
Nice! Don't buy Infamous 2 yet. I'm probably going to do another playthrough as evil, but other than that I don't think I'd play it much more (and even if I don't do the evil playthrough, I wouldn't mind getting rid of it so I don't have stacks of games laying around like last gen). So if you want it sooner *or* later, lemme know
This is relevant to my interests.Rep, How are you finding DDP ?
Been doing it a little while as well and enjoying it. Got slack though, But I'm going to restart next week.
As is this. I'll have to actually look into it now (not that Rep's mention of it didn't mean anything, but it wasn't enough to get me interested in it).I like it because it doesn't have any of the metaphysical airy fairy bullshit, it's just the movements unlike the couple of instructors I have been to with friends.
I loved the one session I did on Monday. Very impressed with how fucking sore my muscles were and still are! I pulled my calf while in bed on Tuesday night (dehydration and restless sleep due to constantly getting out of bed to scream and disgusting child who refuses to sleep at night) and it's still sore so I missed Wednesday and will probably only do a walk tonight instead.Rep, How are you finding DDP ?
Been doing it a little while as well and enjoying it. Got slack though, But I'm going to restart next week.
It's in the news atm and I really like how simple and no bullshit it all is. Super easy to do while still being really intense. Focuses on maintaining a high heart rate but NOT going overboard, which is a huge positive for someone incredibly out of shape like me.What is special about DDP Yoga over, I dunno, any other type of yoga? Or is it just because it's some fad thing in the media at the moment?
After being bullied as a child, Charles Atlas joined the YMCA and began to do numerous exercise routines. He became obsessed with strength. He said that one day he watched a tiger stretching in the zoo and asked himself "How does Mr. Tiger keep in physical condition? Did you ever see a tiger with a barbell?"
So Sony dropped the Foxtel Play app for the PS4 today.
Anyway I'm wondering if anyone has actually used this. I tried to test it out to see how shitty the video quality was with some of the free content (ep 1 of Silicon Valley for instance) but I ws unable to login (using a good username and password). I keep getting a 'Unknown error: AA4028' error.
Up to date with the patches and fully installed? Odd it would have texture issues like that.Going through Shadow Fall right now and it's a real mixed bag. Looks in many places, although it could use a better AA solution for sure and from time to time you'll hit something plain ugly, like a sudden really low res texture on a fairly sizeable object. It really feels like a launch title which isn't a good sign. Sudden jarring sound or animation transitions, things that you can tell they would have polished more if they had more time etc etc
Gameplay wise its mechanically solid but the scenarios are often underwhelming or half baked. In the first "real" level in the game, you can do objectives in one of two orders. If you do this thing on a ledge before you do this thing on another part of the ground, rapelling down to do the next objective results in enemies suddenly spotting you instantly no-matter what and there are no areas with good cover. It seems like this is one of those things they would have switched up and changed a bit with more playtesting. They do "stealth" gamelpay kind of, but routinely force alarms on you or put you in places where you couldn't possible stealth. Feels almost COD like in that respect how the sneaking is really forced in certain sections and enemies outside of that have super senses.
Plot thus far is standard killzone garbage. The worlds dumbest Israel-Palestine analog.
If you try 'flow' type yoga, you'll find you keep up a reasonable heart rate in that too. Even in a not-particularly-warm room I can break a sweat trying that. Good on the guy I guess for being able to repackage something as his own.It's in the news atm and I really like how simple and no bullshit it all is. Super easy to do while still being really intense. Focuses on maintaining a high heart rate but NOT going overboard, which is a huge positive for someone incredibly out of shape like me.
It's not exactly a new concept:The whole dynamic resistance thing is brilliant, can't believe I didn't get into it sooner. It's perfect for lazy people like me, just need to keep reminding myself to active every muscle.
I'm super keen to play Killzone as that's one series I really love despite most people hating them with a passion it seems. Killzone Mercs was the best FPS of 2013 so I'm hopeful Shadow Fall has the bombastic set pieces of the COD series to go along with the IP that I really enjoy.
Also all the Paper Trail missions are out now Shaneus! I've been on blackout but hopefully there is a new power!
So rep, did you want my Infamous 2 at some stage? Save you buying it new.
It's not exactly a new concept:
Nope, 2. Have fun playing it on your PS4, sucker!Sure! You mean Infamous 3 though right? I don't expect Dick Smith will get the PS4 to me before the end of the month in any case :/
LolAlright, an Activision sale on Steam!
What a steal!
Infamous feels much more polished but isn't particularly content rich. Probably 9 hours or less to finish the game. I'm not a completionist of course, but the remaining content isn't exactly super compelling. I guess I'd say that the game had plenty of time in the oven, but it wasn't an overly ambitious design to begin with. At least it's not full of Assassin's Creed busiwork I guess!
The powers are visually spectacular and traversal is fun. These are both points in its favor, although for a game where you get 4 power sets, they all overlap way too much. Each set has its "circle dash" and its "Melee power" and its "projectile attack" etc. They're not identical but they're all basically slightly different takes on the same power set, ultimately.
So, Rage or Borderlands? Or are they not similar at all?
You do it on your own but they have a forum and fairly constant updates on Youtube with DDP, trainers and other wrestlers.I'm excited about this DDP thing. Is it something you do on your own? How much does it cost me?
I'll probably go Watch Dogs on PS4. Might even give Destiny a shot.I probably would've played The Division on PS4, but then it got confirmed for PC so there goes that one.
Yeah I fully expect it to be a lot like Uncharted.The Order looks aesthetically interesting but I haven't seen a single thing so far that made me go "woah that game will be so much fun". I'm expecting a pretty standard tps for the most part.
So, Rage or Borderlands? Or are they not similar at all?
Cave Story finally showed up on our 3ds eShop.
That's only what, three years after the US?
It's happening! Remediation crews have descended upon 6MSP-04 (Golden Bay and Singleton). I saw no fewer than three roping/rodding crews as I was leaving earlier today while on the way home I spotted a crew cleaning a pit with what can only be described as an industrial vacuum cleaner, and at this very moment there's a crew inspecting my neighbour's pit across the road.
Spent the middle of the day in Brisbane City Hall at a thing where they're telling the public about what impact the G20 will have on the local business / residential area.
Short version: "We'll have actual details in October"
So that was a good use of two hours.
Funny, I stood at the back of this posh conference room surrounded by serious people with serious faces and clipboards and beards and there was lots of talk about economic projections and logistical impacts and all the time I'm just waiting for someone to tap me on the shoulder and say "Excuse me sir, you're just a manchild who only cares about video games and comics, can you please leave?"
Were you just generally curious about the G20 summit, or does it affect your work?
Still, it gave me a chance to buy the new Retro Gamer because God fucking forbid I can buy it at any of the 50 newsagents in West End what the hell is up with that.
I also bought a webcam! So now I can do regular video jam sessions as part of my Patreon campaign rewards.