What do you use a ChromeCast for?
Plex streaming for me. My TV can run Plex, but it's so unreliable.
What do you use a ChromeCast for?
Plex streaming for me. My TV can run Plex, but it's so unreliable.
Outrun 2006: Coast to Coast. The Warriors. The Bard's Tale. Powerdrome. Whiplash. I-Ninja. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Airblade. Giants: Citizen Kabuto. The Red Star. Destroy All Humans. Speed Racer. The Simpsons Hit & Run. MX vs ATV Unleashed. The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. GRADIUS MOTHERFUCKING FIVE. Psychonauts. TY The Tasmanian Tigerbias
Explain this to me like I'm 5 and don't know how to use the google yet.
Oooh, I saw a copy of Gauntlet, Bard's Tale and The Red Star today.
Plex is a software package that allows you to stream video from your computer to other devices in your house. This way your TV or PS3 (PS4 lol) can play any video your PC can even though they normally might not be able to.Explain this to me like I'm 5 and don't know how to use the google yet.
Guys, just an FYI,
I'd like to nominate myself to set up the Ausgaf mario kart tournament!
does any one have preferences for day / nights? we could just set up a weekly slot or something.
Well. It is a rare special WiiU game midnight launch
You're smarter than you look. Too late for me to type anything condescending here, sorry.Pfffft, buy. Just wait 6 months and tell him you'll take that dust collector off his hands.
No charge, because you're my brother.
Pretty much. Pinball is the wave of the future!All video games are a waste of money.
If he's over PC gaming, which is pretty much like PS4/XBO gaming except better in every way, then some Nintendo exclusives might not be bad for him.
The best home version of Outrun was Outrun 2 for Xbox. They pulled it back too far when they ported 2006 to all the other consolesOutrun 2006: Coast to Coast.
This, so much.MK = Mortal Kombat.
Find another name for Mario.
Explain this to me like I'm 5 and don't know how to use the google yet.
Outrun 2006: Coast to Coast. The Warriors. The Bard's Tale. Powerdrome. Whiplash. I-Ninja. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Airblade. Giants: Citizen Kabuto. The Red Star. Destroy All Humans. Speed Racer. The Simpsons Hit & Run. MX vs ATV Unleashed. The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. GRADIUS MOTHERFUCKING FIVE. Psychonauts. TY The Tasmanian Tigerbias
Pac-Man World 2
I bought RPG Maker. I will never make an RPG. Why do I do these things?!
Have you heard of XBMC? Plex is a fork of that that's made into a client server mode so all the heavy lifting such as transcoding is done by the server part and the clients such as chromecasts or set top boxes in theory don't have to be very powerful at all.
I love it.
As for chromecast I use it for plex as well as streaming other media (google music, youtube, netflix, pocketcasts, crunchyroll). Its a nice simple general purpose streaming device. I just wish it supported more audio formats and was wired to handle higher bitrates.
Any Brisgaf going to the Brisbane midnight launch of MK8 tomorrow night?
I just use PS3 Media Server...
How do you get Netflix working with it? Last I read the DNS settings were hard coded.
How do you get Netflix working with it? Last I read the DNS settings were hard coded.
30th May: Stick it to the Man
30th May: Payday 2
30th May: Brothers A Tale of Two Sons
30th May: Muramasa Rebirth
30th May: Everybodys Golf
4th June: Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate for PS4/Vita (Shooter 1&2 remake, CrossPlay, CrossSave & CrossBuy)
4th June: Trine 2: The Complete Story for PS4
4th June: NBA 2K14 for PS3
4th June: Lone Survivor Directors Cut for PS3/Vita (CrossBuy & CrossSave)
4th June: Dragons Crown for Vita only
4th June: Surge Deluxe for Vita
I've been saying for years it's the best FPS going around. Spent at least 1000+ hours in TS2. Would love a proper remake with all the editor/MP stuff.I bought a copy of Timesplitters today.
Why the hell did no-one tell me it was this good?
Also the Chromecast came out here today. Trying to decide if I should get one.
It's effectively an Android tablet for your TV. You can browse Chrome stuff on it but it's mainly for media centre stuff. It will be used 100% of the time for Plex in my lounge so the PS3 can be retired back to my office. Plex is super easy, next time it comes up cheap on Android I'll give you a heads up. Just an app that lets you run a program in the background of your PC that lets you stream it to the Plex app on the Chromecast/etc without having to convert any files. Gets a lot of use with kids TV shows/movies since the discs get lost/scratched!What do you use a ChromeCast for?
Someone in my Twitter feed was reading this yesterday! Seems popular, might have to grab the series from BookDepo.Got myself the audiobook of the new Jim Butcher Dresden Files book, Skin Game. Happy Days. Nice to see audible actually lets me buy the Dresden Files books now. God I have the stupidly of international licensing.
You should buy a cat. They can play your pinball machines while you're at work!Sometimes I'm like "Man, fuck all the cat videos on the internet". But then I see a cat playing Jenga and then I'm like "Fuck it, whatever".
Yeah $40 is a great price, glad they were able to offer a smart price here.Me too, love it!!
Think I'll pick up Borderlands 2 for the Vita this weekend. RRP is $39.95, only $3 more than the price on ozgameshop.
I love me some Borderlands! The pre-sequel doesn't look like it's doing anything different but it looks like fun so I'll grab that for cheap on PC (looks like you can get it for around $50 on most sites which is the right price).
I'm not sure how Quasar does it, but I have the DNS on my router set up for Unblock-US, so all devices on the network are able to use it.
Huh...that kinda sucks. I think my sub is running out soon, but I'll probably still re-sub. Then by the time I get a ps4 I'll have some serious backlogginFrom here on out there won't be any more yearly titles, which sucks as you lose 2 PS3, 2 Vita and 1 PS4 game per year BUT in return there will be an extra PS4 game very month. So win for PS4 owners but loss for PS3/Vita only PS+ers.
Happy to get 4 Vita titles this month!!
Just from reading, apparently it will ignore that and still use the hard coded Google DNS server. But what you can do is set up a static route on your router to redirect any traffic headed for the Google DNS servers to a dummy address, and then it will fall back to what you have listed in the Router.
Although I don't know why you couldn't just set up a static route for the Google DNS servers and redirect straight to the Getflix/Unblock Us DNS servers.
I see a lot of talk of Brisbane in here. Let's have a meet up, chaps.
#teamluigiI see a lot of talk of Brisbane in here. Let's have a meet up, chaps.
Also, I was trying to get my girlfriend excited about Mario Kart. Her response was "Mario? I don't really like Mario. He's a dick". Ah, I love her so!
Puzzle game by the Velocity mob. Awesome team, I should have bought it yonks ago.What's surge deluxe?
My practice of not actually buying most vita games is really paying off with this plus service.
I just wrote a thing about how I liked Stick It to The Man!, but it didn't go through because reasons.
So, I liked Stick It to The Man!, so play it.
What do you mean by no "yearly" titles? Were there titles that were available for a whole year vs. just a month? Regardless, happy about getting another PS4 title monthly, even if it'll probably just be an indie one.