Kids these days getting out of school/in school have no fucking idea how to function in the real world. It's just push em out into society and hope they don't fucking murder and pillage every last motherfucking one of you.
Teach them not to be fucking cunts, please, for fucks sake.
Biting my nails for a broken street date
Kmart broke at a few stores, got hit with $7000 fines each.
Them ninjas fuck you up royally.
I R confused. If you've already downloaded the yearly games on PS+, you won't get to keep them?
Previous games are fine. The structure moving forward has changed. Rather than have one or two games up for a whole year to "purchase" they got rid of that idea in favour of giving out 11 more PS4 games a year!
So big win if you have a PS4 (and don't buy many games).
Wii U bundle
Wiiii Uuuuuuuuuuu bunnnnnnndleeeeeeeeeeeeee
*hand hovers over wallet*
God damnit if this isn't among the dumbest impulse buys I'll ever make
Eh, you'll get 6 or 7 games for it. Like every Nintendo console since the 64.
I got blue shelled on my first race.
100cc feels pretty slow.
I got blue shelled on my second race and nearly lost.
Game is beautiful, best looking game on the Wii U so far.
Also people in the OT saying that the game is mainly skill based are wrong. You can still get fucked over and drop from 1st to 5th through no fault of your own. Basically the game is still Mario Kart.
Sure sounds like Mario Kart. Also, Battle Mode is still fucked apparently. Still worth picking up I guess.
Highschool should teach you the tools you can use to understand and work out these concepts on your own.
concepts that are fucking simple to work out.
You've seemed a bit angry lately Holy. Mellow out dude!