Every review has to be in 2015
Every review must mention co-op
Every review now mentions co-op, and I'm trying to wrap my head around how the system reviews games that aren't out yet - maybe I should make Game Preview System too
Gender. Race. disdain for the genre, tell stupid story about why the game resonates with you and its cognitive dissonance, ludonarrative dissonance,
plus your ethics policy. Please mention your ethics in each review.
Added ludonarrative dissonance which will appear randomly. I think I'll need to add a "Have you been reviewing games for more than ten years, and are thoroughly sick of being a game reviewer?" option which will unlock all sorts of this stuff.
It looks awesome, great work Gaz!
Yay! Glad it arrived, I hope you like it!
God, it's so weird to think the Kickstarter was back in November. Good grief. What a long ride it's been.
Stay tuned for me to hound you guys about another Kickstarter in a week or two OH GOD