Our group's uselessness wasn't really distributed too well, was the problem. One guy did jack fucking shit. And it's not like he was ESL or anything. He actively knew he was doing jack fucking shit, and that nobody would call him on it.
And Bryn, as cool as that duder is, had a minor mental breakdown mid semester and was delegated to full time documentation bitch, so all of his software implementation was either scrapped or I hastily threw it together with sticky tape and cynicism.
The two guys we put as artists did their job insofar as they provided art. I think our project was so far in the shitter that we honestly didn't care what they gave us, as long as they gave us things on time. We kind of ignored them giving us half a million poly spaceship models with 40-80mb worth of texture memory each, for a program designed to run on a fucking ipad.
And Bryn, as cool as that duder is, had a minor mental breakdown mid semester and was delegated to full time documentation bitch, so all of his software implementation was either scrapped or I hastily threw it together with sticky tape and cynicism.
The two guys we put as artists did their job insofar as they provided art. I think our project was so far in the shitter that we honestly didn't care what they gave us, as long as they gave us things on time. We kind of ignored them giving us half a million poly spaceship models with 40-80mb worth of texture memory each, for a program designed to run on a fucking ipad.