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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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Gameplay no longer matters for market terms. "Good enough" rules the day :T
Gaming has been about more than just gameplay for a long time now. I mean even The Walking Dead cleaned up a bunch of GOTY awards and more than a few people in this thread wouldn't even consider it a game!

I don't understand why people me are giving Knack a hard time. Maybe it's one of those games that's boring to watch but fun to play like dotas
Sony Japan games haven't reviewed well for a while now, usually sitting around the lazy 7/10 mark.

Generally family friendly titles like it won't get a lot of positive media attention, especially when there are other blockbuster titles coming out the same day, if it isn't from Nintendo. Media will go in with a preconceived notion of what they want and if the game doesn't offer that they will give it a mediocre score.

I didn't mind what I played of Knack on a demo unit at Dick Smith's but it definitely felt like something you'd buy because you need a game to go with your new system rather than something you'd get specifically on its own merits.
Yeah even Sony have called it a second purchase game. Something you pick up for a palette cleanser in between more serious, hardcore fare. Solid game in all, which puts it in that bracket perfectly. Should have launched $10 cheaper to make this more obvious though.

I picked up Skyrim. That is all. The only other one I thought about getting was The Wolf Among Us.
I'll grab The Wolf Among Us at the end of next year when they finish putting the episodes out. Don't enjoy the 3 month gap between episodes, especially when they are putting out The Walking Dead 2 at the same time which will only result in even more issues with the game.

I thought Good Guys were liquidating their game stock? They're gonna keep selling them?

What were they thinking with that sale then? lol
Clearing their last gen stock, just running the big titles from here on out on last gen platforms.

I heard that knack was surprisingly good but was marketed incredibly poorly. I don't think I'll pick it up but if some time down the track I get a PS4 and it's free for the month I'll give it a go.
Marketing has been fine, streams have helped its public image a lot since launch. It's the kind of game you need to play or sit down and watch a solid stretch of to get a good understanding of it.
Last day already!?
Couple of weeks of calm before the Christmas storm.

Don't enjoy the 3 month gap between episodes, especially when they are putting out The Walking Dead 2 at the same time which will only result in even more issues with the game.
Well, it'll be different teams screwing it up at the same time, so I don't imagine we'll see any more issues than with The Walking Dead. I actually quite liked having the breaks between episodes, gives you time to think on it and discuss it with others.
I'll grab The Wolf Among Us at the end of next year when they finish putting the episodes out. Don't enjoy the 3 month gap between episodes, especially when they are putting out The Walking Dead 2 at the same time which will only result in even more issues with the game.

Yeah good point. I'll probably wait until the whole pack is out. Got screwed over with the save game issue on TWD.


Yeah good point. I'll probably wait until the whole pack is out. Got screwed over with the save game issue on TWD.

I enjoyed the discussion between episodes myself, just like a TV show. That said three months between episodes is a bit long. Hopefully as rumoured episode two ships this month.
Well, it'll be different teams screwing it up at the same time, so I don't imagine we'll see any more issues than with The Walking Dead. I actually quite liked having the breaks between episodes, gives you time to think on it and discuss it with others.
Did they staff up since TWD? I haven't been following them since Rodkin & Vanaman left.


I want a tag give me a tag
i'm finding this adelaide metro memes page on facebook too amusing.

i would like to share this, that others will not get.

Regarding Knack: it has about 30-60 minutes more to hook me before it becomes the first casualty of the generation. There's nothing wrong with the game per se, it's just that there's nothing interesting or exceptional about it.

The main selling point, I felt, was that knack could become any size, from a small assuming miniature Knack to a hulking behemoth of destruction. The problem, so far, is that Knack mimics the scale of the foes and environment; this means that big enemies are matched by big Knack and smaller enemies by smaller Knack. This scaling that occurs reduces the impact of the size increase; Knack occupies the same real estate on the screen, as does his enemies. Any sense of wonder from the change of scope is negated. The mildly amusing factor is the games attempt to explain in story why Knack doesn't stay at a huge size and just obliterate all foes at a 300ft tower of death-a-plenty.

Second, the brawling is just (so far) fairly rote. Knack faces enemy, you identify the type and use the appropriate, corresponding tactic. Jump attack, dash and then attack, AOE attack if there are too many opponents. There's really not much to do other that learn patterns and reply with one of the very limited moves.

Enemies, as well as Knack, usually die within 1-2 hits. This results in (depending upon skill level) performing the same sections of the game (because of my skill level) multiple times until you learn the attack patterns and appropriate responses. If you die, you go back to the start of that section. Depending upon your ability to learn the correct moves, it can get boring playing the 1-2 minutes of section repeatedly until you do.

The graphic are... well, it has graphics. The texture work is good but the overly clean 3D computer animated film look remind me of a feature film from a number of years ago. There's nothing particularly special on display, especially since the art style really hasn't clicked with me. Knack, on the other hand, has not resonated with me, at this early stage. Visually he's not engaging or pleasing and his personality is beige. Boring beige.

Like I said, it's all competently done, but not much more. It's early on and I will play more of it but I'm not itching to play more of it. There's every chance that something will happen in level 3 or 4 that will change my perception and add something that will change my opinion. so far, though, it's a launch game that I would not have bought had it not been fairly slim pickings.

Chances are, this will join the pantheon of "Greatest Hits" games that is consisted of many non-deserving launch window titles.

To get hotter?

I don't get why when there's a heatwave, the news shows people at the beach. WHAT THE FUCK? It's hot as fuck at the beach!

Wind + ocean = cooler. Plus going into the water is good stuff. Also when it's hot people go to the beach.

The beach is awesome, you cray lexi



Oi, cunts. A lot of you on my Steam list don't have The Stanley Parable. You fuckers should rectify that immediately.

Or if not, download the demo, play it, love the shit out of it, then wish you bought it when it was on sale like your good buddy Shaneus told you.
Those dirty poors.
They all go to the beach to bathe and clean their wretched rags. When the poors come to my estate to clean the pool, I make sure my butler watches them closely. Too often in the past I had spied them using my pool to clean their disease ridden bodies and loosen the caked on mud and detritus that years of huddling in their pitiful hovels had accumulated.

I had once entertained the though of breeding my own pool cleaners but found their weak genetics and high reliance on food and complaining to sully my idea completely. What one is to do with the bodies of the weak and passed was something I dealt with weekly, along with the inquiries of the police. Once I explained that the bodies were of lower economic subhumans designed to serve as pool maintainers it was all cleared up. No one's ever been charged for trying to take riff raff off the street and attempting to assign them higher, loftier roles than their menial lives; some collateral damage is understood and accepted in this noble pursuit. It did, however, take valuable time away from my strenuous afternoon wind-downs upon by fainting couch.

Absolute filth, they are, and the fact that I tolerate them is something for which they should be eternally grateful. If, for no other reason, than it actually supplies them with one thing that they can be grateful about in their disgusting and meaningless lives.

Oi, cunts. A lot of you on my Steam list don't have The Stanley Parable. You fuckers should rectify that immediately.

Or if not, download the demo, play it, love the shit out of it, then wish you bought it when it was on sale like your good buddy Shaneus told you to.
Who is this good buddy Shaneus and are they related to you?

That last part is the important part.


Who is this good buddy Shaneus and are they related to you?

That last part is the important part.
He's that cunt that hijacks my account when I'm not around.

Also, Duck Tales remake is cheap on GMG if you use the code TAREM-4PLAY-VOUCH (it was a 4hr deal, but it's under "finishing off" so I don't know how much longer it'll be there for).

Actually, fuck it. Castle of Illusion is on Steam for $9 and that's far more appealing to me than Duck Tales. Also, buy Australian.
Plastic vs plastic
I heard the phrase build quality in there once but nothing to actually do with build quality

It hardly feels like plastic. If you're thinking of plastic material used in samsung phones, think again. You'd be better off with a glass nexus 4 if you have the mindset that plastic is bad.


You know what sucks?

Hitchhikers guide is a billion times better then Dr Who.

I demand a new hitchhikers guide tv show >.<!

Just base it of the radio series, 26 episodes. Bam!
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