What router do you have? Is the cable from the upstairs router plugged in to your routers WAN port? Is your router in AP mode?
Have you tried reversing the polarities?
After talking to Lexi this morning she is helping me fix it over the weekend and we are going to the pub on Sunday.
I'm getting a parma, mark my words.
not an official statement but might be indicative?
not an official statement but might be indicative?
I want to get some pub chips. Pub chips are SO good.
I ended up getting them to sell me a $178 Wii U at Target last night (they appeared to only have one), then ended up getting my games from Big W at midnight - which was a mad house.
This is win / win. We get Australian content and a strong competitor to bring down the Foxtel monopoly + use existing Netflix US subscriptions to use Australian Netflix, as can be done by region swapping currently.
As I understand it, if you have a netflix account you can use it on any of their regional thingies (probably grey area legally but they need to have the infrastructure for people who sign up in the US and then move or travel). So if they come out here, there's no real way to identify who legitimately signed up for a US account and who did it through a VPN.
Well, I guess they could track the ip you signed up from or something.
If true, I just wonder if that means they will come down hard on all the folks using Us accounts. Paying at least 50% more for less content would be rather shitty. Its kind of why I've been in favour of the status quo. Its like the prospect of a local Amazon. All that would mean is higher prices.
So with Big W apparently out of Wii Kart 8 (online and at my local stores), just where is the best deal? And how much is it on the eshop?
I see JB has it for 69$, is that my best option?
Target has it for $57 if you can find a store with a copy.
Yeah, the eShop interface is terrible.
Try and find all of the games available for download if you can.
Yeah. Even just finding all the first party games on the eShop seems hard.
Decided to check out the new Transformers on RottenTomatoes, click on the profile of the main girl in it.
Truly a worthy successor to Megan Fox.
Its not 18% bad.Decided to check out the new Transformers on RottenTomatoes, click on the profile of the main girl in it.
Truly a worthy successor to Megan Fox.
Hi Melbourne. Stuck in your city until tomorrow when I get a flight to qld.
Fuck you.
Let me tell you about the time my plane from LA to Melbourne got turned around over Honolulu and we got to stay in LAX for 24 hours while they fixed the fuel pump.Could have flown to Japan and back by the time I get to QLD.
Also, they lost our suitcase.
You're going to regret not buying it. Seriously. |OT|Shaneus, Assetto Corsa is 50% off, still a bit too expensive? *runs*
Also the new Grid is really good, very refreshing after Grid 2
So, I flashed Android L over night. It's got some quirks since it is only the developer version, not the final product, but certainly feels fresh and more accessible.
Just FYI for travelling folks, I just ditched my Optus SIM (something like 15 years I'd had that sucker) for a Voda SIM 'cos Voda now have very attractive roaming in select countries. All the popular Euro ones and the USA. It's $5 per 24 hours and usage just comes off your normal plan. So if you have 3GB unlimited calls whatever then that's what you get in those countries after the $5 hit. The $5 is automatic when you use your phone in those countries (call, text, use data), so you don't have to pre-plan it, and if you don't use your phone the entire time then you only pay the $5 for the days you do use it. Calls in-country and to Oz count as just regular calls like at home.
AND NO $1/MB or even $.50/MB bollocks.
About 5 years ago, I said to my co-workers at the global roaming SIM company I worked for that when Voda got their act together they were going to destroy the global roaming SIM market. And that's what they've done. Who the hell would go to the trouble of buying a local SIM any longer either... you get to keep your Aussie number and the cost probably works out the same or in Voda's favour.
Disclaimer: I don't work for Voda, I just thought this was too good not to mention![]()
I bought Civ 5 yesterday. My first Sid Meier game. Hold me, Ausgaf. I may also try Xcom if it goes cheap.
Pretty sure it would have been $5 or less at some point.Is there an historical low price for Oblivion? I'd like to give that a go on PC and it's $9.99.
It was the second game I bought on 260 back in 2006 but I didn't have time to play after the first 10 hours so I sold it. I need some extreme zoom-in NPC's in my life.
I bought Civ 5 yesterday. My first Sid Meier game. Hold me, Ausgaf. I may also try Xcom if it goes cheap.
You're going to regret not buying it. Seriously. |OT|
Civ 5 is a fantastic way to enter the series. They've streamlined a bunch of stuff which makes it way more accessible, without really making it feel 'casual' IMO. It also explains a fair bit quite well for newcomers.I bought Civ 5 yesterday. My first Sid Meier game. Hold me, Ausgaf.
It's possible that it could be less, if the GPU can render it more efficiently than if it were software rendered. Their Volta project will hopefully make up for any shortcomings it may introduce anyway.One thing I wonder is what battery impact all that 3d presentation rendering has.