Not intended, just wanted to explain that it wasn't replaced because it died
Heh all good
You still have my address? I'll PM it anyway as I moved 2 years ago.
Rep is getting old, I thought he had posted it for sure.
I've been busy! Last week was hellish at work because we moved office, had end of the month stuff, full time admin went on 1 month personal leave, had to train up a temp AND had an inane complaint go directly to ministerial level (it was barely an issue but resulted in about 500 hours work for everyone underneath the minister all the way down to us, just typical squeaky wheel bullshit). Plus all the wild weather meant we had a ton of crisis stuff to deal with mid week. Insane weather down here!
Also went to see the parentals this weekend, which had a lot of prep time to get thhe PS3 and GT6 stuff setup for Dad. Went pretty well! He's not doing too good atm so he didn't want to have a go until after we left but had all the GT6 stuff setup and the wheel stuff worked fine (forgot to bring the detached power cord so had to use mum's laptop power cable lol).
GT6 is a TON of fun. Really enjoyed the couple of hours I played. Got through the first 2 Senna challenges but his F1 stuff was way beyond a first time players level lol. Ended up with an R32 Skyline and worked my way through some Novice cups.
I think I posted about the eBay Sunday deal on Twitter before we left, can't remember 100% though
$50 at Dick Smith!