The Aldi low self discharge seem just as good. A bunch of people on Whirlpool tested various low self discharge batteries and these are supposed to be very good for the money:
We seem to be at a point where we have just enough batteries for his trains, and a couple spare for charging, but those are what I will try when I need more.
Preorder at Amazon they send the beta code immediately via email. Cancel preorder at Amazon. Grab it on release day at Dick Smith where it is likely to be much cheaper than JB / EB. Unless you want a special edition and then it is a bit of a crapshoot when it will get delivered because it comes out on a Saturday.
So you get 3 Destiny beta codes with each preorder. Guardians unite?
Hi Cameron,
Thanks again for your JB Hi-Fi Online order. The good news is, it's on the way!
The game comes out on September 9th, which is a Tuesday.
What is this destiny shit
Not on PC?
I don't understand what that means
Is MGR on either of the consoles 60fps?
The game comes out on September 9th, which is a Tuesday.
For you, the biggest game of your life comes out on September 9. For me, it is a Tuesday.
You should buy a Xbox One All In One Entertainment System so you can understand!What is this destiny shit
Not on PC?
I don't understand what that means
40-60fps.Is MGR on either of the consoles 60fps?
There's a ton of guides out there if you google 'chromecast netflix australia'Speaking of the Chromecast, how do you get Netflix on it?
It was on PS+? In that case, I have it. Must be coming down with a case of the reps40-60fps.
Fairly good for the most part, some spots it has big dips during cut-scenes/QTE's, especially on PS3 which drops 10fps more than 360 at times.
You have MGR on PS+? If not the 360 version at $8 is a great pickup.
You should buy a Xbox One All In One Entertainment System so you can understand!
2nd non annual Radgaf meetup official list thingy (had to steal that Dead Man)
The elephant. Off Rundle St, Adelaide.
September 20th 2014
Dead Man
Lucian Cat
Join us peeps.
Back from getting my bottom right wisdom tooth out. Quite an ordeal. Not in terms of pain during (that was painless), but time. Took a whole hour for one tooth, which involved lots of gum cutting and drilling into bone that was apparently somewhat adamantium like, and then finally removing the tooth in pieces and then stitches (first time I've ever had stitches in my mouth).
Then being told to take cocktail of prescription painkillers (panadeine forte), over the counter ibuprofen and prescription antibiotics.
Now I'm home for an hour with a still numb half a face. Fun times ahead when it all wears off I'm guessing.
I already did tho
Heh. I just found this sealed in a cash converters (minus the console) for $29.
guys, action henk is pretty fuckin' great. It's like... if sonic games didn't suck, crossed with super meat boy. It's just raw fun from mechanics, where you're just going crazy building up momentum and not stopping for anything.
I bought it on your suggestion and wowser, you were right. It's exactly my kind of super meat boy esque, quick fire round with high reset counts. thanks for the recommendation
Screw that, Fifth Element has held up just fine. Feels like a product of its decade, but doesn't feel any way worse for it. It was always pretty cheesy and a ton of fun. I remember leaving the cinema with a big smile.
At the Target near me, they keep cardboard boxes in a metal cage on wheels right in front of the Wii U section. It's there 9/10 times and you can't get past it to look at Wii U things.
Screw that, Fifth Element has held up just fine.
And big. I'm not going to move it.It is on wheels, though...
4.5 hours into Baldur's Gate: EE. Never played BG1 before, only played BG2 a bit as a kid.
Jesus fucking christ this game is
1) Hard as fuck
2) Incredibly slow with character progression (still level 1, nearly 5 hours in)
3) Representative of how shit the D&D ruleset is for a videogame
If BG2 is like this no wonder I never finished that as a kid. I get ganked by gibberlings sometimes if the roles go badly. I'm doing my best to keep my squishy mage characters out of the line of fire but every now and again a missile weapon or something will instagib them, or they'll get caught on geometry and a bear will wipe them in one shot and I have to load my last save because the game has permanent character death.
BG2 is heaps easier because you don't start at level 1 so you can't get killed in one hit by crits.
BG1 there is like something on every screen that can kill you. Honestly I would just drop the difficulty for some harder encounters (the friendly arm inn is bullshit) and look up where a few good items are hidden (there is a +1 suit of insect plate armour hidden in a field near a farm on the way to the mine). Not sure if the updated edition lets you hold tab to highlight chests and hidden objects like you could in BG2 but I hope it does because otherwise it's a pixel hunt for secrets. Abuse that shit if you can.
If you aren't enjoying it just skip straight to BG2. It's a much better game and all the story stuff gets explained to you straight away except for one NPC who dies in the first 5 mins.