iPad I assume. Got rave reviews.
"Washes the shitty taste of Absolution out of your mouth" - 5/5 Kritz.net
So, judging from the DC club thread there's enough for at least one, possibly 2 AusGAF DC teams.
Now all we need is the game.
In other news...rainy eh? Do the QLD or NSW driving test teach how you shouldn't tailgate generally and specifically when it's raining so had you can't see cars 20-30m ahead? Or that using rear foglights I such conditions is a good idea?
Scary drive up from Byron this afternoon thanks to several Ute drivers clearly thinking that driving on my rear bumper was the only way to see me, and about half the drivers thinking 'Oh it's daytime I don't need to use my lights.'
Still, Byron was lovely, I've just eaten a beef & bacon Yatala pie and I'm back with my family after a week away![]()
My shitty genes cursed him, it's all my fault, even with limiting his screen time so much over the years. Breaks my heart as it's 100% my fault.
Congrats!something something grim reaper
eh dw, i used to need glasses but now i have 20/20 vision. maybe hell grow out of it
Richard Smith killing it yet again. Taken from ozbargain.
GTA 5 + Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Assassins Creed Unity + The Crew
Fifa 15 + Driveclub
Destiny + The Evil Within
Driveclub + WWE 2K15
GTA 5 + HALO Collection
FIFA 15 + Shadow of Mordor
Far Cry 4 + Destiny
Assassins Creed Unity + Forza Horizon 2
$60 each and you can mix and match. Cheaper than US prices when you take postage and currency conversions into account.
Posted only, no pickup. At least it's guaranteed price match, although not sure how that will go in terms of postage cost.
Also you have to wait a week or more after release to get the damn thing >_<
I have gotten my DSE stuff within 2 days. I have ordered 4 times from them. It's only 4.95 postage for 2 items, not $9.90.
If any of you are keen on Civ Beyond Earth. It is currently listed at the US price on Steam rather than the full AU price of $90.
$90 for me
Yeah.Posted only, no pickup. At least it's guaranteed price match, although not sure how that will go in terms of postage cost.
Also you have to wait a week or more after release to get the damn thing >_<
$90 for me
2k. One of the worst for regional pricing. Should have been paying attention last night when I postedSame for me. This is some serious bullshit, it's even region locked.
It's cheaper at dick smith at the moment
a) I don't want to risk having to wait even a day longer to play Driveclub. Honestly, going to be taking a day or two off for that shit. So excite.
b) The limited tin case version looks boss as hell. So I can't give that up.
2k. One of the worst for regional pricing. Should have been paying attention last night when I posted![]()
Yea I was looking at it last night, but decided for my pay to clear. Being sensible didn't pay off this time
If any of you are keen on Civ Beyond Earth. It is currently listed at the US price on Steam rather than the full AU price of $90.
bamWhere is the tin case from? All those games will probably be $60 in store anyway, I only jumped on the Diablo deal because it was $55 (sucks I miss out on the first week of ambient MP stuff though).
Richard Smith killing it yet again. Taken from ozbargain.
GTA 5 + Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Assassins Creed Unity + The Crew
Fifa 15 + Driveclub
Destiny + The Evil Within
Driveclub + WWE 2K15
GTA 5 + HALO Collection
FIFA 15 + Shadow of Mordor
Far Cry 4 + Destiny
Assassins Creed Unity + Forza Horizon 2
$60 each and you can mix and match. Cheaper than US prices when you take postage and currency conversions into account.
Welp, guess that's my holiday buyting done instantly. I'm ok waiting a week for their postage, so many games to play.
Civ beyond earth (lol australian pricing) and Sunset Overdrive get.
Wish I hadn't already preordered Halo MCC from them for 10 more.
When you install the game it goes through steam. Think Half Life 2 retail disc back in '04. At least, that's the way it worked for Civ 5. I'm assuming Beyond Earth is going to be in the same boat, a steamworks title.
Guess I should have posted this a couple of days ago when I ordered it, went up pretty quickly. Gf and I both got a copy for nearly the same price as one copy is today...
Bummed I missed out. 2k are so annoying..reminds me of how I had to get US friends to gift me Civ5 to get around the criminal local pricing.
Having to in theory buy the game on disc. Is like going back to the stone age.
Beyond Earth Steam code is still $50 (with $5 coupon upon release) via Amazon if you're OK with pretending you're American.
Am I the only one who gets really paranoid when doing this?
Yeah I've bought a ton of stuff from Amazon like that. It's not a problem on that front. I'm not sure if Civ: BE has cross-region flags though, so you might want to look into it before buying. Try asking in the Steam thread, JaceC knows everything.
I bought an uncensored copy of South Park: Stick of Truth, but had to actually give my account details to someone in America to log in and register the key for me. VPN is also a possibility but either way it's a pain if they clamp down on it.
This is a good point. Before buying Steam games from other sources, always check!Yeah I've bought a ton of stuff from Amazon like that. It's not a problem on that front. I'm not sure if Civ: BE has cross-region flags though, so you might want to look into it before buying.
Did they stop cross region gifting on steam?
Do Pccasegear still assemble computers for you? Last time I picked all the parts I wanted and got them to build it, they did a really good job but I'm after a new PC and can't see that option. Surely they wouldn't have gotten rid of it?
I think they did, just ordered everything from them last week and couldn't find the service anymore. I remember last year they charged 100$ for assembly and included an aftermarket heatsink/watercooling.
That said building one yourself is really easy, I had little to no experience and the guys from "i need a new pc" were really helpful.