The Giant
"I'll have a shit load of dim sims and a bucket of soy sauce"
"Is that a Argey shirt?"
"No it's a Bargey shirt"
Bargearse is a classic.
Utopia is pretty great.
Can anyone recommend me some cider made from 100% apples (with no suger or other additives) instead of that lolly Swedish shit thats become popular?
Mountain Goat
Lucky Duck
True South
Golden Axe
The Hills
I haven't paid any attention to the zoe quinn stuff, But gaf got called out in this video haha
Also, utopia is great. I should watch the second episode, i imagine its out now. I keep forgetting about it.
Anathema last night were awesome.
Never knew anything about Zoe Quinn until I watched that.
Why does this Zoey Quinn stuff keep popping up everywhere?
I've literately got no clue what's going on or who she is.
You probably should take that video with a grain of salt, there is a tonne of assumptions and loaded terms being used there, bog standard misogyny.
You probably should take that video with a grain of salt, there is a tonne of assumptions and loaded terms being used there, bog standard misogyny.
You probably should take that video with a grain of salt, there is a tonne of assumptions and loaded terms being used there, bog standard misogyny.
Definitely wasn't going to miss. Been listening to them for so long and their first tour of Australia.Hey, wait, I thought I was the only AusGAF person who saw Anathema!
I saw them in Brisbane and was good indeed.
I don't believe any of it. I've never received positive reviews after sleeping with someone.You probably should take that video with a grain of salt, there is a tonne of assumptions and loaded terms being used there, bog standard misogyny.
I did! Though it was technically 2030 here. Also in a cinema >_>Who's doctor whooing at 5am?v?
I did! Though it was technically 2030 here. Also in a cinema >_>
So, judging from the DC club thread there's enough for at least one, possibly 2 AusGAF DC teams.
Now all we need is the game.
In other news...rainy eh? Do the QLD or NSW driving test teach how you shouldn't tailgate generally and specifically when it's raining so had you can't see cars 20-30m ahead? Or that using rear foglights I such conditions is a good idea?
Scary drive up from Byron this afternoon thanks to several Ute drivers clearly thinking that driving on my rear bumper was the only way to see me, and about half the drivers thinking 'Oh it's daytime I don't need to use my lights.'
Still, Byron was lovely, I've just eaten a beef & bacon Yatala pie and I'm back with my family after a week away![]()
I did the drive from Brisbane to Kingscliff (like an hour north of Byron Bay) in the rain on Saturday and was shocked to see the amount of people driving without lights on. Bonkers.
I think the internet as a whole is pretty much a cesspool.
I'm sick
Started as just the sniffles, then it became aches and now I'm shivering under this work camp's pitiful excuse for blankets. I'm due to fly home in two days too. What's the bet they don't let me on a plane in this state?
Or theme park world
Someone needs to make another airport tycoon
Or a theme hospital
Or theme park world
Sucks about PSN being down. Hoping its back up in a few days when that Infamous DLC comes out. Might go back to Second Son tonight and finish a few things off.
It's already back up.
I didn't even consider that. Thanks for the wanna make sure you're not stuffed up the day you fly because the ascent or escent can damage your eardrums. Have decongestants and vicks on hand.
My ex damaged her already poor hearing when she flew with the flusmall violin playing song from Toy Story 2
It would cost me 700 dollars to get the monitor I want
mein got
sooooo steam price for Civ beyond like just doubled ?? i nearly fucking preordered it last night
sooooo steam price for Civ beyond like just doubled ?? i nearly fucking preordered it last night
sooooo steam price for Civ beyond like just doubled ?? i nearly fucking preordered it last night