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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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Jesus guys slow down it's hard to keep up with this thread

Just ignore the shit posts (i.e. everyone else) and read only the good ones (i.e. mine).

What's everyone's plans for the Christmas break?

2 weeks off work means family catch ups, gaming catch ups and beach.

Does it suck to have a work Christmas party on not the last day of work so you have to go back to work after drunkenly telling everyone what you really think of them?

Our works party was only finalised and announced about a week ago so a bunch of people, myself included, aren't going. Luckily I went to the missus' party which was at the Adelaide Zoo!

Does the holiday break usually end up meaning non-stop tech support for family?

Pretty much. Especially when people get tech gifts.

If anyone has any recommendations for text adventures I'm all ears. Preferably single room ones since I hate walking around and getting lost.

A Dark Room

Fuck, everywhere is really not selling 256GB Surface Pro 2s any more, huh.

Just gonna have to go 512GB.

Dat Kickstarter cash!

What should I have for lunch?


Video game music on Spotify! I want to be recommended some to add to the office playlist.

Did the Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green Remasters get added to Spotify, or just iTunes?

Defiant Development's Kickstarter is so close to reaching its target, and Auran's Kickstarter just passed the 100% mark, yay Australian devs, yay Queensland devs :) And you should also back this Super Mario Kart type game being made in Townsville! If this guy reaches a super stretch goal he's going to put a real koala in a go kart and teach it how to drive. Awesome.

I would pay good money to see that koala...

Rep mode de-activated


Does it suck to have a work Christmas party on not the last day of work so you have to go back to work after drunkenly telling everyone what you really think of them?

I'm interested in everyones opinions on this too! My work is having a party on the 21st. Some people think thats way too late to have a party. This annoys a lot of people because they can't go because that is when they will go on holidays. Me, I don't give much of a shit either way. I go for the free food and booze.

Does the holiday break usually end up meaning non-stop tech support for family?

I like family tech support :(


I made the mistake of reading the comments on the ABC Facebook page re: Manus. I'm fucking done with this country of selfish fucks. If I read one more person saying that its okay because our conditions are marginally better than the third-world hellhole they fled from I'm going to lose it.

Let's say some children were taken from an abusive household where they were routinely beaten. That's a good thing, but these ones ended up in a foster home where they were also routinely beaten, though a little less often. The line of thinking used by these people say that it's okay. Previous interactions with such people dictate that I would be told that I'm "taking things to extremes", but I'm not seeing that distinction.

Common sense and acceptance of accountability for our own actions seem to have been lost some time ago. Empathy looks like it is going too, though it may already be gone.

I tend to stay away from the news, not due to willful ignorance or any similar reason, I actually prefer to stay informed. The reason is that it just make me so angry. Callous disregard for fellow human beings is absolutely disgusting. There is little to no thought of anything outside the needs or wants of someone. I see it enough in its simplest form out in public where the slightest inconvenience is treated like a personal affront to a person it effects. If someone finds it difficult to comprehend that another person may be having a bad day, or not be at 100%, or a multitude of other things, what hope do they have of understanding anything even slightly more complicated?

If the lives of those around us are better and they are happier, it benefits us, improves our own lives and makes us happier too. Unfortunately the majority needs to think and see outside their own lives before anything else can be done.


We already had our xmas party on monday lol. We had a massive 3 person lunch party, it was really nice!

Xmas plan is to coming back to Sydney to hang with the new niece, maybe friends etc. Hope to go to a day or two of the cricket as well!


Getting ready to leave for Brisbane tonight.. my first ever plane-trip! should be interesting..

Anyway advertising the BrisGAF meet-up one last time (since I won't have access to a computer when I'm there). Although I'll be checking and posting in the thread on my mobile.;p

When?: December 14th, Saturday 5:00 pm start. (feel free to turn up at 6:00 pm or w/e I'm sure we'll still be there)
Where?: The Mana Bar: 420 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Will be attending: Lafiel, Lexi, Shanshan310, Rlan,
Maybe: Catbug/Will, Stackboy, FallbackPants, Marsh/Marshmellow + 2 RL friends of mine (possibly)
Not Attending: Bulbagarden

Pic of me: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18933773/1563668207509133372.jpeg

Also question for BrisGAFFERS: What cool stuff is there to do during the day in Brisbane? might explore a bit tomorrow.;p


Also question for BrisGAFFERS: What cool stuff is there to do during the day in Brisbane? might explore a bit tomorrow.;p

Um.... GOMA, maybe?

High Court throws out ACT's controversial same-sex marriage laws

Saw it coming, the feds have claimed the field so the states and co cant enact laws on their own on the matter even if slightly different.

Don't worry, according to Ventron and Arksy, The Liberals will legislate for gay marriage soon! They actually believe it, too!



I found my phone mobile in the washing machine..... I knew it sounded weird >.<

Hopefully rice is the spice.

If liberals pass gay marriage im dolly parton jolene.


Jesus guys slow down it's hard to keep up with this thread

What's everyone's plans for the Christmas break?

Does it suck to have a work Christmas party on not the last day of work so you have to go back to work after drunkenly telling everyone what you really think of them?

Does the holiday break usually end up meaning non-stop tech support for family?

If anyone has any recommendations for text adventures I'm all ears. Preferably single room ones since I hate walking around and getting lost.

Fuck, everywhere is really not selling 256GB Surface Pro 2s any more, huh.

What should I have for lunch?

Video game music on Spotify! I want to be recommended some to add to the office playlist.

Defiant Development's Kickstarter is so close to reaching its target, and Auran's Kickstarter just passed the 100% mark, yay Australian devs, yay Queensland devs :) And you should also back this Super Mario Kart type game being made in Townsville! If this guy reaches a super stretch goal he's going to put a real koala in a go kart and teach it how to drive. Awesome.
You need to answer my question on your KS page. Either here or there, that's fine. But I still think you should include your original stick-figure comics as well as the updated ones!

The Room for iPad is FREE
I bought this (it was only $1 I think) but it's fucking glorious. Amazing game, fun as hell. Don't look at/for spoilers!

Let's say some children were taken from an abusive household where they were routinely beaten. That's a good thing, but these ones ended up in a foster home where they were also routinely beaten, though a little less often. The line of thinking used by these people say that it's okay. Previous interactions with such people dictate that I would be told that I'm "taking things to extremes", but I'm not seeing that distinction.

Common sense and acceptance of accountability for our own actions seem to have been lost some time ago. Empathy looks like it is going too, though it may already be gone.

I tend to stay away from the news, not due to willful ignorance or any similar reason, I actually prefer to stay informed. The reason is that it just make me so angry. Callous disregard for fellow human beings is absolutely disgusting. There is little to no thought of anything outside the needs or wants of someone. I see it enough in its simplest form out in public where the slightest inconvenience is treated like a personal affront to a person it effects. If someone finds it difficult to comprehend that another person may be having a bad day, or not be at 100%, or a multitude of other things, what hope do they have of understanding anything even slightly more complicated?

If the lives of those around us are better and they are happier, it benefits us, improves our own lives and makes us happier too. Unfortunately the majority needs to think and see outside their own lives before anything else can be done.
So much this. Current government seems like it was almost completely voted in on the syndrome described in your post. Makes me want to throw up.

I don't think I've seen anyone pull off a better IRL trollface.gif


I can only dream of playing some of the machines you've touched this year :(

Heh, yeah I guess I'm pretty lucky. There are three things that have allowed me to play a stupid amount of pinball machines this year:

1. Living in Newtown - the place is packed with machines
2. Wildball League - A league where members host meets in their game rooms. Some people have a huge number and variety of machines
3. Newcastle Pinfest - It was big, and I made sure I played every machine at least once


Trouble in paradise?

[14:15:38] <HolycheckMobii> How does one boot into safe mode
[14:15:47] <HolycheckMobii> I've pressed all my f keys :(
[14:16:46] <@jambo|work> F8
[14:16:58] <@jambo|work> hit del at post to see all the options
[14:17:11] <@jambo|work> also hand in your PC badge
[14:17:25] <HolycheckMobii> I pressed f8!
[14:17:43] <Rahk> press it more!
[14:18:00] <HolycheckMobii> My finger hurts
[14:18:13] <Brad-Rock|Work> holy
[14:18:20] <Brad-Rock|Work> you're banned from using the pi
[14:18:26] <HolycheckMobii> :(
[14:18:37] <Rahk> you'll never get into safe mode if you're just gonna complain
[14:18:38] <HolycheckMobii> Fine ur banned from hooking it up to my speakers!
[14:18:46] <Brad-Rock|Work> fine
[14:18:52] <Brad-Rock|Work> you're speaker is banned from my bookshelf
[14:19:08] <HolycheckMobii> You can't use my kettle for your tea!


Credit - credit - high distinction. Yeahhhhh! Got mah degrees! *

*pending confirmation from uni

*sits looking at his workload for next year wondering why I didn't just do 4 subjects per semester like everyone else*

oh well, maybe this new "Social and Cultural issues of Interactive Digital Media" course will be interesting and worthwhile (ha)



Grats Jintor! Awesome news.

2 weeks off work means family catch ups, gaming catch ups and beach.

Our works party was only finalised and announced about a week ago so a bunch of people, myself included, aren't going. Luckily I went to the missus' party which was at the Adelaide Zoo!

NICE. Sounds like the way to go. I really should stock up on some games to catch up on. Luigi and Zelda 3DS sounds like the ticket.

My work party is next week at some place where there will be lots of German beer apparently. Shame I won't be drinking! Oh wells!

Pretty much. Especially when people get tech gifts.

God I pity all the parents who are going to have a morning full of XBL / PSN / NN updates and having to deal with wireless routers and shit they'd rather not have to think about.

URL="http://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/"]A Dark Room[/URL]

Hahahah I totally forgot about this! I clicked on the link and it resumed from where I left off. Everyone was freezing. :/ Thanks for the reminder!

Just gonna have to go 512GB.

Dat Kickstarter cash!
Dat printing bill. Dat Kickstarter fee. Dat Amazon fee. Dat postage :)

Besides, the 512GB seems to be sold out everywhere / not available either :(


There's a Mexican place that's been threatening to open up across the road for the last two months and is taking its sweet ass time about it. God DAMN I could do with an Enchilada.

I'm interested in everyones opinions on this too! My work is having a party on the 21st. Some people think thats way too late to have a party. This annoys a lot of people because they can't go because that is when they will go on holidays. Me, I don't give much of a shit either way. I go for the free food and booze.

I like family tech support :(

Family tech support is OK as long as they don't bitch and moan about how everything doesn't work 'like it used to' for the next five years. :)

Yeah I'm currently listening to people kvetching because our work function is on a work day so they can't get completely tanked hahah.

You need to answer my question on your KS page. Either here or there, that's fine. But I still think you should include your original stick-figure comics as well as the updated ones!

Whoops sorry I thought I responded on KS but YES including the stick figure comics as well in the bonus section is a great idea! I'll make that happen, can't see why not. Awesome!

Thinking of doing a live stream to tick in the final hour or so of the Kickstarter, should be fun...


Dear Holden

Go fuck yourself in the eye with a pencil



I feel for the workers and their families.


I wonder how much of a roll on effect this will have for Australia. Already, Bluescope have come out and stated they stand to loose about $33 million a year in revenue..


Anything that extracts water better then rice from a phone?!

Also >.< how likely is it that its funked, it was turned on, and in a washing machine for 30mins at 30+ degrees in a 'hand wash' setting...
LTTP but this is fucken good deal (expired now). Having said that they have a massive Epidome sale and there are other great guitars available.

Yeah I picked up one myself. Have always wanted one, and for $200 how could I go wrong.

GoPro seems to be THE present this Christmas. Everyone is asking about them, the new Furby I say!

Yeah, even big w etc are stocking them now.

They're great. If I did anything interesting I would buy one.

Interesting and you were really good at it. After regularly watching surfing vids etc on YouTube that are filmed with a gopro there is no way is even bother. That and knowing my luck id knock the mounts off surfing and lose the camera.

Linux nerds only.




That, ladies and gentlemen is what the great Malcolm Turnbull is now implementing as the NBN. If you have HFC (telstra/optus cable) availble in your area, you get nothing. Notice how there is no mention of upload speeds. So we are spending 41 Billion dollars on a network that relies on Telstra's aging copper, a big FUCK YOU to anyone that voted this government in.


Heh, yeah I guess I'm pretty lucky. There are three things that have allowed me to play a stupid amount of pinball machines this year:

1. Living in Newtown - the place is packed with machines
2. Wildball League - A league where members host meets in their game rooms. Some people have a huge number and variety of machines
3. Newcastle Pinfest - It was big, and I made sure I played every machine at least once
Is Pinfest worth travelling for? Is that the one where I saw footage of you playing opposite-handed? If so, that's probably a "yes" (if it goes for more than one day/night).

It really surprises me how dry pinball is here compared to Sydney. Huge number of leagues that seem to have been going for a while, and there's really only one solid one here in Melbourne (that started earlier this year, the Peacock Inn one).

I wonder if prices are any different as well? Nate's recent C2C had me seriously thinking about a TZ, despite having never played one. Opinions?

GoPro seems to be THE present this Christmas. Everyone is asking about them, the new Furby I say!
How much are they? Are they 60fps as well? I'd almost consider getting one to wear while playing pinball just to see what it comes out like.

Whoops sorry I thought I responded on KS but YES including the stick figure comics as well in the bonus section is a great idea! I'll make that happen, can't see why not. Awesome!

Thinking of doing a live stream to tick in the final hour or so of the Kickstarter, should be fun...
Ah, says you replied 8hrs ago but I wasn't online then. Still, thanks for answering twice!
For anyone else that got Bravely Default -> Toast
This is my Nintendo ID 3239-3583-6255 | Marshmellow | Australia

Game thus far has been played for 30 minutes, I love the combat system the art style and the voice-overs are really solid. Cant wait to sink a tonne of time into this one.

Added you. Played a couple of hours and the game is pretty sweet. Good way to close out the year


That, ladies and gentlemen is what the great Malcolm Turnbull is now implementing as the NBN. If you have HFC (telstra/optus cable) availble in your area, you get nothing. Notice how there is no mention of upload speeds. So we are spending 41 Billion dollars on a network that relies on Telstra's aging copper, a big FUCK YOU to anyone that voted this government in.

Sadly, considering how many of the people who'd vote for them are the kind of people who'd get their news purely through newspapers and TV, and barely use the internet for anything but email, I doubt many of their voters care. If they even understand the issues to begin with.


XMAS has come early :D


Gf's XT250 (2014 model) in the background

How much are they? Are they 60fps as well? I'd almost consider getting one to wear while playing pinball just to see what it comes out like.

For above reasons I need one now as well, but I am waiting for the GoPro4 as it will be 1080/120fps and 4K/30 and if you're really keen 720/240 :O

Sadly, considering how many of the people who'd vote for them are the kind of people who'd get their news purely through newspapers and TV, and barely use the internet for anything but email, I doubt many of their voters care. If they even understand the issues to begin with.

The sad thing is, they WILL realise in 10 years when their V8 supercar race is streaming in 4K/8K and they can't watch it, or there is a requirement for fast uploads speeds, of course somehow Labor will be to blame then as well.
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