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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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Android consoles are so 2013. 2014 is the year of the C64 console.

So the Year of Luigi anniversary coins are already gone from Club Nintendo. Damn. Guess I'd better pick up those Hanafuda cards before they go as well. No sense in holding onto stars for the diorama if things are going to vanish this quickly.


I could only barely afford the Hanafuda set. I was seriously considering skimping out on my morning jog to register all the stuff in case it blasted past, but thankfully nobody was too psyched about AU Club Nintendo rewards this morning. (Also it's supes hot today)
Not sure anyone is keen but GamingDragons have the steamkey pre-order for Thief at $26 atm. Not sure if they bill when you order or when it releases, probably when you order.


those cards look awesome, but i has no points cos all my stuff is US/JP these days:(

also, opened my isabelle nendoroid, the bells on her head jingle n shit:O
I ordered my first thing from the stars catalogue just this week, and it arrived today. The pikmin bag. After a long time of nothing of greater interest appearing.

Perhaps I should have waited!


The punches keep comin from ole Mr Choce!

Xbox 4GB console with 2 (cheap/shitty) games for $69 posted! (after $100 cashback)

Xbox 4GB console with Froza 4 and 3 months GOLD for $49! (after $100 cashback) plus postage as I can't get it to show postage, unless you can make it to Bing Lee


That Bing Lee deal is amazing if you can get it instore. The MS deal has super cheap game that have been $5-15 lately.


Holy shit, there's a PBF book?!?!


[17:06:49] <megadrive> SO WHO'S JEFF
[17:06:53] <megadrive> .steam
[17:06:53] <S> Steam: AnkhWeasel, Aon, BananaAmie*, Doncamatic, Fogz, Frawdder, Hamchan, I, Kritz, Orbi, Rahk, Rezbit, x3n05
[17:06:56] <@jambo|work> .mp
[17:06:58] <HolycheckMobii2> Wat
[17:07:13] <megadrive> jeff sent me my kk present
[17:07:29] <S> Rezbit: are we allowed to say?
[17:07:32] <HolycheckMobii2> What did u egt! Post pics in thread!!
[17:07:33] <megadrive> haha
[17:07:35] <megadrive> i did
[17:07:37] <S> Rezbit: i know who it is
[17:07:38] <megadrive> nobody is posting in thread
[17:07:44] <S> AnkhWeasel: AnkhJeffrey.
[17:07:46] <S> Orbi: im jeff
[17:07:55] <S> Rezbit: No.....I'm Jeff
[17:07:57] <megadrive> >.>
[17:07:59] <S> Orbi: i actually don't k
[17:08:01] <S> AnkhWeasel: Jeffacus.
[17:08:03] <S> Orbi: oh
[17:08:03] <@jambo|work> i'm jeff
[17:08:05] <@jambo|work> jeffbo
[17:08:06] <S> Hamchan: Ridonk is Jeff
[17:08:08] <HolycheckMobii2> No im jeff
[17:08:13] <@jambo|work> laf is jeff
[17:08:18] <@jambo|work> jeffiel
[17:08:20] <S> Orbi: WHO'S JEFF IN CINEMA'S 2014
[17:08:20] <S> AnkhWeasel: Jeffiel.
[17:08:27] <S> Orbi: jeff is such a laf name
[17:08:28] <megadrive> you guys are the worst
[17:08:28] <S> Orbi: laff
[17:08:30] <megadrive> :mad:
[17:08:31] <S> AnkhWeasel: I heard mega was Jeff.
[17:08:37] * Brad-Rock|Mobile Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:08:41] <S> Orbi: mega why'd you send yourself a gift
[17:08:53] <megadrive> i was just so ronery
[17:09:01] <S> AnkhWeasel: Sega MegaJeff available now.
[17:09:10] * Brad-Rock|Mobile has joined #AusGAF
[17:09:15] <@jambo|work> hey, it's jeff
[17:09:16] <@jambo|work> hey jeff
[17:09:18] <S> Rezbit: Not bad a bad gift Jeff
[17:09:19] <@jambo|work> Jeff-Rock
[17:09:27] <S> AnkhWeasel: Good Jeffing.
[17:09:35] <@jambo|work> Good Jeffternoon
[17:09:38] <S> Orbi: Jeff D
[17:09:46] <S> Orbi: MC J, Jeff-Rock, Jeff D
[17:09:52] <S> Orbi: *MCJ
[17:09:52] <@jambo|work> J Dawg
[17:09:53] <S> AnkhWeasel: Maybe it's Shan's boyfriend? Just Jeff?
[17:10:00] <@jambo|work> jeffriend
[17:10:12] <S> Orbi: Just Jeff
[17:10:15] <S> Orbi: is my favourite store
[17:10:17] <HolycheckMobii2> Just jeff
[17:10:19] <HolycheckMobii2> Fucking lol
[17:10:19] <S> Aon: Oh
[17:10:20] <S> Aon: Ridonk
[17:10:21] <S> Rezbit: this is like being jeff malkovich
[17:10:30] <@jambo|work> we're having a jeff off in here
[17:10:34] <megadrive> oh god
[17:10:37] <S> AnkhWeasel: Malkojeff Malkojeff Malkojeff Malkojeff Malkojeff.
[17:10:40] <S> Orbi: i'll jeff you off
[17:10:42] <megadrive> i feel like i shouldn't have asked now hahah
[17:10:44] <S> Orbi: in a moment
[17:10:52] <S> Rezbit: dude dont jeff me
[17:10:53] <S> Orbi: (it's ridonk)
[17:10:55] <S> Orbi: i thing
[17:10:55] <S> Orbi: k
[17:11:01] <S> Orbi: maybe i'm just jeffing
[17:11:05] <S> AnkhWeasel: Rijeffulous.
[17:11:12] <S> Orbi: im just jeffin' ya m8
[17:11:18] <@jambo|work> !topic AusGAF: JeffGAF
[17:11:19] * ChanServ changes topic to 'AusGAF: JeffGAF'
[17:11:28] <S> Rezbit: JeffGAF bestGAF
[17:11:39] <S> AnkhWeasel: AusGAF 11: JeffGAF.
[17:11:46] <S> Orbi: Jaff
[17:11:48] <S> Orbi: JAF
[17:11:54] <S> Orbi: Jeff Age Forums
[17:11:56] <S> Orbi: NeoJEFF
[17:11:56] <HolycheckMobii2> Jeffgaf
[17:12:07] <S> Rezbit: neojeff hahaha
[17:12:07] <HolycheckMobii2> Is bessgaff
[17:12:22] <@jambo|work> !topic AusJEFF
[17:12:23] * ChanServ changes topic to 'AusJEFF'

Dead Man

I have no idea what you crazy kids are up to.

Is this like the secret santa where you set it up outside gaf then talk about it on gaf?
ivysaur12 dropped into the Almost Human thread. Every day I wished to never see him post there.




when you in Melbourne next. beer required.

ASAP. Which translates to 'unknown' unfortunately :(

Might aim for mid January once the heat here has died down with work. I need proper beer, I think this cheap import stuff is rotting my taste buds.

Bought a bottle of Spiced Bacardi on clearance with some of my bonus, so at least I have relief of a decent quality finally!


Damn that sucks. The show wasn't amazing but it had potential, just needed better writing to go with the awesome bromance between the two mains. Also needs less Mackenzie Crook explaining how everything in the future works.
Damn that sucks. The show wasn't amazing but it had potential, just needed better writing to go with the awesome bromance between the two mains. Also needs less Mackenzie Crook explaining how everything in the future works.

Leads were amazing, Rudy was great, some of the setting was great. No effort at mythology pretty much killed it, need to keep the viewer intrigued enough to watch next week and they never did that. Even ignoring the fact Fox aired it out of order, there is no overarching season plot. It's just Crime of the Week stuff, which is really sad.

Such a waste of potential.

Did someone say beer?

In other news, no one is surprised to learn Almost Human is canceled. Had potential, some of which it wasted and some of which Fox squandered.


Just saw the aftermath of a MASSIVE collision right near my place. Looks like some old guy and his wife (as in, 70s/80s) were t-boned by a ute that didn't stop at a stop sign. Looks like the ute might've been doing some speed, too... plowed right into a house on the corner. The house was already set back 7 or 8m from their front fence in the first place and the ute is very much embedded into their loungeroom.
I'm always careful coming up the road w/o the stop-signs in case people don't stop (and it's almost always justified, sadly) but seeing someone get cut out of a car (I think they were okay, none of the emergency crews were panicking) brings everything home.

FSS people, be careful these holidays. Even if you're in the clear when something might go wrong, it doesn't hurt to be *extra* cautious. Slow down at intersections even if you have the right of way, check when driving through traffic lights at the other incoming roads etc.

you can get MGR for $15.99 from GameFly with coupon code GFDDEC20

Region restricted :/ No idea if that's just the purchase and the code itself is okay, but... bugger :(

Went to buy Just Cause 2. Discovered I already have it in my Steam backlog :/ Damn it. I need to play more games.
You need to play it anyway. Still the most fun open-world game next to Crackdown.
Region restricted :/ No idea if that's just the purchase and the code itself is okay, but... bugger :(

Unknown at this point. It's the first game to be region locked for gifting, although that's only in latin america I think.

In any case it's $20 on Steam itself. Green Man Gaming might have a deal, I know they had Arkham Origins for $20 yesterday (forgot to post it sorry :/ ).

Or just wait for it to be $10 a month after release like most Platinum games :(


As an end-of-school surprise treat I got the Black Forest Crumble dessert pizza with the Crust order tonight (this is the first time I've ordered it). My daughter squealed the happy squeal and it was very, very yummy.

Looking forward to making it to a melbgaf some time before I die.


Been playing a shitload of La Mulana after picking it up during the steam spring sale for $3

This game is so good, exactly my type of game i'm trying to avoid guides

Indiana jones ho


Aliens Colonial Marines steamkey for $2. Dat SEGA branded firesale.
Max Payne 1, 2, 3 & season pass for 3 steamkeys for $7
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD for Vita for $6.62
Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag on PS3 for $36 ($10 upgrade to include PS4 version if you do it before end of January)
Metal Gear Rising Revengence steamkey for $20 pre-order, comes with all the console DLC!

PS3 12GB console with Skylander Giants for $178 from Big W (step your game up Sony!)

Did the ASS creed one, seems the upgrade is $15 though :(
Did the ASS creed one, seems the upgrade is $15 though :(

Really? I remember reading $10 when I picked up my copy at launch!

I fucking bet they reused the marketing materials from the US and didn't bother to change the price to show we get charged that extra Sony tax >_<


Really? I remember reading $10 when I picked up my copy at launch!

I fucking bet they reused the marketing materials from the US and didn't bother to change the price to show we get charged that extra Sony tax >_<

The dirty part is you can only see the price once you already own the game so there was no way to tell. Eh still cheaper than retail and the online store overall


Been playing a shitload of La Mulana after picking it up during the steam spring sale for $3

This game is so good, exactly my type of game i'm trying to avoid guides

Indiana jones ho
It's pretty great. I need to get back into it.


Leads were amazing, Rudy was great, some of the setting was great. No effort at mythology pretty much killed it, need to keep the viewer intrigued enough to watch next week and they never did that. Even ignoring the fact Fox aired it out of order, there is no overarching season plot. It's just Crime of the Week stuff, which is really sad.

Such a waste of potential.

There was a hint at an overarching story at the beginning and there hasn't been the slightest hint of anything else related to it since. Who knows what the sequence Fox is using has done. Firefly's pilot didn't even air first which is beyond stupid, so they haven't demonstrated that they know much of anything when it comes to this, unless they're intentionally trying to kill the show, in which case there's none better.

It does need an injection of something, because it is little more than an average buddy cop show in a different setting. The leads are carrying that show and you can't rely on them to do all the heavy lifting, otherwise everyone will just go back to watching Law and Order/s, and other similar tripe.
Oh wow that's creepy. Just started raining while I'm watching the last half hour of Riddick 3 o_O

It's fucking great btw.

The dirty part is you can only see the price once you already own the game so there was no way to tell. Eh still cheaper than retail and the online store overall
Yeah that really sucks. But yeah, AUD$50 for a PS3 copy and a PS4 copy is still a great deal.

Also helps it's one of the best games of the generation and is apparently a fantastic port on PS4.

There was a hint at an overarching story at the beginning and there hasn't been the slightest hint of anything else related to it since. Who knows what the sequence Fox is using has done. Firefly's pilot didn't even air first which is beyond stupid, so they haven't demonstrated that they know much of anything when it comes to this, unless they're intentionally trying to kill the show, in which case there's none better.

It does need an injection of something, because it is little more than an average buddy cop show in a different setting. The leads are carrying that show and you can't rely on them to do all the heavy lifting, otherwise everyone will just go back to watching Law and Order/s, and other similar tripe.
Yeah that's the worst part. They hinted on a few different things. Even showed his fucking apartment! There was something about his ex-girlfriend being a terrorist with the gang that shot him up.

After a few episodes I can blame Fox for putting the Crime of the Week stuff to the front. But after 6 episodes out of 9 they made, it is evident they just didn't do an arc :(

Also ratings were down again after the bump on week 5, 5.34 million which is a new low. Still getting plenty of viewers, but not enough for the budget I guess, especially when it opened to 9.18 and retained 6.76 the week after :(
Japanese game dev time!

Metal Gear Rising PR dude said:
Graphic Options: Res to 1080p. Up to 8x MSAA. Up to 16x Aniostropic on textures. Blur on/off. Shadow Low/Mid/High. Low/Mid/High on Zangeki.

High Zangeki mode is twice as many cut objects as consoles (400/enemies and 400/objects) and they remain on-screen for twice as long (30s).

@PG_jp not forever? well.. Thats.. Meh, i hate dissapearing objects

@256k The game would eventually crawl to a halt with forever. All of those are physics assets.
Durante rides again. To help another Japanese company save face.

Dark Souls producer dude said:
We did know there were PC-specific features like key-mapping and use of the mouse and keyboard, high resolution and higher frame rate, stuff like that, but&#8230; It&#8217;s not that we ignored it, but it would have taken too much time for us to implement it, test it and get it up to the level people expected. It was more of a publisher (Namco Bandai) decision to say, &#8216;Guys, don&#8217;t worry about this &#8211; let&#8217;s just get it out and see how this works on PC.&#8217;
I hope they at least sent Durante a bottle of wine or some shit.



Dark Souls dude still said:
Asked whether From Software and Namco ever considered a Wii U port, Miyazoe bluntly replies: &#8220;No.&#8221; When asked why, he explodes with laughter. &#8220;Wii U never came up, and we never doubted that (decision) either,&#8221; he says.



It will probably be on sale within the next week of two. They usually do a buy 12 get + 3 months free promo this time of year.
That's what I figured. I think this time last year (I think it's been my first year since I got it, maybe with a month or two here or there for free) I got it on discount. Maybe 80% off or something?

I thought it ran alongside the 12 Days of Christmas sale last year, but for some reason not currently. Will just stick with a 1mo. one then and see what happens.
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