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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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Merry Christmas everyone!

Enjoy your bourgeois consumerist holiday. ;) while I sit here doing what I usually do.. absolutely nothing of worth.


OK, I gave The Witcher 2 a couple of chances, but it really does stink, doesn't it? The storytelling is bamboozling, the gameplay is awful. And one of the characters just said about Triss that it was "that time of the month". Seriously, ugh. Deleted.

No. Its just you :)

But hey not every game, even good ones, has to work for everyone.
Community choice proves that democracy just. doesn't. work.

Merry Christmas AusGAF! Hope whatever you do today, it's something you enjoy.


Aw yeah, got a french press for xmas. Now to not know how to make coffee with it a couple of times! The first few cups have been OK. The beans are kind of old and I'm unsure of what my water to coffee ratio should be.

Still, the coffee's pretty nice. On my third cup of the day.



did we decide on the 28th or the 29th I forgot


Merry holidays

I had the most astoundingly banal Christmas nightmare this morning. It started off simply as playing Dark Souls mixed with Bravely Default, which was awesome, but at some point it turned into being yelled at by an exasperated checkout clerk because I dared to buy something just before the shop closed. Weird.


Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Was €29.99/AU$39.95/£19.99, now €9.89/AU$13.18/£6.59
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus subscribers

Best discount I spotted. Although I would have to unplug the PS4 and plug in the PS3..

And lol at Brothers 'on sale' for $15 in AU.

Looks like AU$6.50 for Brothers to me on PSN, which is about a buck cheaper than Steam. Pretty damn surprised by that. Must be a first time a PSN sale price is lower than discounted Steam price.

Of course with my PS3 banished to a spare room in favour of the shiny PS4 I struggle to justify buying any PS3 game that isn't likely to be PS4 crossbuy.


I heard from my dad (and didn't believe him at first) that they're selling 4K TVs now too. Need to see me some of those babies.

my HN store is over run with 4K sets. bloody things are breeding.

there is that huge 84" LG for around 16K, the Sony 65" and a Panasonic 65". all in the same row as the OLED.


Religious reasons.. they believe it's a pagan holiday! (which is actually correct too ;p)

Pagan holidays are fun, they shouldn't knock it until they've experienced one first hand. I've only experienced one, but I had a great time.

While Christian holidays are over stamped Pagan holidays, technically Pagan holidays are seasonal and so Christmas only matches up in the northern hemisphere. Here in the southern hemisphere, it was Litha on the 21st, which is the Midsummer festival. Yule, which is the Midwinter festival was June 30 and this is the holiday Christmas is meant to cover. The name may sound familiar as the Yule log is a Christmas thing and is is also referred to as Yuletide.

Another bit of trivia for you and anyone else on the Christmas tree. It is a Pagan symbol of life flourishing in the harshest of conditions, as in the cold, snowy locations, these evergreens stand out against the barren deciduous trees. I haven't participated in the Yule festival, so I know little more than that. I've only taken part in Beltane (the one with the wicker man; great fun to build, less fun to gather for) which was pretty rad.

I'm not having a dig or wishing to start any religious thing, I just find it interesting. Hope everyone has a great day!

I hope my Epimas gift isn't too far away for the person I've chosen.


Aw yeah, got a french press for xmas. Now to not know how to make coffee with it a couple of times! The first few cups have been OK. The beans are kind of old and I'm unsure of what my water to coffee ratio should be.

Still, the coffee's pretty nice. On my third cup of the day.



did we decide on the 28th or the 29th I forgot

Some tips:

- Instant coffee is highly concentrated. So you use a lot more ground coffee in a single pot than you would instant. For a pot I usually put around 6-8 heaped teaspoons.

- Technically you're supposed to brew the coffee at around 85-95 degrees centigrade, but this isn't a huge deal. You could let the water cool for a mere minute or so in the kettle before pouring it in.

- Get good coffee beans. Preferably freshly roasted. I usually go to a roasting house in the Adelaide Central Market to get my coffee. You can use the ground espresso packs you get at supermarkets but they're nowhere near as good as freshly ground beans.

I felt that French Press coffee was weird at first, but after I got used to it I basically ditched my Nespresso machine...


the beans I'm using at the moment are quite possibly two months old by this point. And at some point I should really go out and buy a burr grinder. The blade one I have is 'fine', but from people raving about burr ones, I might be missing out.

I think I'm going to renew my coffee subscription so I can start having fresher coffee beans.

I've used those capsual coffee machines at a friends house and didn't particularly enjoy it. I'll only ever have instant coffee if I'm at someone's house, and it's the only time I'll have sugar with it.

I've been using my Aeropress a lot this past year, but from time to time I'll use the espresso machine to make flavoured lattes. Sometimes you gotta have something sweet, y'know?

I filled the french press with roughly... 1200 grams of coffee? Let it fuse for about 20 seconds with just enough water to cover all the grounds, then filled it up and had it steep for two minutes or so. I boiled the water before all this, and it'd been sitting idle for about 2-3 minutes while I ground the beans. I don't have a thermometre but it seems to be about the right amount of time for tasty Aeropress coffee, but there was a lot more water in the kettle for the french press so maybe I have to take that into consideration.

Got about three mugs of coffee out of it, and drank them in around 20-30 minutes. First two cups were decent but I guess I should have moved the third cup out a bit earlier because it was incredibly strong/bitter. I'm gonna play around with the steeping time, and the amount of coffee I should be adding. I think 1200 grams for a 1.5 litre french press is okay, might try 1600. Then maybe have it sit for 3 minutes.

I'm pretty tolerant to "not perfect" coffee so I'll just experiment with it.

I think I'll probably buy, at some point, a burr grinder and a scale, so I can embrace my inner coffee hipster.


Merry Christmas AusGAF, hope everyone has a great day.

I'm celebrating by doing absolutely nothing today (no different from any other day to be honest), good times.


Merry Christmas you beautiful bastards. Love you all! Especially Bernbaum
's mum

Got Zelda and Luigi for 3DS and a billion million dollars of iTunes credit so I'm set for a while yet. AND A LEGO DEATH STAR


My family, they know me well :)

Also, probably my second-to-last pie in the Year Of Pie turned out so well, I was chuffed to bits. Yay! Looking forward to 2014, the Year Of Bread :)
Got socks and jocks, but that's tone expected. Xmas lunch was insanely good, best ham I've ever tasted, was like a religious awakening. Can't wait to have it in cold sandwiches tonight for dinner.
skyping with the family on Brisbane even though its still xmas eve in Washington. and they're all ignoring me and talking to everyone else. Just like usual.

My family got me kitchen stuff from Amazon- sandwich press, knife block, a stick mixer and a wacom tablet. not sure about the last one.

I got my parents an MBA and my bro an iPad Air. i owed them a few years of gifts.

I now have a much appreciation for Holly


I want a tag give me a tag
If I went to trade $15k cash on a foreign fucking country on craigslist/ebay and didn't get killed id expect the place to be put on a list.

This is just silly of whomever in korea.


Merry Christmas everyone on AusGAF (and lurkers) :) Not much to report here, but it was a great day that was fucking exhausting, all because I decided to start breakfast with my folks and stay down there all bloody day. With three toddlers, one 5 and two 3 year-olds. But was fun though (except where I had to re-wrap someone's present because the visiting toddler decided to go apeshit and start unwrapping stuff that wasn't his).

I also drank ginger beer, which was nice.

I also found that LnE has made my stomach shrink, I could barely fit in a plate of various meats and salads, and plum pudding for lunch. Now I feel rolly-poly :(


Big PSN sale, Brothers is on sale here too. Sony & MS doin what Steam users refuse to!

Pagan holidays are fun, they shouldn't knock it until they've experienced one first hand. I've only experienced one, but I had a great time.

While Christian holidays are over stamped Pagan holidays, technically Pagan holidays are seasonal and so Christmas only matches up in the northern hemisphere. Here in the southern hemisphere, it was Litha on the 21st, which is the Midsummer festival. Yule, which is the Midwinter festival was June 30 and this is the holiday Christmas is meant to cover. The name may sound familiar as the Yule log is a Christmas thing and is is also referred to as Yuletide.

Another bit of trivia for you and anyone else on the Christmas tree. It is a Pagan symbol of life flourishing in the harshest of conditions, as in the cold, snowy locations, these evergreens stand out against the barren deciduous trees. I haven't participated in the Yule festival, so I know little more than that. I've only taken part in Beltane (the one with the wicker man; great fun to build, less fun to gather for) which was pretty rad.

I'm not having a dig or wishing to start any religious thing, I just find it interesting. Hope everyone has a great day!

I hope my Epimas gift isn't too far away for the person I've chosen.
That's super interesting. I might be completely missing the point here, but you're Pagan? I honestly had no idea. Cool!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Thought I'd share my facebook status to spread the xmas cheer


And Holy, I got the new Zelda game. Will play it soonish. If I hate it I'll be coming for your head


That's super interesting. I might be completely missing the point here, but you're Pagan? I honestly had no idea. Cool!

I am no longer. I was into it for a while when I was looking for something missing in my life many years ago. It wasn't to be found there, but it was interesting. I met some cool people, had a great time and don't regret a minute of it.

Unfortunately, there were some politics to be found in the coven I was apart of. That's enough to turn me away from just about anything. I'm told things became worse shortly after I left, so it sounds like I left at the right time.

Pagainism, notably the modern varieties (of which I was Alexandrian Wicca in case anyone knows or understands the distinctions), has some interesting ideas and concepts that can easily be appreciated even if you don't buy into the spiritualaspect of it. If you just take them out, it's essentially the appreciation of the earth, moon and sun and all they provide. Also, you are to live your life doing the right thing by everyone and everything, and bound by this you're free to do whatever you please – and both good deeds and bad will be returned to you three-fold. There's much more to it than that, but they're some key points.

One last thing I will note while on this topic is that genders are equal, but different, as they are outside of it. While the highest rank is often held by a woman, it's not at all like the patriarchal examples seen in some other religions.

Thought I'd share my facebook status to spread the xmas cheer


Huntsman spiders are rad! There was one just inside the door of my house the other day, just hanging out. Just let him be and he was gone the next. Hope he found a nice meal.


I am no longer. I was into it for a while when I was looking for something missing in my life many years ago. It wasn't to be found there, but it was interesting. I met some cool people, had a great time and don't regret a minute of it.

Unfortunately, there were some politics to be found in the coven I was apart of. That's enough to turn me away from just about anything. I'm told things became worse shortly after I left, so it sounds like I left at the right time.

Pagainism, notably the modern varieties (of which I was Alexandrian Wicca in case anyone knows or understands the distinctions), has some interesting ideas and concepts that can easily be appreciated even if you don't buy into the spiritualaspect of it. If you just take them out, it's essentially the appreciation of the earth, moon and sun and all they provide. Also, you are to live your life doing the right thing by everyone and everything, and bound by this you're free to do whatever you please – and both good deeds and bad will be returned to you three-fold. There's much more to it than that, but they're some key points.

One last thing I will note while on this topic is that genders are equal, but different, as they are outside of it. While the highest rank is often held by a woman, it's not at all like the patriarchal examples seen in some other religions.
Huh, learn something new every day! Thanks for sharing, tiger.

BTW Hope you had a good Christmas as well, especially with some of the stuff you've had thrown at you this year. Promise we'll catch up soon :)


Arkham origins story mode finished. An excellent Christmas game in the vein of die hard. Spreading that Christmas cheer.


Seeing a huntsman in your house and not killing it is like going to sleep next door to a person who you know is a serial killer without locking the door.
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