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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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I'm buying my wife a baby groot figurine (she adores him) and we have bought each other gold class tickets for the hobbit.

Not big on super expensive presents and neither is she, which is great.


Don't know yet - I will price it over the next day or so but will be reasonable. I have a Dreamcast collection that's quite hefty and a Sega Nomad, a Vectrex and a couple of Sega SC3000H pc's to go out as well. Are you collecting retro stuff Gaz?

Thing is I would like to avoid Gumtree/Ebay etc and sell directly to a collector as package deals so would be very flexible re pricing. Pickup in Brisbane would be best but can pack it up and ship within Australia.

I'm heavily into Retro stuff, PM me what you got and what you want for it.


So here's the dealio.

I bought 2 Gamecube WiiU adaptors directly from Nintendo (Sold out everywhere here). I put one on ebay to see what happens.

I got $118 for it.

So as you can imagine I flipped out and called Nintendo to get another one or seventy. They're sold out. Any more coming? No. What about next year? No What about- Look mate, retailers are already hassling us for dozens of backorders that will never come through. Okay. *hang up*

Welp at least I got ONE. I assume some third party ala Madkatz or someone will develop another version.
So here's the dealio.

I bought 2 Gamecube WiiU adaptors directly from Nintendo (Sold out everywhere here). I put one on ebay to see what happens.

I got $118 for it.

So as you can imagine I flipped out and called Nintendo to get another one or seventy. They're sold out. Any more coming? No. What about next year? No What about- Look mate, retailers are already hassling us for dozens of backorders that will never come through. Okay. *hang up*

Welp at least I got ONE. I assume some third party ala Madkatz or someone will develop another version.

Try ebay.


So as you can imagine I flipped out and called Nintendo to get another one or seventy. They're sold out. Any more coming? No. What about next year? No What about- Look mate, retailers are already hassling us for dozens of backorders that will never come through. Okay. *hang up*

Yeah, if it was that easy you wouldn't have gotten $118. There is a third party one but it only has one port and the user reviews aren't very promising: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BS520SG/?tag=neogaf0e-20
Question for tabletop ausgaf:

My father's started reading White Dwarf, and seems to be somewhat interested in learning what this warhammer stuff is all about. My first reaction is that Warhammer is a hole that nobody in their right mind should ever go down, and looking up sets online pretty much confirmed what I thought: you're spending thousands of dollars on a pretty average game.

So, my question is...

Is there an alternative to Warhammer, that either has inexpensive minis or is otherwise a traditional war game/board game that simply has a shitload of pieces, that can emulate some form of tactical battles (fantasy, ww2 or otherwise), that is at least reasonably fun for 3 players?

There are heaps. If you both like the fantasy theme then try Warhammer Disc Wars from FFG. If you want to go super deep down the rabbit hole I'll take you. Is making and painting the miniatures a draw card? Does it have to play at least 3? Anything that isn't 1v1 is going to have inherent balance issues. Not saying it can't be done but someone usually ends up as the proverbial meat in the middle. How heavy? Babbys first wargame? I'll take it you want something above the tactical level of combat with heaps of dudes crashing into each other.
You guys enjoying Driveclub? All the reviews made me want to stay away.

It's fantastic if you are looking for a driving game. Minimal bullshit, short load times, awesome track design and really enjoyable learning curve. Love improving my ability with certain cars and you quickly feel like you are getting it.
Weather update looks insane.
Challenges are brilliant, really makes it an evergreen game allowing for tons of friendly competition.

I'm buying my wife a baby groot figurine (she adores him)
Link? Love me some Groot!
BTW Stackboy, today's Ript tshirt designs are all Groot related lol. I like the last one

I played Tales from the Borderlands. Is this formula what everyone goes off about with TT games? I didn't HATE it, but it wasn't as enjoyable as I'd expected. It felt like an sparsely interactive story where if you didn't hit the QTEs you had to redo it. I own the Walking Dead season 1 also, dunno if I'll bother with it thoguh


Jeff Gerstmann from Giant Bomb didn't really like it much and sounded pretty frustrated by the whole game. So I decided to give it a miss.
Gerstmann knows dick about driving games and hates everything ever since Ryan died. Possibly even from before as well. The game's fucking fantastic.


There are heaps. If you both like the fantasy theme then try Warhammer Disc Wars from FFG. If you want to go super deep down the rabbit hole I'll take you. Is making and painting the miniatures a draw card? Does it have to play at least 3? Anything that isn't 1v1 is going to have inherent balance issues. Not saying it can't be done but someone usually ends up as the proverbial meat in the middle. How heavy? Babbys first wargame? I'll take it you want something above the tactical level of combat with heaps of dudes crashing into each other.

being serviceable (or better yet, fun) with 3 players is pretty much mandatory. And while I like the idea of painting, in the past I eventually find it becomes more of a chore than anything, and the last thing I want from a game is to spend hours upon hours learning how to paint army men.

What I want is a single (or close to) purchase, comes in a box, has a buncha little things to dork around with in it, and is satisfying to play as a standalone game where you don't need to spend your entire free time and expendable cash buying 15000 'points' worth of units or whatever Warhammer does.

But, yeah, I basically just want an entry level, semi-tactical, meat grinder war game where you roll a bunch of dice and throw a bunch of little figures onto the table and have them RNG eachother until someone wins.
I'm buying my wife a baby groot figurine (she adores him) and we have bought each other gold class tickets for the hobbit.

Not big on super expensive presents and neither is she, which is great.

Where did you get the Baby Groot Figurine, I can't find any good ones anywhere :(


Wipeout got cancelled. The series is dead. The studio closed. The IP discarded. The files deleted. The memories muddied. With a whimper, the deafening silence, the vast emptiness.


Question for tabletop ausgaf:

My father's started reading White Dwarf, and seems to be somewhat interested in learning what this warhammer stuff is all about. My first reaction is that Warhammer is a hole that nobody in their right mind should ever go down, and looking up sets online pretty much confirmed what I thought: you're spending thousands of dollars on a pretty average game.

So, my question is...

Is there an alternative to Warhammer, that either has inexpensive minis or is otherwise a traditional war game/board game that simply has a shitload of pieces, that can emulate some form of tactical battles (fantasy, ww2 or otherwise), that is at least reasonably fun for 3 players?

Dishwasherlove has already asked a number of the important questions, but it comes down to what the main appeal is. Is it painting? Playing? Moving a lot of plastic dudes around, or is moving some around okay?

Warhammer is definitely not the only game in town, only the most well known by those less immersed in the hobby. In a short amount of time, you've already found the issues these particular games have; they're expensive and not very good. Cost can be forgiven if the quality of the game makes up for it, but money is best spent elsewhere in this case.

Depending on what is drawing him in, there are plenty of quality options available. The ones I have bought into are:

  • Warmachine/Hordes - Two games that use the same system and can be played against one another. A mix of steampunk and fantasy with a solid ruleset, cool themed factions and great looking models. Low barrier to entry, but can have a sharp jump up depending how varied you'd like your army to be.
  • Malifaux - Victorian gothic horror themed game that is deceptively complex for a game with such a low model count on the table. Also a low barrier to entry, with some very characterful models.
  • Infinity - Sci-fi future with dudes shooting and throwing grenades at each other. Also hacking, robots, aliens, mech suits and other cool shit. I haven't actually played this one yet as I'm waiting for the new edition of the rules to come out (sometime this month), but I do have a bunch of models and they're awesome. Also pretty cheap to get into (rules are released for free online), and as a low model count game you don't need to buy a bunch of things at once.
  • Dropzone Commander - Set in the 26th century after the parasitic race, the Scourge, invaded and decimated the majority of human life on Earth and other planets we inhabited. Humans regrouped, recovered, rearmed and now the reconquest of what was once ours has now begun. While the other games are 28mm scale (measured from feet to eyes) or thereabouts, this uses 10mm scale. The reason for this is vehicles dominate the battlefield—with only a small number of infantry—so the models work out to be roughly the same size. Solid rules which are very straightforward, with the beautiful complexity emerging once the models hit the table. Slightly more expensive to start out, but isn't too different from the others after that. High quality detailed models that are a pleasure to paint and assemble (the latter is a rarity).

None of these games are designed with 3 players in mind. 3 player competitive games are impossible to balance, as far as I'm aware, as 2 players invariably destroy the 3rd and then change focus to each other. Some games can accommodate it, but in most cases it'd have to boil down to two sides with one controlled by two players.

The above games are only the ones that I'm interested in and have (a considerable number of) models for. There are a wide variety of games available for all sorts of tastes. If painting is all that he's interested in, then the choices are essentially endless.

EDIT: Ah, well this is what I get for fart-arseing about, adding to the reply whilst doing other things.

What I want is a single (or close to) purchase, comes in a box, has a buncha little things to dork around with in it, and is satisfying to play as a standalone game where you don't need to spend your entire free time and expendable cash buying 15000 'points' worth of units or whatever Warhammer does.

But, yeah, I basically just want an entry level, semi-tactical, meat grinder war game where you roll a bunch of dice and throw a bunch of little figures onto the table and have them RNG eachother until someone wins.

Memoir '44 + Overlord expansion and maybe some others then? Paint the models if you want, or don't; it doesn't really matter.
So Kritz if you want cheap(er) and contained in a box:

War of the Ring
Maybe too much management stuff outside battling? There is lots of stuff to push around a big board

Warhammer: Diskwars
Actually really well recommended. Only 1 dice, sorry. There are expansions, not needed to play though.

Memoir '44
Well suggested by Danoss, not sure about 3 player out of the base box.

And another miniature based game:
Flames of War
WWII (and one) game made in NZ! Everything is 15mm scale so you can cram a heap of stuff on the table. People seem to love it.

Anything miniature based is going to be a money sink. You need tools and paints and glues on top of your plastic mans. But that's the hobby and the fun part for some people.

Good thing about WWII miniature games is the fact you can source the minis from wherever if the official stuff is too pricey. Grogs love making WWII minis so there are heaps to choose from in any scale. There are also plenty of cheap rulesets out there. This one is 28mm (Warhammer scale) and is pretty well recommended for skirmish sized battles http://toofatlardies.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=25&products_id=124


My replacement headphones arrived. Huzzah.

A pair of Audio-Technica ATH-M50x's.

Pretty happy with them as sub 150$ headphones from my brief listen.

Still lack of b&m stores with a wide range is a bit annoying as it leaves me to choose cans based on reviews and not listening tests.
You might be able to make it more obscure though.

That's true. I can see the majority of people chucking it in the too hard basket once they need to jump through a few hoops. At the moment it's actually easier to pirate in a lot of ways than it is to obtain things legally!


My life is the worst.


The worst, I tell you!
Amazon? I seem to be getting dicked around by them a bit... ordered on the 6th, didn't get posted until the 9th, expected delivery date is the 22nd. That's with the most expensive shipping, too :/


Danoss, Dishwasher, thanks a BUNCH for the advice. Despite me being quite cynical in my previous posts about the hobby, the recommendations are incredibly helpful.

I have a lot to look into from the advice, and I'll see where it gets me. If I get time later tonight I'll post an actual reply and ask questions about some of the games mentioned beyond my own research.

You guys are great!


The game looks good so thats what matters right? RIGHT? I mean graphics are all that count!

Especially for a generation where the graphical leap has been minimal and the hardware is so underpowered! Graphics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Praising something is always by extension saying literally everything else is worthless. That's the way it works.

When you praise something that doesnt have anything to do with the goodnessisity of something then you are a silly pants.

Its people like you that watch Avatar.
"Oh its so pretty!"
"What about the story?"
"..... Oh so pretty I want to be there!"


Praising something is always by extension saying literally everything else is worthless. That's the way it works.
Absolutely. The better this game looks, the worse it plays. That's why I stick to Hard Drivin', the pinnacle of driving simulations.



Absolutely. The better this game looks, the worse it plays. That's why I stick to Hard Drivin', the pinnacle of driving simulations.


From what ive heard the game probably has better handling and physics then generic racer 54332 whatever its called.


From what ive heard the game probably has better handling and physics then generic racer 54332 whatever its called.

A game you've never played probably plays better than another game you've never played? Have to say I'm convinced. No PS4 for me.


A game you've never played probably plays better than another game you've never played? Have to say I'm convinced. No PS4 for me.

Once youve played FZero GX you know things. Things about life.

There will never be a better racing game. I accept that. And I am content.
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