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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Hey people. So I am once again down in Melbourne this weekend. Friday night to Monday.
I have a pretty full schedule so far but would be keen to see those that are keen again for beers on Sunday afternoon or night whatever suits you all best.
Also if anyone wants to grab coffee or do something Monday I will otherwise be wandering the city.

Let me know. All welcome etc.

I'd be down for some Sunday arvo beers!


I'm way to paranoid to leave my oven on while I'm not home.

Howcome you all hate kneading dough so much, I easily find it the most enjoyable part, I just don't have the time for all the resting and baking during the week =(.

I enjoy it as well but doing it the no knead way incorporates the first rise over night, so you just need to shape and do the 2nd rise in the morning. I ain't getting up at 4am so I can eat my bread at 7-7:30.


My dad has been using a bread machine for about 8-10 years now moon. He loves it, always does good bread and you can mix in stuff like if you want to make cinnamon loaf or nut loaf or something. So is versatile.
I believe he just has a lower end breville? Model.... Don't hold me to that though.
So if you spend a bit more I dunno if you get more function or quality etc.

As to your other part. He does set it to go in the morning and leave it going on the kitchen bench while he is at work.

Hope this helps.

Yea it does, I've been on the fence about it for so long now, usually I can make my loaf last 4 days which is perfect, but most of the time my girlfriend will have some as well and it's gone within 2, and baking during the week is just impossible.
I actually went to bakers delight again on Saturday and was just stunned by their prices, the bread is okay but not worth the price.
Our local foodworks also started selling nice bread but they charge 9-11$ for a loaf and seriously fuck that.

You picked a bad weekend to come down, I'd love to catch up for a beer but am pretty much packed until Monday.

Yeh I popped in there once. Older crowd than beta bar, but it was also pretty dead for a Friday night. Cool chillout spot if you just want to relaxin on a couch with some mates and play some Mario kart
I actually never heard of Beta bar, is it aimed at the late teens early twinties crowd? The fact that Bartonica servers an "older crowd" might be just right for me. Now I just need to find some people to go there with me.
Yea it does, I've been on the fence about it for so long now, usually I can make my loaf last 4 days which is perfect, but most of the time my girlfriend will have some as well and it's gone within 2, and baking during the week is just impossible.
I actually went to bakers delight again on Saturday and was just stunned by their prices, the bread is okay but not worth the price.
Our local foodworks also started selling nice bread but they charge 9-11$ for a loaf and seriously fuck that.

You picked a bad weekend to come down, I'd love to catch up for a beer but am pretty much packed until Monday.

I will still be there Monday till 4pm, i assume you have work, but if not i'll be around the city i think if you wanted a beer or coffee. Bummer you can't come on sunday!

actually it's about ethics guidelines established by a public broadcaster as made by real people doing real people things

they're insane, going to ACMA now


I thought you were in Syd?

Might be able to swing by. Not sure what this weekend looks like, will have to ask with the missus. I am kinda skint at the moment though...

No I live in Geelong.

I'm going be in Sydney in June though. Hence the planned meet-up coming up..
Note: Total Divas is as fake as wrestling. Pretty entertaining at times though! Got rough this season and I stopped watching unfortunately.

Watching that Atari dig doco. Modern day stuff is terrrrrrrrrrrrrible. The retrospective stuff is pretty good though.


Note: Total Divas is as fake as wrestling. Pretty entertaining at times though! Got rough this season and I stopped watching unfortunately.

Watching that Atari dig doco. Modern day stuff is terrrrrrrrrrrrrible. The retrospective stuff is pretty good though.

Yea but I still love that show, just like I came to terms with loving wrestling.

Is that the Microsoft one? Whatever happened with that I thought it was going to be xbox one exclusive or something.
I saw it too (on my PS4 via Netflix!). It was the Microsoft one, though I wasn't sure until the end when it said right at the end of the credits.

It struck me as a bit strange how they de-emphasised Microsoft's involvement, like I don't remember them showing Larry Hryb there even though there are the photos on the internet (that they put out).

Also it has narration like "me and this guy Werner Herzog".
What kind of shops sell nail clippers?

It just occurred to me that I have no idea where they come from. I've had this one pair for aeons. Is there a nail clipper tree they grow on?
I watched 30 mins of that Atari: Game Over documentary on Netflix too. It was pretty dull tbh, might give it a 2/5 stars.

I'd much prefer to see an Atari doco focusing on the first few years of their existence. Much more interesting than some incredibly weird off the cuff discussions in a landfill.


Might pick one up next pay, nothing beats fresh bread it's so good.
How long does it roughly take to make bread? Also would it be safe to put in your ingredients, turn the machine on and leave for work while it does its thing?

So, so true. It's just so satisfying and lovely.

I takes a while to make from scratch, but it's so rewarding! My Dad's been doing it for as long as I can remember with some cheap Breville machine. Taking the time to bake bread is honestly worth it for the smell alone, hahahah.

by the way guys bunnies are the best. i drove home from work with benny in my jacket:



I guess I'm a year behind on this but man is GTAV not actually much fun to play? Driving is good and solid but even there I miss QOL improvements like action hijacking or in-world GPS signals laid over the game world like Sleepy Dawgs. And the fighting - jesus christ. Every character is made of wet tissue paper, you die in a clip of 9mm and there's no visible indicators that you're low health unless you're constantly actually looking at your health bar. I know people hate raspberry jam but at least have some cracks on the screen to be like "YA'LL ABOUT TO DIE BRO GET TO COVER"

At least it looks goddamn beautiful, there's animations for everything, ridiculously detailed environments, all that good jazz. Fantastic production work on the radios, a great sounding and feeling city... just... I don't actually like shooting people in it that much because you just keep dying.

Ever since like the GTA3 series ended it feels like the missions have been getting more and more restrictive though. No room for creativity anymore, just got to follow the mission prompts from place to place. Good thing their incidental dialogue and that kinda stuff is enjoyable and you probably won't die more than once in an area. I failed a mission for putting a stickybomb on my own car. The fuck?


I only played GTAV at a friend's house Jintor and I honestly felt the same way. It feels weird because I just don't find rockstar games to be fun to play anymore. I mean I enjoyed "The Ballad of Gay Tony" a great deal but aside from that the likes of RDR, GTAIV and now GTAV bored me to fucking tears.

Not even sure if I'll even bother with GTAV when I have games like Sleeping Dogs on my backlog which were MUCH more compelling from the one hour I played of it.


I felt like the GTAV campaign was a little unnecessarily long when I played it on PS3, but other than that I enjoyed it. Still enjoying online on PS4.
I'd never played GTA before GTV on X1 and loved it. The world, the story bits, the characters, the voice acting and the sheer attention to detail in a huge open world. Incredibly re-playable and insane value for money. Trevor FTW.

Funnily enough I did the same thing with the AssCreed series and loved Black Flag as well.


Avoid going to /r/kotakuinaction unless you like reading the worst people in the world talking to each other.
I've read it once or twice, and it's just fucking offensive and vomit-inducing. Makes me weep for humanity. O, these persecuted gamers!

I wonder if those people bringing up ethics in broadcasting realise they're trying to report a show that's based on *opinion*, where things like reviews are broadcast. If that's the case, can't they broadcast any side of a political issue or not? Don't see them getting up in arms over the latest Bolt Report.
GTAV was my favourite GTA. It's still the only one I ever finished (I tell a lie I did use cheats to blast through the end of GTA III)

It's definitely overlong and that's the main reason I probably wouldn't replay it after beating it on PS3. Besides, the PS4 or X1 version won't have the same robot whir sounds my PS3 super slim made when playing. That was part of the experience of playing. I can't see the point of double dipping on anything I played less than 3-4 years ago.

I caught a recent episode of The Simpsons. It was about Bart and a subway train. I laughed a few times. It felt weird.
I did a heist last night with some GTA speedrunner friends and had a blast failing. Eventually beat it though. Just wanna say flying a plane with keyboard is insanely more difficult than just using a controller.


I did a heist last night with some GTA speedrunner friends and had a blast failing. Eventually beat it though. Just wanna say flying a plane with keyboard is insanely more difficult than just using a controller.

Just have a controller plugged in, they both work at the same time.

You could even use the left controller stick to walk, whilst looking with the mouse.
GTA5 made up for how boring and muddy an experience GTA4 was. I really like the Gay Tony DLC though.

Thank fuck they fixed control responsiveness for GTA5. Couldn't stand the controls/animation in GTA4 one bit.

I put 200 hours into GTA5 SP since it came out in 2013. Damn good game, very enjoyable. They improved the one aspect I really hated in the PS2 trilogy, the shooting. It's not up to Max Payne standard but it's a damn good 3rd person shooter compared to a lot of the market. FPP is pretty cool too.
This sure is some storm in NSW today. Had winds of 130 km/h in Newcastle, practically a cyclone.

I'm in the Hawkesbury side of the Blue Mountains, no power since last night and kept getting woken up by trees falling over. Gave the kids the day off school and retired to my bed until I can turn some bloody heating on. And only 20% battery on my phone.....


Feeling fragile as shit in GTAV really sucks though because it cuts down on the exploration aspect because it's legit possible that you can die at any moment if your reaction times aren't up to snuff or you're using a controller or if something totally random happens. I don't want to go dirtbiking around San Andreas because of the offchance I'll fly off a two meter drop and instantly die. Or even help out in random events, because I was fooling around trying to drive over a guy being chased by a cop and the cop accidentally shot me once (I was standing behind the guy from the cop's POV) and I died.

it sucked.

Also action hijacking! Give me action hijacking or give me a pork bun


I played GTAV for about 50 hours, and I don't remember feeling particularly fragile, sure it's possible to get one-hit with a head shot if you start a gunfight in the open but aside from that I did a lot of crazy shit on bike and cars and never felt I was vulnerable to an extent that limited how I was willing to play. Maybe the PC version has changed things or I was just lucky.


You're generally pretty good in missions for some reason or the other, but in the open world I feel so much more fragile than I used to. Maybe it's cos it doesn't feel like health pickups or vending machines or whatever is around everywhere anymore and I can't find free-floating body armour like back in the day.
I think I got about 40 hours of GTA V single player and 40 hours online. Really enjoyed the game. When the price drops on Steam, I'll probably double dip. I finished the story on 360 but only about 80% of the game. I'll probably play through again on PC too.


Don't get me wrong, probably gonna put like 40-50 hours into it anyway... it's a fantastic podcast game and great to just tool around in.

I just think the shooting kinda sucks.
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