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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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Feeling fragile as shit in GTAV really sucks though because it cuts down on the exploration aspect because it's legit possible that you can die at any moment if your reaction times aren't up to snuff or you're using a controller or if something totally random happens. I don't want to go dirtbiking around San Andreas because of the offchance I'll fly off a two meter drop and instantly die. Or even help out in random events, because I was fooling around trying to drive over a guy being chased by a cop and the cop accidentally shot me once (I was standing behind the guy from the cop's POV) and I died.

it sucked.

Wow that's weird. I'll check when I get home but I don't recall dying very often. I even got 100% on the original 2013 version. Tons of fun dicking around in the countryside, never felt fragile. The much improved checkpoint/spawn system made dying a lot less painful than in previous GTA games too.
it doesn't feel like health pickups or vending machines or whatever is around everywhere anymore and I can't find free-floating body armour like back in the day.
They're still around. It's mostly just a matter of finding the ones near each safe house and then visiting them regularly, or (if you've got lots of money) just buying armour at Ammunation and using the vending machine while you're there.


This sure is some storm in NSW today. Had winds of 130 km/h in Newcastle, practically a cyclone.

Stay safe in Newcastle man, the family has been telling me it's pretty bad. It it's nowhere near as bad in the Sydney CBD, but it's definitely not good either! I fear having to walk through Hyde Park later today.

I'm in the Hawkesbury side of the Blue Mountains, no power since last night and kept getting woken up by trees falling over. Gave the kids the day off school and retired to my bed until I can turn some bloody heating on. And only 20% battery on my phone.....

Agh, I hope the power comes back for you soon! Be safe.

Is anyone interested in a modestly used GTX 970 at some point this year?

Probably ~300 dingo dollars. Gigabyte G1 model. I'll be upgrading to the inevitable 1080 / 980ti whatever it ends up getting called and I'd rather not risk it on Ebay.


Might be interested in the 970, would depend on finances after the baby arrives.

I figure my best bet from here is to go from 670s to 970s.


UoN in this weather is a swamp. Doesn't bother me, double extension on essay!
Now if it can only push through til Thursday to get the week off entirely.
Funny Sisters Uni won't cancel for her "If its too dangerous to come then don't, but you will be marked as absent"
2 670s in SLI

and 1600p, not some 1440p scrub resolution ;)

Ah I see. A single G1 970 is in the same ballpark as the 670 assuming you're in an application with good scaling. If it scales poorly the 970 beats it and if it doesn't scale at all then obviously the 970 destroys it. And extra V-ram over the 2gb model would be great, yeah.

Otherwise you'll need to find a second G1 970 somewhere :p


Ah I see. A single G1 970 is in the same ballpark as the 670 assuming you're in an application with good scaling. If it scales poorly the 970 beats it and if it doesn't scale at all then obviously the 970 destroys it. And extra V-ram over the 2gb model would be great, yeah.

Otherwise you'll need to find a second G1 970 somewhere :p

That would be the plan.

With both my 570 and 670 SLI setups I've bought 1 card and then a few months later the 2nd.


Funny Sisters Uni won't cancel for her "If its too dangerous to come then don't, but you will be marked as absent"
That's pretty gross. Newcastle has said they'll be a mass extension of all assessment, tests rescheduled. There has been alot of confusion here today for workers too. I read some friends stating that their bosses told them the weather was no excuse if you couldn't get to work. :/


jambo gets first pickings but if he's not interested, I can take it off your hands for $3something

still rocking a 670 and feel like I'm not really gonna be tackling Witcher 3 all that well.


So after working my ass off at the same company for just over two years, at just above minimum wage I was offered a raise today
I think it's about 2$ an hour extra
.The only caveat and this is a big one is that I'd have to work 1-9pm - which is a shift I can't do and work is well aware of this.
With my commute and lack of trains I'd only be getting home around 10.30-11pm, which means my girlfriend and I wouldn't see each other during the week even though we live in the same house.
I explained this to them and they decided to give the raise to a guy who started a month ago, still learning as he goes and was already working those hours anyway.
Now to make this even more fun I now have to train the new guy in my extra tasks so he knows what to do, even though he's getting more than I am and I just have to fit his training in whatever my schedule is for the day.

Is this the point where I move on and start looking for a new job?

I know in the end the joke is on me because I was the idiot that did all the extra work free of charge anyway
(don't get me wrong I asked for a raise plenty of times and it was a different excuse each time I asked)
Before I started at this company I had such a hard time finding a job due to visa restrictions, and remember it being soul crushing. That and I don't even know what job I'd actually enjoy doing . I'm at the point where anything with a higher wage would be better. I've been thinking about forking over 300-500$ to see a career counsellor, have any of you got experience with this?

Sorry for the rant it's just been a shit day.
Is anyone interested in a modestly used GTX 970 at some point this year?

Probably ~300 dingo dollars. Gigabyte G1 model. I'll be upgrading to the inevitable 1080 / 980ti whatever it ends up getting called and I'd rather not risk it on Ebay.

I bought a The Witcher 3 steamkey months ago despite running a 460 sooooo yeah I'd be kinda interested. I'll keep my eyes out for a price drop on new cards though once AMD release their next GPU which will blow that Nvidia series out of the water
I have a ton of respect for ANZACs. This is the kind of shit we should be getting barraged with, not fucking merchandise and marketing campaigns.

So after working my ass off at the same company for just over two years, at just above minimum wage I was offered a raise today
I think it's about 2$ an hour extra
.The only caveat and this is a big one is that I'd have to work 1-9pm - which is a shift I can't do and work is well aware of this.
With my commute and lack of trains I'd only be getting home around 10.30-11pm, which means my girlfriend and I wouldn't see each other during the week even though we live in the same house.
I explained this to them and they decided to give the raise to a guy who started a month ago, still learning as he goes and was already working those hours anyway.
Now to make this even more fun I now have to train the new guy in my extra tasks so he knows what to do, even though he's getting more than I am and I just have to fit his training in whatever my schedule is for the day.

Is this the point where I move on and start looking for a new job?

This is the point where you start working, American style!

Half arse the fuck out of everything.
Your stock response to every is "eh" or "I dunno mate".
Minimum of 4 toilet breaks per day, no less than 9 minutes each.
Minimum of 4 tea/coffee breaks per day, always asking everyone within walking distance if they would like anything, as slowly as you can put up with.
Weasel your way out of work where ever possible.
Big note other workers, that way you are working everyone's subconscious that those workers are the ones to run to when work needs to be done.
If you spend an hour on the phone, 8 times a day, you can make yourself seem like the busiest guy in the world.
Reply to emails from managers at home after dinner. Just one, no more. Just often enough so they think you put in the hard yards when required, rather than requested.
"Oh really? Sorry, I thought <insert employee not currently in today> said he/she was going to do it."
Is anyone interested in a modestly used GTX 970 at some point this year?

Probably ~300 dingo dollars. Gigabyte G1 model. I'll be upgrading to the inevitable 1080 / 980ti whatever it ends up getting called and I'd rather not risk it on Ebay.

Put me in the line if no one above wants it, I'll definitely take it. One of my 660 ti's just died.


I have a ton of respect for ANZACs. This is the kind of shit we should be getting barraged with, not fucking merchandise and marketing campaigns.

This is the point where you start working, American style!

Half arse the fuck out of everything.
Your stock response to every is "eh" or "I dunno mate".
Minimum of 4 toilet breaks per day, no less than 9 minutes each.
Minimum of 4 tea/coffee breaks per day, always asking everyone within walking distance if they would like anything, as slowly as you can put up with.
Weasel your way out of work where ever possible.
Big note other workers, that way you are working everyone's subconscious that those workers are the ones to run to when work needs to be done.
If you spend an hour on the phone, 8 times a day, you can make yourself seem like the busiest guy in the world.
Reply to emails from managers at home after dinner. Just one, no more. Just often enough so they think you put in the hard yards when required, rather than requested.
"Oh really? Sorry, I thought <insert employee not currently in today> said he/she was going to do it."

Yea I feel like this should really become my attitude now. I was a fool for working 7am-8pm and skipping lunch breaks etc.
It really annoyed me that I work with people who earn as much as I do but just read reddit all day long, but they've probably got the right idea. It just goes against my own work ethic. The company I worked for back home always rewarded hard work, which I guess is something I got used to.
My current workplace is such a joke that we had a guy not show up for a month,after that he'd call saying he'll be back to following day, never showed up and pulled the same shit every week for another 5 weeks. After what was nearly 2 and a half months of not showing up nor having any doc certs or whatever he was welcomed with open arms and everyone forgot about it.


Learn from Wally

Mediocrity is rewarded for the most part. Be just above mediocrity and you will thrive. Too far above though and you will be seen as something valuable to exploit. Worked well for me so far.


Is this the point where I move on and start looking for a new job?

Every point is that point. Evaluating your value on the market should be a constant process. The best leverage for a pay rise is a resignation letter in hand and nothing to lose. Your resume should always be ready to go and you should be able to crap out application letters that specifically reference the job criteria like it aint no thang. Looking for a job shouldn't be a temporary mode you go into, but a constant process that you get better and more efficient at. Embrace rejection as another step in the process. Interview experience is gold.
So after working my ass off at the same company for just over two years, at just above minimum wage I was offered a raise today
I think it's about 2$ an hour extra
.The only caveat and this is a big one is that I'd have to work 1-9pm - which is a shift I can't do and work is well aware of this.
With my commute and lack of trains I'd only be getting home around 10.30-11pm, which means my girlfriend and I wouldn't see each other during the week even though we live in the same house.
I explained this to them and they decided to give the raise to a guy who started a month ago, still learning as he goes and was already working those hours anyway.
Now to make this even more fun I now have to train the new guy in my extra tasks so he knows what to do, even though he's getting more than I am and I just have to fit his training in whatever my schedule is for the day.

Is this the point where I move on and start looking for a new job?

I know in the end the joke is on me because I was the idiot that did all the extra work free of charge anyway
(don't get me wrong I asked for a raise plenty of times and it was a different excuse each time I asked)
Before I started at this company I had such a hard time finding a job due to visa restrictions, and remember it being soul crushing. That and I don't even know what job I'd actually enjoy doing . I'm at the point where anything with a higher wage would be better. I've been thinking about forking over 300-500$ to see a career counsellor, have any of you got experience with this?

Sorry for the rant it's just been a shit day.

Start looking for another job. Also stop doing unpaid work and take everything you are entitled to.


So after working my ass off at the same company for just over two years, at just above minimum wage I was offered a raise today
I think it's about 2$ an hour extra
.The only caveat and this is a big one is that I'd have to work 1-9pm - which is a shift I can't do and work is well aware of this.
With my commute and lack of trains I'd only be getting home around 10.30-11pm, which means my girlfriend and I wouldn't see each other during the week even though we live in the same house.
I explained this to them and they decided to give the raise to a guy who started a month ago, still learning as he goes and was already working those hours anyway.
Now to make this even more fun I now have to train the new guy in my extra tasks so he knows what to do, even though he's getting more than I am and I just have to fit his training in whatever my schedule is for the day.

Is this the point where I move on and start looking for a new job?

I know in the end the joke is on me because I was the idiot that did all the extra work free of charge anyway
(don't get me wrong I asked for a raise plenty of times and it was a different excuse each time I asked)
Before I started at this company I had such a hard time finding a job due to visa restrictions, and remember it being soul crushing. That and I don't even know what job I'd actually enjoy doing . I'm at the point where anything with a higher wage would be better. I've been thinking about forking over 300-500$ to see a career counsellor, have any of you got experience with this?

Sorry for the rant it's just been a shit day.

Question: did they actually give him a $2 raise, or is it a shift loading? It's about the same amount as a shift loading.

If it's not a loading, then start looking for new work.


Classes got cancelled for me today because of the weather. I'm sort of glad they did anyway, because I wasn't going to go in. Better than being marked absent!

Is this the point where I move on and start looking for a new job?

Do it, man. You don't owe them shit.


Yea this cool weather is such a nice change, I got over sleeping with the ac on.

Did any of you every play killing floor, if so was there somewhat of a decently sized community? I'm on the fence about killing floor 2, but won't bother if the online will be dead.


Job job job

My advice is know how much you are worth, keep your current job and keep looking for something else. You are so much more employable when you are already employed. But keep looking for something better!

digging this chilly weather in Brisbane a lot. 10 degrees when I wake up? Yes please.

It's so gooooooooooood. I should move further south because I love cold weather. It's hoody season!!

Stay safe NSW.

I feel like I'm one of few who is excited about another Destiny expansion. I only play once or twice a week now, just to do the weekly and play with my bro in law and nephew.


Thanks for all the job advice guys. I'm just going to start applying for jobs on a daily basis.
Is there such a thing as a template for a good cover letter, the one I've got now is a embarrassingly bad when I look at it now.
Is there such a thing as a template for a good cover letter, the one I've got now is a embarrassingly bad when I look at it now.
Never send out a template as a cover letter. May as well not bother. If you still want a template since it makes things a bit easier I'd suggest having a few paragraphs you can mix and match as the job requires, and always, always put something specific to that job in there (and more than changing company names, job title!).


Thanks for all the job advice guys. I'm just going to start applying for jobs on a daily basis.
Is there such a thing as a template for a good cover letter, the one I've got now is a embarrassingly bad when I look at it now.

Sort of. Use one of the online templates for formatting etc, but the key really is to directly address as many key points in the job ad as you can, so in that way they will all be a little different. Don't get lazy and send the same one out each time, but after you've done a few dozen you should get pretty quick at it. You can send the same resume out each time though, but nothing wrong with massaging that a little if you need to as well.
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